




它是西北欧石油和天然气工业海上运营的枢纽,提供通往 40 个国家的航线。



Dextra 为支撑港口结构的 35-45m 深钻孔桩的混凝土完整性测试提供了便捷的解决方案。承包商 Dragados 使用了 50 毫米和 100 毫米管,其中 100 毫米用于测斜和取芯目的。

在土壤中钻出垂直孔后,Sonitec 声波管配备钢筋笼并放入孔中,然后用混凝土填充孔,随后进行声波测井测试。

Dextra Sonitec 系统旨在促进长管在钢筋笼中的组装和安装,其扩大的喇叭口可实现管的无缝连接。该系统符合 ASTM D6760 标准,这是通过超声波跨孔测试进行完整性测试的标准方法。




Sokhna 港的扩建项目正在重塑全球贸易动态,其 2 号盆地的码头岸长为 480 米,吃水深度为 18 米。这一项目不仅增强了埃及的海事实力,还凸显了 Dextra 在提供创新海洋基础设施解决方案方面的作用。

苏赫纳港位于红海,毗邻苏伊士运河,是国际贸易的关键。其在盆地 2 的扩建是一项战略举措,旨在满足不断增长的贸易需求并优化亚洲、欧洲和非洲之间的互联互通。

扩建的核心在于令人印象深刻的码头墙,其长度为 480 米,吃水深度为 18 米。 Dextra 为 DP World 码头的建设提供 265 吨 700 级船用拉杆和球笼,展示了其专业知识。这些组件增强了结构的完整性和耐用性,以应对海洋环境带来的挑战。





Dextra 交付了超过 600 米的直线和弯曲形状的 GFRP(玻璃纤维增强聚合物)钢筋,用于加固渡轮码头结构。

Dextra GFRP 钢筋是钢筋的无腐蚀替代品。持续暴露于海水和污染物中使其成为替代传统钢筋的完美解决方案。






Dextra 参与了这一改造项目,提供 RepairGrip 连接器用于连接旧桥墩和新桥墩盖。






横跨科威特湾的主堤道延伸至科威特城以北。预计该线路将为科威特北部地区的发展做出巨大贡献。为了实现这一目标,铜锣湾将通过 27 公里的海上连接线横穿科威特湾。


对于海上连接线的可见部分,Dextra 与承包商现代合作提供高张力后张拉杆解决方案。

Dextra 光滑 PT 杆 整个海上连接线均使用 835/1050 级材料将预制梁连接在一起。

适用于顶部有金属斜拉结构的海上连线部分。 1050/1200 级的高性能钢筋用于在塔架和桩的钢筋之间提供垂直锚固点。 PT 棒材在交付时配有 Dextra 提供的全套腐蚀防护配件,因此棒材能够抵抗海洋条件。


对于陆上和海上基桩的混凝土完整性测试,Dextra 提供了约 400,000 延米的 Sonitec 管,这些管易于安装和重新连接,无需焊接,从而显着提高了桩组件的生产率。




The Cross Tay Link Road project in Perth and Kinross, Scotland, is set to transform transportation in the area. One of the notable features of this road construction endeavor is the inclusion of a three-span bridge over the magnificent River Tay, the longest river in Scotland. This project aims to enhance connectivity and improve travel efficiency for residents and visitors alike.

To ensure the structural integrity of the bridge’s foundation piles, Dextra provided a quantity of 1,920 tubes, amounting to 11,136 linear meters of Sonitec ST50. This specialized product is designed for pile integrity testing using the Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) method. It facilitates the evaluation of the quality and reliability of the foundation piles, ensuring the bridge’s long-term stability and safety.

Tân Vũ – Lạch Huyện 桥

Tân Vũ – Lạch Huyện 桥

The Tan Vu – Lach Huyen Bridge is a 5.4-km long bridge located East of Hai Phong, in the North of Vietnam. The brige is connecting the Hai Han district (East of Hai Phong), to the new port of Lach Huyen, located on the island district of Cat Hai. This will also allow the port of Lach Huyen to be directly connected to the Hai Phong/Hanoi highway, drastically reducing the transit time to Vietnam’s capital city.

The bridge project is part of a broader infrastucture plan: the Tan Vu – Lach Huyen highway infrastructure project, which aims to develop Hai Phon as a main transportation hub in the North of Vietnam.

