




Dextra 参与了 2016 年同时开工的地铁 2 号线和 4 号线一期工程。2 号线是一条全长 27 公里的地下线路,连接阿特区(利马)和毗邻首都的卡亚俄地区。 4 号线全长 8 公里,将连接 2 号线和豪尔赫·查韦斯国际机场站。

已向地铁施工现场提供了超过 160,000 个 Rolltec 钢筋连接器,以避免传统重叠方法的钢筋拥堵。

车站结构的各个部分安装了多种类型的 Rolltec 车钩,包括尺寸为 #8、#11 和 #14 的标准车钩,以及尺寸为 #8 和 #11 的过渡车钩。

全线将于 2024 年投入运营。



阿提哈德铁路是一个全长 1,200 公里的铁路项目,将成为阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 第一个国家货运和客运铁路网络,连接七个酋长国,促进酋长国和海湾合作委员会国家的贸易和社会发展。


阿提哈德铁路网西部到达卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯边境。西段经 Ghweifat 连接沙特阿拉伯,东段经 Al Ain 连接阿曼。该铁路线连接阿布扎比、沙迦和迪拜,穿越整个酋长国。然后继续前往北部酋长国和富查伊拉。

铁路网将分三个阶段建设。铁路网第一期工程于 2016 年开通,是一条连接鲁韦斯和沙阿的西线,全长 266 公里。它连接鲁韦斯和哈布尚,然后是哈布尚和沙阿。


Dextra目前正在为铁路网建设第二阶段提供各种工程解决方案,其中包括建设阿布扎比200公里主线和通往哈利法港40公里支线、迪拜78公里主线和通往杰贝尔20公里支线阿里港、从沙迦到富查伊拉的 98 公里主线和到 Tawyeen 的 29 公里支线以及相关设施。


  • 110,000 个用于混凝土结构加固的 Bartec 耦合器。
  • 32,000 根 Sonitec 管用于基桩的 CSL(跨孔声波测井)测试。
  • 69,000 个钢制岩石锚杆用于稳定岩石开挖。
  • 400 个 GFRP(玻璃纤维增强聚合物)岩石螺栓。
  • 660 根伞管,用于稳定隧道掘进方向。
  • 顶部图片来源:https://filipinotimes.net/news/2019/12/19/coming-soon-rail-network-linking-dubai-fujairah-khorffakan-ports/





    对于隧道工程,Dextra 提供了约 800 件 GEOTEC™ GFRP 锚杆用于隧道的临时支撑。

    GEOTEC™ GFRP 岩石锚杆由可切割玻璃纤维增强聚合物制成,非常适合面锚杆支护或任何其他需要进一步挖掘的隧道和采矿应用。


    新加坡环线 (CCL) – 第 6 阶段

    新加坡环线 (CCL) – 第 6 阶段

    环线 (CCL) 是新加坡的一条地下大众捷运线。该线路全长 35 公里,设有 30 个车站,从中部地区的多美歌 (Dhoby Ghaut) 和滨海湾 (Marina Bay) 一直延伸到南部的港湾 (HarbourFront)。


    2013 年,环线第 6 阶段宣布,这是一条 4 公里的延伸线,通过连接 HarbourFront 站和滨海湾站,最终关闭 CCL 的环线。

    另外三个车站正在建设中,预计将于 2025 年投入运营。

    解决该项目需要混凝土加固解决方案方面的知名专业知识和质量,Dextra 的 Bartec 耦合器被选用于 Circle Line 结构的多个部分,包括起始杆、板和柱接头。


    此外,Dextra 还提供了 3,000m 长的玻璃纤维增强聚合物 (GFRP) 钢筋,与金属钢筋相比,该钢筋具有一些关键优势:重量更轻、无腐蚀风险以及对雷击的敏感性较低。

    除此之外,Dextra 还负责隧道混凝土结构的加固:由于其创新的可切割 GFRP 结构,使用 8 台 Astec Soft-Eye 来促进隧道掘进机 (TBM) 穿过地下连续墙。

    森林城市 Johor 森林城市

    森林城市 Johor 森林城市


    该项目将在未来十年持续进行,最终目标是建造 300,000 个住宅单元,容纳多达 700,000 人,以及众多商业建筑。


    Dextra 从项目的早期阶段就参与了其供应 格鲁特克S 预制解决方案。 Groutec 可以快速连接预制柱和面板,无需现场接缝,从而加快了施工速度。对于森林城市项目,Groutec S 连接器(紧凑型)用于连接构成住宅塔剪力墙的面板。

