

Tai Po Railway Pier – Reconstruction of Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station, Hong Kong


In the dynamic coastal landscape of Tai Po Kau, New Territories, Hong Kong, infrastructure projects demand robust and resilient solutions. One such endeavor, the Reconstruction of Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station project, required innovative materials to withstand the unique challenges posed by its environment. Dextra stepped in to provide approximately 1,000 meters of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebar for the slab of the Tai Po Railway Pier, showcasing the efficacy of advanced composite materials in marine construction.

The Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station project aimed to revitalize the existing infrastructure, enhancing its resilience against tidal forces, corrosion, and environmental degradation. Recognizing the limitations of traditional steel reinforcement in marine environments, the project sought alternatives that could offer superior durability and longevity. Dextra’s GFRP rebar emerged as the ideal solution, offering exceptional resistance to corrosion, rust, and chemical degradation commonly associated with saltwater exposure.

GFRP rebar, composed of high-strength glass fibres embedded in a polymer matrix, delivers mechanical properties comparable to steel but with added benefits. Notably, GFRP rebar exhibits significantly lower thermal conductivity, reducing the risk of thermal bridging and enhancing structural integrity in extreme temperature variations. Furthermore, its non-magnetic properties eliminate electromagnetic interference, making it suitable for sensitive applications such as tide gauge stations.

The application of GFRP rebar within the Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station project encompassed both straight and bend bars, catering to the diverse structural requirements of the public pier. Dextra’s expertise in custom fabrication ensured precise bending and shaping of the rebar to fit the intricate geometries of the pier structure, facilitating seamless integration and minimizing construction complexities.



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