

胡志明市地铁 1 号线:巴山造船厂站

胡志明市地铁 1 号线:巴山造船厂站



项目1号线全长19.7公里,其中地下段长2.5公里,高架段长17.2公里。 1号线将从中心区的Ben Thanh市场延伸至第9区的Suoi Tien游乐园。整个地下部分共有3个地铁站。 1 号线还包括西贡河交叉口。


清水-前田联合运营公司选择了 Dextra 的混凝土加固解决方案,以最大限度地减少重钢筋区域的钢筋拥塞。交付并安装了 230,000 根带头钢筋,用于剪力连接加固。



Río Subterráneo a Lomas tunnel is a 13.5-kilometer-long tunnel in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which will transport drinking water from the newly expanded General Belgrano Water Treatment Plant in Bernal’s Quilmes area to the city of Lomas de Zamora.

Being the main element of the Agua Sur system, a water supply project in Argentina, the tunnel is the country’s largest water infrastructure project in the last 40 years. This new system will provide 2.5 million inhabitants in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area’s southern region access to freshwater.

For this significant project, Dextra supplied soft eyes reinforced with GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) bars to facilitate the penetration of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) through a reinforcement cage.

The project required two boring machines to be launched and received from shafts. The tunnel was excavated at an average depth of 25 meters, starting with a curve with a radius of about 400 meters, and moving along a largely straight alignment, with a maximum slope of +/- 2 percent.

The first launch shaft is composed by 4 circular sectors that interconnected with each other in the bottom area. The total length of the shaft is around 45 meters long, 12 meters wide, and 25 meters high.

The whole project is anticipated to take approximately 10 years to complete.




对于红线的建设,Dextra 于 2005 年至 2010 年间与 JT Metro 的承包商(大林公司 – 鹿岛 – YapiMerkezi)一起参与,为各种包裹和车站提供众多 Dextra 解决方案。

对于车站建设,特别是基础工程(桩和周边 D 形墙),Dextra 提供了其 Bartec 钢筋拼接 解决方案。钢筋连接器用于桩 D 墙、柱和桥墩的垂直连接。钢筋连接器也用于将板重新连接到 D 墙上。总共为该项目供应了 800,000 个 Bartec 钢筋连接器,并由当地 Dextra 售后团队维护的几套 Bartec 设备提供支持。

对于小型维修应用, 维修夹具 还向没有准备螺纹且没有足够的可拼接长度的拼接钢筋提供了耦合器。

对于基础工程也是如此。 Dextra 提供了超过 60 公里的 Sonitec 声波管,使用 CSL 进行桩和墙的完整性测试。由于其推入式嘴系统,Sonitec 可以在现场轻松组装,从而提高团队生产力并避免将管子焊接在一起的繁琐任务。

最后,为了加速隧道掘进阶段并最大限度地减少退出/进入竖井和车站时的 TBM(隧道掘进机)时间,Dextra 设计了 GFRP软眼 并为众多车站包提供了超过 400 公里的复合钢筋。

科英布拉 B-波塔根 Mondego 地铁

科英布拉 B-波塔根 Mondego 地铁

Coimbra B-Portagem Mondego Metro project is part of the mass transit public transport system of Coimbra, Portugal. Dextra has played a significant role by providing Sonitec tubes for pile testing.

Dextra has supplied Sonitec tubes for testing a total of 67 piles ranging from 12 to 19 meters in depth. The tubes have been instrumental in conducting these tests with the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging (CSL) methodology.

The innovative push-fit connection system of Sonitec has greatly reduced labor time during installation. Thanks to this user-friendly system, the contractor has experienced smoother and more efficient pile testing processes. By eliminating the need for additional labor-intensive procedures, the contractor has saved valuable time and resources. It also ensures a secure and reliable connection between piles.



伦敦横贯铁路(2016年更名为伊丽莎白线)是欧洲最大的工程项目。它是伦敦交通局投资计划的重要组成部分,也是 50 年来对交通系统最大的扩建项目。


自 2009 年以来,Dextra 已在 20 多个包裹上提供了超过 600,000 个 Griptec 连接,其中包括:

  • 利物浦街
  • 帕丁顿
  • 邦德街
  • 金丝雀码头
  • 皇家橡树门户网站
  • 布丁厂巷

Griptec 连接器已用于 D-Wall(垂直和水平连接)、柱和桩(垂直连接)。

Crossrail 的部分路段预计将逐步开始运营,预计于 2019 年 12 月全面竣工。

巴拿马地铁 1 号线和 2 号线

巴拿马地铁 1 号线和 2 号线



继第一条生产线取得成功后,第二条生产线现已进入建设阶段,预计将于 2018 年底投入运营。

桥墩柱 对于这个大型建设项目,Dextra 于 2011 年至 2012 年(linea 1)和自 2015 年(linea 2)以来参与了该线路高架组件中大型桥墩柱的结构加固。

