

Chennai Metro Phase 2, India


Chennai Metro Phase 2, India


The Chennai Metro Phase 2 project is set to redefine urban transportation in one of India’s largest cities, promising enhanced connectivity and efficiency. Playing a pivotal role in the success of this ambitious project, Dextra has supplied an array of cutting-edge construction solutions to meet the project’s demanding structural and safety requirements.

Ensuring Robust Connections with Bartec Rebar Couplers

Dextra supplied nearly 2 million Bartec rebar couplers, essential for creating secure connections across various structural components. These couplers have been utilized extensively in the connections for diaphragm wall (d-wall) caging and slabs, pile cages, piers, and pier caps. By ensuring high-strength rebar connections, Bartec couplers contribute to the overall durability and resilience of the metro structure, particularly important in a densely populated and busy urban environment like Chennai.

Precision Testing with Sonitec CSL Testing Tubes

To ensure the highest standards of concrete integrity, Dextra provided over 80,000 Sonitec crosshole sonic logging (CSL) testing tubes. These tubes facilitate rigorous testing of piles and d-walls, helping to identify potential flaws within the concrete structure. This meticulous testing process enables project engineers to detect and address any irregularities, safeguarding the integrity and longevity of the metro’s foundations.

Supporting Complex Structures with CR Bar 1080 Post-Tensioning Bars

For the support of double-decker piers and the pre-tensioning of U-girders, Dextra supplied 68 CR Bar 1080 post-tensioning bars. These high-strength, fully threaded bars are critical in handling the complex loads and stresses that the elevated sections of the metro will endure. The inclusion of these bars ensures that the metro can withstand heavy traffic and operational demands over time, contributing to the long-term safety and functionality of the infrastructure.

Facilitating Tunnel Boring with GFRP Soft-Eyes

In the tunneling phase, Dextra also provided 42 GFRP soft-eyes, specifically designed for tunnel boring machine (TBM) operations. These soft-eyes allow TBMs to pass through concrete walls smoothly, ensuring safe and efficient tunneling while reducing the risk of structural damage. GFRP’s non-corrosive properties make it an ideal choice for underground construction, where durability and performance are paramount.

Building a Safer, Stronger Future

Dextra’s commitment to supplying top-tier construction materials and solutions underscores its dedication to the Chennai Metro Phase 2 project. As the metro takes shape, Dextra’s innovations contribute not only to the project’s success but also to the future of Chennai’s urban infrastructure, setting new standards in construction excellence and sustainability.

Mumbai Metro Line 2B, India


Mumbai Metro Line 2B, India


Mumbai Metro Line 2B, an essential link connecting several key areas of the city, is a significant infrastructure project aimed at alleviating Mumbai’s traffic congestion and providing efficient public transport. As part of this ambitious project, Dextra has made a valuable contribution, supplying engineered construction materials to ensure the durability and reliability of the structure.

CR Bar 1080 for U-Girder Stressing and Pre-Tensioning

One of the critical components of the project is the elevated section of the metro, which relies on U-girders for support. To enhance the strength and resilience of these U-girders, Dextra supplied its innovative CR Bar 1080 cold-rolled fully threaded post-tensioning bars. These bars, with a diameter of 75mm, are specifically designed to withstand high stress during both U-girder stressing and pre-tensioning operations. The hexagonal nuts provided as part of the system allow for secure fastening and easy adjustment, ensuring precise tensioning to meet the structural demands.


Fully Threaded (FT) Bar for Segment Stitching and Temporary Stressing

For segment stitching and temporary stressing operations during the construction of the metro viaduct, Dextra supplied its fully threaded (FT) bars. These bars provide secure connections between precast segments and offer flexibility for adjustments during the stitching process, ensuring that the structural alignment is perfect before the segments are permanently joined.

Unitec Couplers for Rebar Connections

In addition, Dextra supplied Unitec couplers, designed for connecting rebars at construction sites without the need for pre-threading. These couplers offer a convenient and robust solution, allowing for seamless connection of two rebars, ensuring structural continuity and strength without delays in the construction process.

Sonitec CSL Testing Tubes for Concrete Pile Integrity

In addition to supplying post-tensioning bars, Dextra also provided Sonitec Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) testing tubes for the integrity testing of the concrete piles supporting the metro structures. These tubes enable highly accurate non-destructive testing of the concrete, allowing engineers to detect any potential flaws or weaknesses in the piles. This testing is vital for ensuring the piles meet the necessary strength and quality standards, thereby supporting the entire metro system safely and effectively.

