


汤申-东海岸线是未来新加坡地铁系统的一条线路,将连接汤申线和东部地区线。这条全长 43 公里的线路将为现有铁路网络增加 31 个新车站,其中包括 7 个换乘站。

对于该项目,Dextra 提供了许多套件,其中包括 Marine Terrace Station,该站于 2017 年 8 月在连续墙笼中安装了 4 个大直径软眼。

Soft-Eye 由 GFRP 钢筋制成,用于替代施工竖井 D 墙中的钢筋。当隧道掘进机 (TBM) 突破 D 形墙时,它可以轻松切割 GFRP 钢筋,从而节省项目进度时间和设备使用费用。

自 1998 年在曼谷地铁项目首次使用以来,Dextra 一直是该应用的先驱,并且在 Soft-Eye 的内部设计和制造方面拥有丰富的经验。

Terrace Station 上安装的 D-Wall 还配备了 Bartec® 钢筋连接器,这是大多数车站套件的常见应用,用于在地下车站水平重新连接板。 Bartec 耦合器也更广泛地用于基桩和底板的垂直连接。



Chennai International Airport is the main airport serving the southern city of Chennai in India. Located to the south of the city, it is the fourth busiest airport in India.

Dextra was involved in the construction efforts surrounding the airport’s renovation, which took place between 2008 and 2012.

For Chennai Airport, Dextra delivered its popular 巴特克 rebar coupler solution, which is the primary rebar coupler used in large projects across India.

The main contractor for this project was Herve Pomerleau International (HPI) – Consolidated Construction Consortium Limited. The contractor chose the Bartec solution to splice reinforcement in all columns and piers (vertical connections) as well as for beams and foundation mats.

Thanks to its parallel thread technology and rebar prepared with various thread lengths, Bartec offers a very high level of performance. It requires only one coupler for both standard applications (when one bar can be rotated inside the coupler) and positional applications (when no bar can be rotated).

达卡地铁 6 号线

达卡地铁 6 号线


捷运6号线由16个高架车站组成,每个车站长180米,电力驱动的轻轨轨道长20.1公里。除了车站和一些在其旁边运行的轻轨(轻轨)外,6 号线将在现有道路上架高,大部分高于道路中线,以便交通在其下方流动,车站也同样架高。

Dextra 为该项目提供了各种解决方案。

  • 50,000 延米的 Sonitec,一种易于组装且省时的管解决方案,用于基桩的 CSL(跨孔声波测井)测试。
  • 1,000 套剪力键系统,这是一种后张拉杆系统,可作为高架地铁预制管片连接的永久地震抑制器。
  • 超过50,000件Bartec耦合器也被用于车站结构的加固。
  • 6号线预计将于2022年竣工。



    The Brisbane Airport Link is a motorway connecting Brisbane’s business district to the northeast of the city, towards the airport. The construction of the line has been done in segments, with parts of the route already operational. Full completion is planned for 2024.

    Dextra has been involved in the design, engineering, and supply of large FRP Soft Eyes for Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) entry/exit points between 2009 and 2011.

    Before the construction of the D-Wall, Dextra engineers designed the FRP cage, considering factors such as the size of the TBM, margin for error, soil forces, and other design parameters.

    Thanks to the properties of FRP material, Tunnel Boring Machines can cut through the D-Wall in minimal time, saving schedule time and ensuring the TBM’s head remains in perfect condition.

    For this project, Dextra also supplied 格瑞普泰克 couplers, which were used as vertical connections in the D-Walls, barrette piles, and tunnel superstructures. More than 80,000 Griptec couplers have been supplied for the tunnels of the Brisbane Airport Link.



    阿布扎比阿尔哈法尔培训设施是阿布扎比内政部的一个项目。 Dextra 参与了面向警察射击训练区的看台的建设。该项目由承包商 Express Facility Management 领导。

    对于休息区的建造,Dextra 提供了 Groutec 预制连接 当地预制商 Techno Cast Precast 的解决方案,用于锚定大型预制“L 形”悬臂元件的基础,该悬臂元件最终将横跨看台。

    每堆底部有 18 个 格鲁泰克袖子 已安装,安装在 Ø32mm 钢筋上(Bartec 螺纹钢筋 通过 Dextra 经销商网络在阿联酋广泛销售)。

    Precast connection with Groutec


    有关 Dextra 的更多信息 预制解决方案 在阿拉伯联合酋长国提供,请联系我们 迪拜办事处.

