



OneBangkok 是曼谷市中心的一个新城市开发项目。该综合体项目将包括办公、零售空间、豪华酒店、住宅以及文化和社交空间,总建筑面积为183万平方米。该场地的亮点将是一座 430 米、90 层的标志性塔楼。

2020 年 2 月,One Bangkok, Co., Ltd 与 CPAC Co., Ltd. 以及合作伙伴:KCS & Associates Co., Ltd.、Stonehenge Inter Plc 和 Italian-Thai Development Corporation Limited 完成了泰国最大的连续混凝土浇筑工程。东南亚第一座办公楼之一的垫子基础。


Dextra 通过提供 500,000 套 Bartec 标准耦合器、过渡耦合器和带头钢筋,完成了 2,200 吨钢筋垫基础的连接。

Bartec 标准和过渡连接器适用于需要连接钢筋的各种应用,例如柱与柱、梁与柱的连接。



Headed Bars as anchor bolts


2023 年竣工后,One曼谷将成为市中心的一个新的全球地标目的地。






对于这个标志性项目,Dextra 受托使用 300,000 个 Bartec 钢筋连接器来加固混凝土结构。


Bartec 是一种平行螺纹钢筋连接器,通过 3 个步骤连接两根钢筋,包括在螺纹加工之前对钢筋进行冷锻放大。


该塔预计将于 2021 年竣工,成为 2022 年 FIFA 世界杯期间游客的焦点。

(照片来源:ProTenders https://www.protenders.com/en/projects/katara-towers)



MSG Sphere is an under-construction music and entertainment venue being built in Paradise, Nevada, near Las Vegas Strip. The sphere-shaped venue will have a capacity of 18,000 and will feature LED screens inside and outside of the venue.

The equipped indoor spherical digital display panel will spread across the interior of the venue while an outdoor screen display will show what is going on inside. The venue will be built along with new bars, private suites, a museum and retail space.

The 360-feet tall and 516-feet wide sphere is being built on 18 acres off Sands Avenue between Manhattan Street and Koval Lane. Dextra rebar couplers and headed bars have been used to connect and reinforce columns, core walls and beams of the building’s structure.

Dextra’s Bartec rebar couplers are designed to splice either the same or different diameter bars, whether one bar can be rotated, or not. Bartec spliced bars provide full strength in tension, compression and stress reversal applications. The mechanical splicing solution is accredited by major independent regulatory bodies; for example, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, UK CARES and Bureau Veritas.

Headed bars are also used to replace hooked bars as end anchorages in congested areas to reduce lapping length for beam-column connections. Standard Bartec mechanical anchorages are circular in shape and are attached by threading onto the rebar.

The construction of MSG Sphere is projected to be completed in 2021.

Sources of images: https://www.fox5vegas.com/news/local/msg-sphere-at-the-venetian-on-track-to-open-in-2021/article_341b5314-ada6-11e9-8bb9-635fb1d12606.html, https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/tourism/msg-sphere-venue-in-las-vegas-moving-forward-with-contractor-1678356/, https://www.reviewjournal.com/?p=2185035?fbclid=IwAR3YwCkehFu8K3luckjLtBg_KObUBrUYt4pBEihylkhDfSNUoENQXMAJDTw

孤挺花 – 豪华公寓

孤挺花 – 豪华公寓

The Amaryllis 是一个拥有现代化设施的豪华住宅项目,位于新德里的黄金地段,靠近康诺特广场、印度门、机场、印度总统府等城市主要景点,令购房者难以抗拒。


因此,Dextra 是经过 ISO 9001: 2015 认证的 BureauVeritas,是耦合器行业的市场领导者之一,参与了全球 15,000 多个主要建筑或工业项目,并提供独特的全球经验和专业知识。

近 100 万件 Bartec 连接器已交付至施工现场,用于连接 Fe500D、Fe550D 和 Fe600 级钢筋。

由于该项目有严格的进度和交付要求,因此不仅要确保在规定的交付时间内从 Dextra 采购并交付现场的耦合器,而且要确保安装的攻丝设备能够满足平均 4,000-6,000 人的需求。每天准备好线程。

此外,线程的主要标准是由于空间限制而使用尽可能少的设备并满足目标交付成果。由于 3 座不同尺寸的塔楼通过长长的天桥连接,因此对螺纹钢筋的需求压力相同,需要同时满足每座塔楼的需求。

Dextra 还提供了 Sonitec,这是一种易于组装且节省时间的管解决方案,用于基桩的 CSL(跨孔声波测井)测试。

印度的 Dextra 团队派出了一支由主管和操作员组成的专家团队前往现场,以确保钢筋穿线和耦合器供应同步进行。由于非常重视客户满意度,所有资源均按照客户的规格安排,以确保不会出现延误。