巴特克 选择在巴拿马流行的耦合器解决方案来垂直重新连接由 #11 钢筋制成的大型预制笼。


巴特克 耦合器。



地铁市区线是一条全长 44 公里的全地下地铁线,连接新加坡主岛的西北和东部地区。它拥有 36 个车站,最终每天应该运送超过 50 万名乘客。

该线路的建设是分段进行的。部分生产线已经投入运营。计划于 2024 年全面竣工。

自 2008 年至 2011 年间,Dextra 一直参与设计、工程并向各承包商供应用于多站包的大型 FRP Soft Eyes。

Dextra 为 DTL 系列设计并生产了总共 19 个 Soft-Eyes (2)。软眼是车站 D 墙的一部分,位于每个车站的车站入口/出口处。

Dextra 为 DTL 系列设计并生产了总共 19 个 Soft-Eyes (2)。软眼是车站 D 墙的一部分,位于每个车站的车站入口/出口处。

在 D-Wall 施工之前,Dextra 设计 FRP 笼时会考虑 TBM 的尺寸、误差范围、土壤力和更多设计参数。

凭借 FRP 材料的特性,隧道掘进机可以在最短的时间内切穿 D 形墙,从而节省了时间并确保了 TBM 机头的完美状态。

作为 Soft Eyes 的补充,Dextra 还为各个地铁站提供了 Bartec 钢筋连接器。

在 D 墙中,钢筋连接器 (2) 主要用作执行第二阶段钢筋连接的方式。挖掘完成后,使用连接器将启动杆连接到 D-Wall 以建造板。

(1) 降低笼子之前,D-Wall 中的 Soft Eye FRP 加固。




金奈地铁是印度南部快速发展的大型城市金奈市的一个城市交通系统。该系统包括 4 条线路,部分地下、部分高架,共 42 个车站。工程于2009年开工,首条线路于2015年向公众开放。系统规划总长度超过45.1公里。

地铁站 对于这个大型建设项目,Dextra 在 2011 年至 2015 年间参与了车站入口/出口点以及 TBM 插入/取出竖井的 61 个 FRP Soft Eyes 的设计、工程和供应。

凭借 FRP 材料的特性,隧道掘进机可以在最短的时间内切穿 D 形墙,从而节省了时间并确保了 TBM 机头的完美状态。

高架段 作为对线路地下部分 Soft-Eyes 的补充,Dextra 还提供用于永久应用的后张拉杆系统。

PT 系统连接桩和高架桥的预制段(剪力键和压紧应用)。每个杆系统均由高拉伸性能杆、板和螺母组成,经过后张拉伸以提供抗震性能。

对于金奈地铁使用的 1,000 套中的每套,Dextra 还提供了此类永久应用所需的腐蚀配件。

D 墙最终,350,000
巴特克 耦合器也在车站 D 墙中垂直和水平使用。




The Rio de Janeiro Line 4 is a subway line. It is part elevated and part underground (2 segments). The line has been planned to open for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics.

Dextra has been involved since between 2013 and 2015 in the design, engineering and supply of four large FRP Soft Eyes for the station entry/exit points. Those Soft-Eyes were the first ever delivered in the South American continent.

在 D-Wall 施工之前,Dextra 设计 FRP 笼时会考虑 TBM 的尺寸、误差范围、土壤力和更多设计参数。

Thanks to the properties of FRP material, Tunnel Boring Machines cut through the D-Wall in a minimum time, saving time on schedule and ensuring the perfect condition of the TBM’s head. The time factor is especially important in humid environments such as Rio to limit the water entry into the station excavations.

On this project, Dextra also supplied Rolltec Rebar Couplers, used as vertical connections in the station diaphragm walls as vertical connectors to reconnect cages.

Couplers were also used horizontally to provide a reconnection point for slabs (at station level and at the surface) in the D-Walls.

那格浦尔地铁,Reach-1(1 号线)

那格浦尔地铁,Reach-1(1 号线)

Nagpur, the second capital of Maharashtra and one of the fastest developing city in India is witnessing major growth in terms of Infrastructure. The development encompasses primarily the connectivity, of which Metro rail becomes a major part.

Incepted in 2016, the metro project is being a subject of acclaimed discussion for its speed of execution and the quality of construction.

Within the city boundaries, it requires the highest standards of safety considerations including the seismic analysis of structure in service life.

Project Requirement

The fast track project has typical structure for its Line 1 alignment, where the viaducts are supporting 2 levels of pathways, lower one for NH-7 and upper one for the metro rail. As the impact loading is a big concern due to train movement.
Being the stretch of always busy traffic, a solution was required which does not have to revise the existing design. Plus a major concern was the impact on speed of the otherwise fast moving project. The issue was concerning to all the stakeholders especially the GC for the project, who were looking to maintain the agility as well as find a sustainable solution.


Dextra Introduced Shear Key Bars for the priority section allowing the structure to neutralize the seismic forces. This not only helped the contractor to get the work done faster, but also enabled the client to go for the trial run earlier than expected.


