


The Olympic Velodrome, now renamed Lee Valley VeloPark, is a multipurpose sports facility located in East London. The facility was initially built to host the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics. It still features road courses and BMX tracks and hosts international cycling competitions.

For this project, Dextra delivered the 格瑞普泰克 rebar splicing solution to contractors Sir Robert McAlpine and Byrne Construction.

这 格瑞普泰克 splices were mostly used to provide vertical rebar connections in the velodrome columns.

Our 格瑞普泰克 solution was supported by Dextra’s local distributor in London, which houses the Dextra 格瑞普泰克 equipment required for the extrusion of the 格瑞普泰克 sleeves onto the rebar.

格瑞普泰克 is a CARES TA1-A, TA1-B, and TA1-C approved solution, making it suitable for even the most advanced rebar splicing applications and stringent project requirements.



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