

Coupler performance tests at elevated temperatures

The Imperial College London tested Dextra Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers at elevated temperatures to evaluate how the couplers would perform in case of a fire.


  • The findings indicate that current codified rules can be used for assessing the strength and stiffness properties of both non-spliced rebar and rebar connected with Bartec/Fortec or Griptec couplers.
  • At temperatures below 400°C the ultimate tensile strength and stiffness of Bartec/Fortec and Griptec splices, as well as un-spliced rebar is not significantly affected.
  • When tensile tested at temperatures below 500°C, failure still generally occurred in the rebar outside of the Bartec/Fortec or Griptec coupler region.
  • 请阅读下面的全文:

    Dextra Bartec/Fortec and Griptec rebar couplers at elevated temperatures

    Dextra have recently collaborated with Imperial College London to investigate the performance of rebar couplers at elevated temperatures, simulating temperatures which could occur in rebar due to fire, both before and after concrete spalling.

    Standard 16mm and 20mm Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers were used, as well as non-spliced reinforcement and tests conducted at ambient, elevated steady state and transient elevated temperatures.

    testing machine

    schematic representation of the testing arrangement

    a) testing machine, b) schematic representation of the testing arrangement

    Codified procedures for the fire design of reinforced concrete structures typically give prescriptive recommendations for rebar/coupler cover with the aim of protecting the reinforcement from reaching temperatures above a critical value of around 500°C.

    The test results show that:

  • For both spliced and un-spliced specimens there is a gradual decrease in yield strength as temperature increases.
  • At temperatures below 400°C the ultimate tensile strength and stiffness of the spliced and un-spliced specimens is not significantly affected.
  • When tensile tested at temperatures below 500°C, failure still generally occurred in the rebar outside of the coupler region.
  • The findings also indicate that current codified rules can be used for assessing the strength and stiffness properties of both non-spliced rebar and rebar connected with Bartec/Fortec or Griptec couplers.

    However, the code assumptions regarding the ultimate strain characteristics at elevated temperatures were found to be unrealistic for hot rolled rebar, as well as rebar connected by couplers.




    Bompa, D. V., & Elghazouli, A. Y. (2019). Elevated temperature characteristics of steel reinforcement incorporating threaded mechanical couplers. Fire Safety Journal, 104, 8–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2018.12.006

    New CAD/BIM tools for Unitec bolted couplers!

    New CAD/BIM components of Unitec couplers are now available for AutoCAD, Revit and Tekla.

    Unitec® is a bolted splicing system used in repair works for the connection of two rebars which haven’t been previously prepared (that is, no threads).

    Unitec coupler features a long hollow body which will bond with the rebar. Several screws will lock both bar ends and complete the connection.

    You can download the components now for free!

    Dextra Unitec couplers on Revit


    1. Download and install Unitec coupler component:

        • 对于 AutoCAD 用户,请下载 这里 (需要注册)

        • 对于Revit 用户,请下载 这里 (需要注册)

        • 对于 Tekla 用户,请下载 这里 (需要注册)

    2. 将文件解压到笔记本电脑上所需的文件夹中。

    3. 按照名为“readme.pdf”的文件中详细说明的分步说明进行操作

    4. 根据您的项目要求选择正确的耦合器尺寸。画出完整的结构。

    5. 您最终可以直接在 AutoCAD、Revit 和 Tekla 上添加产品规格说明。

    COVID-19 preventive measures

    The safety and security of our employees, customers, and other stakeholders are our top priorities.

    Dextra Group has implemented measures based on guidance received from local authorities in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections.

    These measures include:

    – Either normal work, alternate work or work from home according to the local health authorities’ recommendations.

    – For all employees in our offices or factories, strict social distancing and strict limitation of visitors allowed in Dextra’s premises.

    – Reduction of meetings and contact with third parties to the bare minimum.

    – Extensive access to sanitizing and protection products.

    – Deep cleaning and fumigation of facilities whenever applicable.

    – Cancellation of all travels, domestic and international.

    For the time being, each Dextra affiliate will keep enforcing and updating its preventive measures according to the local regulations.

    Despite the critical situation worldwide, Dextra team is committed more than ever to provide the best service possible to its customers while guaranteeing the safety of all parties involved.

    Our factory in India, which serves only the local market, is complying with the complete lockdown imposed by the Indian government. Our main factories, in Thailand and China, are currently fully operational and delivering goods and services as usual. Their supply chains are not hampered by the current restrictions.

    Please follow the indications of the World Health Organization and local governmental health agencies in order to prevent unnecessary risks, minimize the spreading of the virus and be safe.

    Headed Bar 计算工具发布

    Dextra Green Industry

    我们很高兴地宣布推出带头钢筋计算工具,适用于 Bartec/Fortec、Griptec 和 Rolltec 产品系列。

    该文件将使设计人员能够轻松计算 Dextra 带头钢筋的最小边缘和间距要求、约束钢筋以及必要时的钢筋粘结贡献。

    新版本是对 Arup/Dextra 分步设计指南的补充,旨在作为欧洲规范 2 的非矛盾补充。

    简化您的工作并利用 Dextra 工具!