Enhancing Metro Connectivity with Quality Solutions

As the Mumbai Metro Line 2B progresses towards completion, Dextra’s contributions to the project highlight its role in providing advanced engineering solutions for infrastructure development. The combination of 铬棒1080 for post-tensioning, fully threaded bars for segment stitching, Unitec couplers for rebar connection, and Sonitec CSL testing tubes for pile integrity showcases Dextra’s commitment to quality, innovation, and safety in major construction projects.

By contributing to this key metro line, Dextra is playing a part in shaping the future of urban mobility in Mumbai, ensuring that the metro system will be reliable and capable of supporting the city’s growing transportation needs for years to come.



阿卜杜拉国王金融区 (KAFD) 是位于沙特阿拉伯利雅得的一个多功能商业和住宅综合体。该地区由 50 多座塔楼组成,最终将容纳约 12,000 名居民的工作人口。

同样位于迪拜的 Dextra Middle East 从 2009 年开始参与向该项目的主要承包商沙特本拉登集团供应多个建筑套件。


为了在基础桩中提供垂直连接,Dextra 通过其合作伙伴制造商提供了受欢迎的
巴特克 钢筋连接器解决方案,中东的 #1 钢筋拼接解决方案。

作为 Bartec 耦合器的补充,Dextra 还提供 Unitec 耦合器,用于延续从基础桩伸出的钢筋。 Unitec 对于承包商来说是一个灵活的解决方案,因为不需要提前准备钢筋端部。它只需要一个冲击扳手,因此可以在偏远的建筑工地轻松操作。


Bartec 连接器还用于厚基础筏的水平连接和突出柱的垂直连接。


在建筑上部结构中,Dextra Bartec 耦合器用于提供与核心墙的水平连接,从而允许插入创建梁加固所需的第二阶段启动杆。



Parque Da Cidade 是一座位于圣保罗南部的多塔多用途绿色建筑群。该项目拥有5栋企业办公楼、一座酒店、住宅楼和一座购物中心。

对于该项目,DextraDoBrasil 向承包商 Odebrecht 提供了 Rolltec 钢筋连接器解决方案。

Rolltec 是巴西最受欢迎的钢筋切片解决方案,为搭接接头提供了有竞争力的替代方案,更重要的是允许高级应用程序简化项目管理和运营。

对于 Parque Da Cidade,Rolltec 钢筋连接器用于提供柱和梁之间的连接。该解决方案由现场安装的 Rolltec 设备提供支持,并由我们的 Dextra 当地工程师维护。

对于该应用,钢筋连接器在每层的柱钢筋中水平对齐并用混凝土浇筑。 Dextra 为其耦合器提供螺纹保护盖,因此不存在液体混凝土泄漏到耦合器中的风险。


此外,Dextra 在 Parque Da Cidade 上交付了 Unitec 解决方案。 Unitec 是一种螺栓连接器,不需要任何钢筋准备。它被用在 Parque Da Cidade 上,以提供从两个预制构件突出的钢筋之间的连接。



贾姆讷格尔炼油厂位于印度西部的古吉拉特邦,是世界上产能最大的炼油厂。它由信实工业公司 (Reliance Industries) 所有,于 1998 年投入使用,占地面积 50 平方公里。

仅第三阶段就使用了超过 305,000 吨钢筋:这个项目历时 36 个月,涉及超过 100,000 名工程师和建筑工人。

Dextra 从早期就参与了 Jamnagar 项目,并为该项目的一期、二期和三期提供了钢筋拼接解决方案。

特别是对于第 3 阶段,使用了 3 种钢筋连接器解决方案:

Bartec 解决方案用于现场浇铸应用、地基、桩笼、柱笼中的杆对杆连接。 Bartec 连接器还被用作在严重拥挤的筏和桩帽中拼接钢筋的方法。

对于由预制构件建造的管架,来自该项目的预制工厂部分。 Groutec 耦合器已用于连接梁和柱。它们位于底部元件中并充满水泥浆,可以方便地避免现场湿接缝的需要。



对于钢筋长度太短而不允许传统重叠的其他应用,使用了 Unitec 耦合器。


AVE 帕伦西亚-桑坦德 HSR 套餐 1(帕伦西亚 – 北帕伦西亚)和套餐 2(北帕伦西亚 – 阿穆斯科)


Dextra 通过提供 Sonitec 跨孔声波测井 (CSL) 测试管,在确保项目基础的稳健性方面发挥了关键作用。这些管有助于对 AVE 帕伦西亚-桑坦德 USR 包 1(帕伦西亚 - 北帕伦西亚)和包 2(帕伦西亚北 - 阿穆斯科)的混凝土桩进行全面的结构完整性测试。


Sonitec 管专为跨孔声波测井而设计,确保在结构完整性测试期间收集精确可靠的数据。这些管在施工过程中嵌入混凝土桩中,为声波传输提供接入点。


