


The Perth City Link is a transport and urban development project taking place in Perth, Western Australia. It aims to reclaim more than 13.5 hectares of land previously occupied by connecting railways by sinking a train line, thus making land available at the surface to reconnect two parts of the city with streets, commercial, and residential buildings.

For this project, Dextra was involved between 2012 and 2014 in the early foundation works:

  • Supplied Dextra Rolltec 机械钢筋拼接 solution, which was used for the vertical connection of rebar in D-Walls and micropiles. Rebar couplers were used to reconnect cages that had been prefabricated by our rebar partner fabricator in Perth.
  • Dextra 还提供了其 索尼泰克 sonic tubes used for Cross Sonic Logging (CSL) integrity testing of the foundation piles.

For more information about foundation solutions available in Australia, please contact our 曼谷办事处.



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Dextra 旨在提供超越最严格的国际技术认证的产品,我们的目标是通过满足客户的需求和指定要求来创造最大的客户满意度。