




Dextra 参与了 2008 年至 2012 年期间进行的机场翻新工程的建设。

对于金奈机场,Dextra 提供了广受欢迎的 Bartec 钢筋连接器解决方案,这是印度大型项目中使用的主要钢筋连接器解决方案。

该项目的主要承包商是 Herve Pomerleau International (HPI) – Consolidated Construction Consortium Limited。承包商选择了 Bartec 解决方案来拼接所有柱和桥墩(垂直连接)以及梁和基础垫的钢筋。

凭借其平行螺纹技术和采用各种螺纹长度制备的钢筋,Bartec 提供了非常高水平的性能,同时仅需要一个连接器即可实现标准应用(当一根钢筋可以在连接器内旋转时)和位置应用(当没有钢筋可以旋转时) )。




该线路的建设是分段进行的。部分生产线已经投入运营。计划于 2024 年全面竣工。

Dextra 自 2009 年至 2011 年间一直参与 TBM 入口/出口点大型 FRP 软眼的设计、工程和供应。

在 D-Wall 施工之前,Dextra 设计 FRP 笼时会考虑 TBM 的尺寸、误差范围、土壤力和更多设计参数。

凭借 FRP 材料的特性,隧道掘进机可以在最短的时间内切穿 D 形墙,从而节省了时间并确保了 TBM 机头的完美状态。

在该项目中,Dextra 还提供了 Griptec 连接器,用作 D 墙、发夹桩和隧道上部结构的垂直连接。已为布里斯班机场线的隧道提供了超过 80,000 个 Griptec 车钩。

Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport Renovation & Expansion

Mae Fah Luang 清莱机场改造和扩建

Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport, located in Chiang Rai, Thailand, is a vital transportation hub for the region. The airport serves as a gateway to the popular tourist destinations of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and the Golden Triangle. In recent years, the airport has undergone a major renovation and expansion project to modernize its facilities and increase its capacity. As part of this project, Dextra supplied over 180 tons of dowel bars to be used as construction joints for the airport runway pavement.

The construction of a runway pavement requires a significant amount of planning and preparation. One of the essential components of a runway pavement is the construction joint, which connects the individual concrete slabs together. Construction joints are necessary to ensure that the pavement can withstand the heavy loads of aircraft and the extreme weather conditions. Without proper construction joints, the pavement can experience cracking, spalling, and other types of damage.

Dowel bars are a critical component of construction joints, as they provide load transfer between the individual concrete slabs. Dowel bars are typically made of steel and are placed in the pavement perpendicular to the construction joint. They allow for movement between the concrete slabs while providing support and load transfer.

For the Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport project, Dextra supplied over 35,000 dowel bars, totaling more than 180 tons of steel. The dowel bars were manufactured at Dextra’s facility in Thailand and were delivered to the construction site in stages to meet the project’s timeline.

The project has not only increased the airport’s capacity but also provided a safer and more reliable transportation hub for the region.