    下载 Dextra/Arup 设计指南

    Grutec 荣获 CIA World Magazine India 颁发的“最佳创新产品”奖

    Best Innovative Product of the Year Awards

    我们非常高兴地宣布,Dextra 在印度 CIA 世界建筑商和建筑材料奖颁奖典礼上荣获“年度最佳创新产品 – Groutec 预制件连接器”。

    Groutec 预制连接耦合器被 CIA World Magazine 委员会根据提名类别下确定的参数选为“最佳创新产品”类别的获奖者。

    CIA 世界建筑商和建筑材料奖专注于 6 个类别,这些类别均经过精心挑选,以体现住宅、商业、工业和酒店行业的最佳实践,旨在表彰、鼓励和激励建筑公司。

    Dextra India团队在总经理Jitendra先生和销售总监Suniil先生的带领下于2020年2月29日在孟买君悦酒店参加了颁奖典礼。

    需要有关我们的 Groutec 耦合器的更多信息?


    Dextra Manufacturing 获得绿色工业认证

    Dextra Green Industry

    Dextra Manufacturing 的制造设施已获得绿色工业(3 级)认证



    第一级:绿色承诺 是减少环境影响和内部沟通的承诺。

    2级:绿色活动 是一项减少对环境影响的活动的实施。

    第三级:绿色系统 涉及系统的环境管理、监测、评估和审查以实现持续发展。

    第四级:绿色文化 是组织中的每个人在业务运营的各个方面以环保的方式合作和工作,直到成为企业文化的一部分。

    第五级:绿色网络 是通过支持合作伙伴和联盟遵循绿色工业实践,在整个业务网络中扩展环保运营方式的示范。



    用于可焊接耦合器的新 CAD/BIM 工具!

    可焊接耦合器的新 CAD/BIM 组件可用于 AutoCAD、Revit 和 Tekla。




    Revit 上的 Dextra 可焊接耦合器



        • 对于 AutoCAD 用户,请下载 这里 (需要注册)

        • 对于 Revit 和 Tekla 用户,请下载 这里 (需要注册)

    2. 将文件解压到笔记本电脑上所需的文件夹中。

    3. 按照名为“readme.pdf”的文件中详细说明的分步说明进行操作

    4. 根据您的项目要求选择正确的耦合器尺寸。画出完整的结构。

    5. 您最终可以直接在 AutoCAD、Revit 和 Tekla 上添加产品规格说明。


    大型梁柱试验已在模拟地震载荷条件下进行,其中包含位于预期塑性铰链区域的 Bartec/Fortec 和 Griptec 耦合器以及未拼接的钢筋样本。


      • 两种耦合器系统都允许开发可能足以满足典型抗震设计情况的极限旋转水平。

     • 所有非轴向负载构件的承载能力基本相同,这表明使用 Bartec/Fortec 和 Griptec 耦合器不会显着影响构件承载能力。


    采用 Dextra Bartec/Fortec 和 Griptec 耦合器的钢筋混凝土构件的抗震性能


    Dextra 最近与伦敦帝国理工学院合作,进行了一项实验研究和相关数值评估,研究钢筋混凝土构件耗散区域中机械切片的性能。

    首先对 16mm 和 20mm Bartec/Fortec 和 Griptec 机械接头以及非接头参考构件进行单调和循环单轴“空气中”和“混凝土中”测试。

    在详细了解机械接头的单轴行为后,对横截面为 300×300mm 方形、悬臂长度为 1,350mm 的大型梁柱构件进行了测试。



    Seismic Performance Tests

    Christmas Party

    试样制备 a) 钢筋笼,b) 拆除模板后的构件

    Seismic Performance Tests

    Christmas Party

    样本制备 a) 使用 Bartec/Fortec,b) 使用 Griptec

    载荷变形响应表明,单轴“空气中”和“混凝土中”Griptec 连接器的延展性似乎略低于 Bartec/Fortec 接头和非接头样本。


    对于大型梁柱试验,所有非轴向加载构件的承载力基本相同,这表明使用 Bartec/Fortec 和 Griptec 耦合器不会显着影响构件承载力。

    就延展性而言,两种耦合器系统都允许开发可能足以满足典型抗震设计情况的极限旋转水平,尽管 Bartec/Fortec 由于长度较短而表现稍好。




    Bompa,DV 和 Elghazouli,AY (2019)。包含螺纹钢筋连接器的 RC 构件的非弹性循环行为。工程结构,180, 468–483。 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.11.053

    Bompa,DV 和 Elghazouli,AY (2018)。螺纹钢筋接头的单调和循环性能。结构,16, 358–372。 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2018.11.009

    Dextra 在波兰 ICCX 展会上展示了 Groutec 系列

    Dextra ICCX Booth

    2020 年 ICCX 中欧展览会在波兰华沙举行,重点关注混凝土生产、混凝土产品和预制技术。

    Dextra 以专门的展位参加了此次活动,并凭借所展示的创新 Groutec 预制耦合器解决方案成功吸引了参观者的兴趣。

    有关Groutec预制耦合器的更多信息,请点击 这里