For this bridge project, Dextra supplied two types of 后张法 systems:

  • For the permanent reinforcement of precast girder segments, Dextra supplied PT smooth bar systems with threaded ends in sizes M39 and M49, grade 835/1030 and 930/1080. Dextra bar systems are used for the vertical post-tensioning of concrete segments.
  • For the lifting and temporary fixing of the precast girders segments during the construction phase, Dextra supplied its Fully threaded bar systems in diameters 32 and 36, grade 1080/1230.

For all temporary applications such as lifting and fixing operations, Fully threaded PT bar systems are a convenient and economical solution as they bars can easily be cut, adjusted and re-used several times. Thanks to their continuous thread, the bars can be spliced at any points by the use of couplers or turnbuckles, which are also available from Dextra.

For more information and engineering support regarding Post Tensioning Systems in Vietnam, please contact contact our office in Bangkok.



The replacement of the Smith River Bridge at the South Fork Road, Crescent City (also named George Tryon Bridge) is a local infrastructure project initiated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and handed over contractor Flatiron West, Inc. The aim of the project is to replace an existing steel bridge, built in 1948.

For this project, Dextra supplied its Bartec rebar coupler solution. Bartec allows a convenient connection of rebars on large diameters from #4 to #18 (Imperial rebar sizes) and were used in columns and beams of the new replacement bridge. Bartec takes advantage of extended threads on rebars to splice them without the need of rotating any bar and without any extra further component: only a standard rebar coupler is required.

Additionally, Bartec Headed Bars were also supplied, replacing hook bars in congested reinforcement areas.

Bartec is a prequalified and authorized solution by CALTRANS (California Transportation Department) and has previously been tested and approved by the California Department of Transportation.

For more information about Dextra solutions available in the United States, please contact our North America office

Bach Dang 大桥 (VN2021),越南多跨斜拉桥

Bach Dang 大桥 (VN2021),越南多跨斜拉桥

The Bach Dang Bridge is the first all-Vietnamese designed and constructed mega infrastructural project located in northern Vietnam. The project is estimated to cost 7.3 trillion VND (approximately 312.2 million USD). The bridge 5.4-kilometer bridge spans over the historic Bach Dang River and is part of the Hanoi – Quang Ninh highway project. It also features 4 lanes of 28 meters wide, meticulously designed for speeds of up to 100km/hour traffic. The bridge and highway connection are intended to help shorten the distance from Hanoi and Quang Ninh from 175 km. to 125 km., as well as to cut travel times between the two localities in half.

The construction of the first multi-span cable-stayed bridge in Vietnam

The very first made-in-Vietnam multi-span cabled-stayed bridge features 3 H-pylons, representing Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Quang Ninh urban areas. These regions are now connected by the bridge to boost their economic growth. Bach Dang River has a historical significance as it is the site of the Battle of Bach Dang in 938CE, where rebel Vietnamese forces defeated and put an end to the Chinese imperial domination of Vietnam. Bach dang Bridge will only enhance further the strategic edge of the northern region.

用于桥梁永久应用的 Dextra 后张拉杆

For the construction of the Bach Dang Bridge, Dextra fully-threaded bars were applied to it as permanent post-tensioning anchors.
For this mega infrastructural project, Dextra supplied over 100 high performance post-tensioning bar systems. Also known as PT bars, they are specifically designed for post-tensioned applications. They can be corrosion-protected as is the case for the equipment supplied in the project. The corrosion protection is done in a controlled facility in Dextra’s factory, before being shipped to site.

要了解有关我们产品的更多信息,请了解 Dextra 桥梁和高架桥解决方案.



The Kanchpur, Meghna, and Gumti 2nd Bridges Construction and Existing Bridges Rehabilitation Project (KMG project) includes the construction of three new bridges on National Highway No. 1 (NH-1) across the Kanchpur, Meghna, and Gumti rivers, as well as the rehabilitation and renovation of existing bridges.

The new bridges have four lanes and are built beside older bridges with approach roads.

The objective of the project is to improve traffic conditions and transportation efficiency on the National Highway No.1 between Dhaka and Chittagong, contributing to Bangladesh’s long-term economic growth.

Dextra supplied thousands of Unitec couplers, ranging from diameter 12mm to 28mm to connect top slabs and piers.

Unitec is a bolted splicing system designed for the connection of two rebars which haven’t been previously prepared (no thread). It can be assembled on site with standard impact/pneumatic wrench.