阿曼植物园是一个位于阿曼马斯喀特占地 423 公顷的项目,旨在以可持续的方式培育、研究和保护阿曼本土植物群,并展示该国与植物相关的文化传统。


Dextra 为交叉声波测井测试提供声波管,以确定钻孔桩内混凝土的结构完整性和均匀性,这些钻孔桩在花园建筑工地的地下钻孔 17-30 米。

由于其扩大的喇叭口设计可实现快速、无缝连接,因此 20,000 根管子的安装非常轻松。




The Yangon’s Landmark Development, also called Yoma Central, is a mixed-used development project located in the center of Yangon, the commercial capital of Myanmar.

This project includes a large retail shopping center, offices towers, hotel and luxury apartments. The whole project wraps around the historic headquarter of the Burma Railway Company, which is being renovated as an hotel of the Peninsula chain.

Dextra delivered its rebar couplers and equipment to the contractor join venture BYMA/Taisei (BYMA is a collaboration between Dragages Singapore & Yoma). More than 200,000 巴特克® couplers are being delivered to the site and will be used for rebar splicing from foundations to super structure.

As of end of 2017, this major construction complex marks actually Dextra’s largest ever construction project in Myanmar and the first to receive Bartec® rebar coupler solution. Bartec® system is well fit for Myanmar, as a Type-2 splice it is recommended for large structures in seismic countries such as Myanmar.

For the first phase of the project, 巴特克® rebar couplers 20, 25, 28 and 32mm are being used for foundation works in the D-Walls surrounding the area (vertical connections and horizontal slabs reconnections). Couplers are also used in large concrete beams which will support the Peninsula hotel.

The full project, scheduled for completion in 2021, embodies the modern ambitions and rich history of the fast changing country which is Myanmar.

诗丽吉王后国家会议中心 (QSNCC) 改造

诗丽吉王后国家会议中心 (QSNCC) 改造


该会议中心在举办各种会议、展览和国际活动近 30 年后,于 2019 年 4 月 26 日关闭,进行了耗资 150000 亿泰铢的翻新工程。计划于2022年9月重新开放,场馆面积是原来的五倍。

对于此次大规模改造,Dextra 提供了近 200,000 个 Bartec 钢筋连接器,用于连接 D 型墙、柱、梁和核心筒墙。


Yellow Wood 3 Warehouse & Office


Yellow Wood 3 is an approximately 40,000-square-meter warehouse and office building in Samut Prakan, Thailand.

Groutec S couplers were used to connect precast concrete columns for easy and fast installation on the site. Groutec S has a smaller outside diameter which makes it slimmer and ideal for slim panels and narrow columns, thus making it useful in smaller scenarios.

Bartec couplers were also installed inside the precast columns as rebar splices.



One Nine Elms is a new mixed-use high-rise project in London, facing the Thames river.

This real estate venture will replace the 44-year-old Market Towers with a 56-storey skyscraper called City Tower and a 42-storeys called River Tower, 18 floors of which will be dedicated to a 173-rooms luxury hotel.

High performance rebar connectors are required in order to reinforce the structure of these two iconic towers: Dextra was entrusted with this job, and provided 70,000 Griptec couplers, well-known for their unrivaled performance in tension, compression, and fatigue conditions.

Supported by high-productivity rebar preparation equipment, Griptec couplers were installed in columns, beams, starter bars for slabs and other parts of the structure.
Furthermore, the homogeneity of concrete within the buildings’ bored piles was tested using the Cross Sonic Logging (CSL) methodology, requiring a transmitter and a receiver to be inserted in parallel water-filled tubes down the pile depth to measure the speed of ultrasonic pulses and ensure the integrity of the foundations.

Dextra’s SONITEC tube facilitated the test thanks to its easy installation into reinforcement cages: 4,000m of ST50 sonic tubes were provided for this project.

Upon completion, anticipated to be in 2022, the City Tower will become one of the tallest residential projects in London and the United Kingdom.



Urban Deca Homes Ortigas 是菲律宾目前开发的最大住宅项目之一,涉及在菲律宾马尼拉大都会占地 13 公顷的土地上建造 22 栋住宅楼,共 19,000 个一居室和两居室单元。

开发商希望吸引 Ortigas、Eastwood 和 Vertis North 周边地区的年轻工薪家庭,提供价格实惠的住宿,每间起价为 30,000 美元。

Dextra 已为 20 栋住宅楼供应了近 150,000 个 Groutec 连接器:型号 S25 和 S28 用于连接承重剪力墙中的钢筋。

在现场,通过将非收缩灌浆注入 Groutec 的空腔,几秒钟内即可完成连接。