    胡志明市地铁 1 号线:巴山造船厂站

    胡志明市地铁 1 号线:巴山造船厂站



    项目1号线全长19.7公里,其中地下段长2.5公里,高架段长17.2公里。 1号线将从中心区的Ben Thanh市场延伸至第9区的Suoi Tien游乐园。整个地下部分共有3个地铁站。 1 号线还包括西贡河交叉口。


    清水-前田联合运营公司选择了 Dextra 的混凝土加固解决方案,以最大限度地减少重钢筋区域的钢筋拥塞。交付并安装了 230,000 根带头钢筋,用于剪力连接加固。

    Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport – Renovation & Expansion

    Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport – Renovation & Expansion

    Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport, located in Chiang Rai, Thailand, is a vital transportation hub for the region. Serving as a gateway to popular tourist destinations like Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and the Golden Triangle, the airport has recently undergone a significant renovation and expansion project aimed at modernizing its facilities and increasing its capacity. As part of this project, Dextra supplied over 180 tons of dowel bars for use as construction joints in the airport’s runway pavement.

    The construction of a runway pavement requires careful planning and preparation. One essential component of the runway pavement is the construction joint, which connects individual concrete slabs. These joints are necessary to ensure that the pavement can withstand the heavy loads of aircraft and endure extreme weather conditions. Without proper construction joints, the pavement may experience cracking, spalling, and other types of damage.

    Dowel bars are a critical component of construction joints, as they facilitate load transfer between individual concrete slabs. Typically made of steel, dowel bars are placed perpendicular to the construction joint, allowing for movement between the concrete slabs while providing support and enabling efficient load transfer.

    For the Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai Airport project, Dextra supplied over 35,000 dowel bars, totaling more than 180 tons of steel. The dowel bars were manufactured at Dextra’s facility in Thailand and delivered to the construction site in stages to meet the project’s timeline.

    The successful completion of this project has not only increased the airport’s capacity but also improved its safety and reliability, providing a more efficient transportation hub for the region.




    该项目将把炼油能力从 8.3MMTPA(每年数百万吨)扩大到 15MMTPA,同时能够生产和分销符合印度政府制定的新排放标准 Bharat Stage-VI 的燃料。

    Dextra 通过提供用于预制梁连接的 Unitec 螺栓连接器参与了扩建。

    Unitec 是一种螺栓拼接系统,设计用于连接两根无螺纹钢筋:其螺钉将锁定钢筋两端并完成连接。

    维萨赫炼油厂现代化项目计划于 2020 年完工。



    Sellafield is a now-decommissioned nuclear plant site that specialized in fuel reprocessing and the decommissioning of other UK and international reactors. It is located in Cumbria, in the North West of England.

    Dextra was involved in supplying rebar connection solutions for the construction of new buildings in 2008 through its local rebar fabricator partner in the UK.

    格瑞普泰克 was the preferred rebar splicing solution as it is certified for TA1-A, TA1-B, and TA1-C (“Sellafield” certification level), the three main levels of rebar splice certifications by CARES.

    格瑞普泰克 features an unmatched performance level and an automatic testing process that systematically tests all connections produced as part of its standard cycle—a guarantee that 100% of the connections perform above the project requirements.

    More than 80,000 格瑞普泰克 connections have been used on the project, mostly for wall applications.



    The La Hague site is a nuclear fuel reprocessing facility located in La Hague, northern France. The plant has been treating spent nuclear waste from several countries since the 1960s.

    Currently operated by AREVA NC, the facility now handles nearly half of the world’s spent nuclear fuel recycling and reprocessing capacity, including waste from France itself, as well as from Japan, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, Spain, and the Netherlands.

    The reprocessing plant also separates waste based on radioactive activity and lifespan, applying specific storage solutions for each type. To reinforce the plant’s two recently constructed nuclear waste storage buildings, the main contractor, VINCI – Travaux Publics Cherbourg, opted for Dextra’s 100%-proofed splicing system, 格瑞普泰克, supplied through its local fabricators in France.



    For the construction of nuclear projects, full-performance reinforcement solutions are required. This is why 右旋糖苷 格瑞普泰克 was the preferred choice for this project, as it is also AFCEN-certified, meeting international standards for nuclear plants. More than 5,000 tons of Dextra Griptec Systems were delivered on-site for the construction of two storage buildings, both intended to store uranium and plutonium.

    格瑞普泰克 couplers are used to reinforce the storage buildings’ walls, as they offer full performance in tension, compression, cyclic loading, and fatigue resistance. This solution leaves no room for error, as each connection is systematically proof-tested by a non-destructive tensile test during the extrusion cycle as part of its standard process, ensuring performance above project requirements.

    Moreover, for our customers in the nuclear industry, Dextra provides more than just reinforcement solutions—we also support designers, consultants, and contractors throughout each stage of their construction projects.

    有关我们在法国和欧洲提供的解决方案的更多信息,请联系我们 巴黎办事处.