    森林城市项目由现场安装的多套 Bartec 螺纹设备提供支持,这些设备为钢筋准备螺纹,以便与 Groutec 套筒顶部进行连接。 Dextra 售后团队还提供培训和支持,以保证整个项目期间的高生产水平。

    有关亚洲预制解决方案可用性的更多信息,请联系我们 曼谷办事处

    Emirates’ Bustanica Vertical Farm

    The World’s Largest Vertical Farm

    Emirates’ Bustanica Vertical Farm is the world’s largest vertical farm, a sprawling indoor farming facility spanning an impressive 330,000 square feet. This state-of-the-art facility plays a crucial role in providing fresh, locally sourced in-flight food for Emirates and several other airlines operating at Dubai International Airport. At the core of this groundbreaking project lies meticulous engineering, and one crucial component that contributes to its success is the use of Dextra Groutec couplers for the precast shear wall module connections.

    This vertical farm employs cutting-edge technology to cultivate a diverse range of crops in a controlled environment. By stacking layers of crops vertically, the facility maximizes space utilization while minimizing resource consumption. The result is a sustainable and efficient system that produces fresh, high-quality produce year-round, regardless of external climatic conditions.

    The Role of Dextra Groutec Couplers

    In any construction project, the choice of materials and components is critical to ensuring structural integrity and long-term durability. In the case of the world’s largest vertical farm, the engineers faced the challenge of connecting precast shear wall modules securely. The solution came in the form of Groutec L couplers with a diameter of 25mm.

    Groutec couplers are renowned for their reliability and strength in connecting precast concrete elements. These couplers provide a robust and efficient means of joining precast concrete components, ensuring the structural stability of the entire facility. The 25mm diameter was carefully selected to meet the specific requirements of the shear wall modules, offering a seamless connection that enhances the overall resilience of the vertical farm.

    The Groutec couplers not only facilitate the structural integrity of the vertical farm but also align with the project’s commitment to sustainability. The durability and reliability of these couplers ensure that the connections withstand the test of time, supporting the longevity of the facility and its contribution to sustainable agriculture.

    AVE 帕伦西亚-桑坦德 HSR 套餐 1(帕伦西亚 – 北帕伦西亚)和套餐 2(北帕伦西亚 – 阿穆斯科)


    Dextra 通过提供 Sonitec 跨孔声波测井 (CSL) 测试管,在确保项目基础的稳健性方面发挥了关键作用。这些管有助于对 AVE 帕伦西亚-桑坦德 USR 包 1(帕伦西亚 - 北帕伦西亚)和包 2(帕伦西亚北 - 阿穆斯科)的混凝土桩进行全面的结构完整性测试。


    Sonitec 管专为跨孔声波测井而设计,确保在结构完整性测试期间收集精确可靠的数据。这些管在施工过程中嵌入混凝土桩中,为声波传输提供接入点。

    High-Speed Rail Access Channel in Valencia – Phase 1

    High Speed Rail Access Channel in Valencia – Phase 1

    The High-Speed Rail Access Channel project in Valencia represents a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing connectivity, bolstering economic growth, and fostering sustainable development within the region and beyond. As such, ensuring the reliability and longevity of its infrastructure components is paramount. This is where Dextra steps in with its cutting-edge solutions.

    The utilization of Sonitec tubes for crosshole sonic logging (CSL) testing exemplifies Dextra’s commitment to pioneering technologies that optimize construction processes and elevate industry standards. CSL testing is a non-destructive technique utilized to assess the integrity of deep foundation elements such as drilled shafts and bored piles. By transmitting ultrasonic pulses between pairs of probes embedded within concrete piles, CSL testing enables engineers to detect defects, voids, or anomalies that could compromise structural stability.

    In the context of the High-Speed Rail Access Channel project, Dextra’s provision of 60,000 linear meters of Sonitec tubes empowers construction teams with a robust methodology for evaluating the quality and integrity of concrete piles. This comprehensive testing approach not only meets regulatory requirements but also instills confidence in the durability and performance of the infrastructure, safeguarding against potential risks and ensuring compliance with stringent safety standards.

    The adoption of innovative solutions like Sonitec tubes underscores the evolution of construction practices towards greater efficiency, accuracy, and sustainability. By enabling early detection of potential issues and facilitating timely remediation measures, Dextra’s technology not only enhances project outcomes but also minimizes disruptions, reduces costs, and enhances overall project resilience.

    As the High-Speed Rail Access Channel in Valencia moves forward, Dextra’s contribution serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in shaping the future of infrastructure. By harnessing the latest technologies and best practices, Dextra and its partners are not only building bridges and tunnels but forging pathways to prosperity, connectivity, and sustainable development for generations to come.


