

Coupler attributes upgraded for Tekla 2017

Dextra recently released an update of all its rebar coupler tools to upgrade to latest version of Tekla.

New Tekla version now allows clear visualization of threaded bar ends, allowing to see the extended threads for first phase rebar for example.

Tekla attributes are available to download from Dextra website.

Download Tekla attributes

Paying respect to King Rama IX

Employee of Dextra prior to the ceremony

Management and employees from all offices of Dextra Group in Thailand attended an official ceremony, Dextra being host of Funeral prayers to “His Majesty The King Bhumibol Adulyadej, King Rama IX’s Royal remain” (who had passed away on the 13th October 2016), at “The Dusit Maha Prasart Throne Hall”, on Thursday the 25th of May 2017 at 17:00 hrs.

This official ceremony was presided by Mr. Jean-Marie Pithon, Group Chairman and CEO, Mr. Frederic Pagniez, Managing Director of Dextra Industry & Transport and Mr. Jean-Jacques Braun, Technical Director of 德克斯特拉制造, accompanied by a delegation of 47 employees from Dextra affiliates in Thailand.

The mourning ceremonies in Bangkok will continue to allow the people of Thailand to pay their respects to His Majesty The Late King at the Royal Palace, until the national cremation takes place on Thursday, the 26th October 2017. This day was proclaimed national holiday in Thailand.


Stainless splicing for Montreal’s new Champlain Bridge

Stainless rebar couplers to splice rebar horizontally on the structure.

Reinforcement for bridge新的尚普兰大桥是一座长 3 公里的桥梁,横跨加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔东南入口处的圣劳伦斯河。

The Champlain Bridge is one of the busiest bridges in Canada and plays an important economical role for its city as it is part of the main itinerary to the United States, accessible 60-km South.

For this project, Dextra is supplying its Rolltec 机械钢筋拼接 system, in both Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel versions. 罗尔泰克 is a certified system by the Department of Transportation of the State of Quebec.

Read more on full project page

Teams are back to run Peak24!

Dextra teams at the race starting point!

Way to go Dextra team!This year again, Dextra lined up 2 teams of 12 runners at Peak24 race in Hong Kong! The teams were featuring a mix of Dextra Guangzhou and Dextra Hong Kong staff, pushing together their limits for the good cause and in an incredible atmosphere!

Peak 24 Race is a charity race aiming to raise awareness about slavery and human trafficking problem in the world, and especially in Asia. Funds raised by Peak24 will be donated to the 24 Hour Race, a Hong Kong-founded & international youth charity which inspires students in five countries to join the movement to eradicate modern slavery. The profits raised from us will directly benefit the expansion of the 24 Hour Race movement.

Bar systems for liquid gas tanks

In the United Arab Emirates, Dextra recently delivered a new Oil and Gas project. Dextra tension rods have been used for the support of structure supporting very large liquid gas tanks.

For this application, Dextra engineered, manufactured and delivered bar assemblies based on Carbon Steel bars Gr.355 of diameter Ø120mm. Each 张力杆 system is composed of two segments spliced at the lower half of the assembly. The system is mounted onto gusset plates thanks to their fork ends, which can be connected to the structure in just a few minutes by simply sliding in a pin in the middle of the fork.

For length adjustment and tightening, turnbuckes, positionned at the lower half of each tendon, are simply rotated to bring bar segments closer to each other and tension the overall system.

Deliveries for Riyadh Metro stations

riyadh metro

利雅得地铁是沙特阿拉伯利雅得正在建设的大型城市交通系统项目。该项目将沿 6 条公交线路建设 85 个车站,铁路总长度达 176 公里。预计该系统在 2018 年启用时每天将服务至少 100 万名乘客。

For this large infrastructure project, Dextra Middle East has been involved on various stations and packages.


Before proceeding with general construction works, during early excavation phase, it is required to anchor retaining walls back into the stable ground in order to prevent any wall displacement. This will allow to keep excavating in a safe environment.

For that purpose, Dextra supplied steel ground anchors installed through retaining wall. Each system is based on a high-tensile fully threaded bar, coming with nut and plate, and grouted to provide bonding with the soil.


Bartec 钢筋连接器 were supplied for the works in the stations. Couplers were used for slabs, column and wall connections. A typicall application on this project is to cast rebar couplers in the concrete with reinforcement, and then proceed with second phase bar connection at a later stage.

Unitec bolted couplers can have also been use on various parts of the project. Typically 联合技术公司 is used when overlap is planned but lapping length appear to be too short to perform a safe splice. In that case Unitec provides a convenient and full performance connection.

BITEC 拉杆安装现已完成!

Dextra 向意大利-泰国承包商提供 拉杆 支持曼谷市中心领先的展览和会议中心 BITEC 扩建的屋顶结构。 2016年安装已顺利完成!

tension bars bitec

Dextra 总共交付了 298 个不同直径的组件,每个组件由多个杆组成,这些杆通过耦合器和螺丝扣连接,并通过叉端锚定到结构上,在某些情况下总组件长度超过 50 米(平均 33 米)。




对于如此大型的结构, 拉杆 与其他“张紧”解决方案相比,具有许多优势: 负载下的伸长率更低,所需的后张拉力更低,耐腐蚀性更好,减少了长期松弛并降低了维护和监控成本。



2017 年即将到来,Dextra 团队全体员工祝愿您度过美好而繁荣的一年,并祝您项目取得成功!


Dextra 最近更新了其地面工程系列文档,其中包含我们所有的地锚解决方案。我们独特的产品系列涵盖钢和 FRP(纤维增强聚合物)解决方案。这种独特的组合将涵盖所有可能的锚固挑战,在所有土壤条件下,从永久应用到临时应用。



适用于基桩笼的 Dextra 解决方案

对于基础打桩中使用的预制笼,Dextra 建议使用两种不同的解决方案,以加快并简化现场安装:最佳性能、更高的生产率、更安全的操作。

加固>> Dextra 连接器解决方案旨在允许在最短的时间内安全地重新连接预制笼。

CSL(跨孔声波测井)>> 对于交叉声速测井管(用于基础测试),Sonitec 将允许快速重新连接管而无需焊接。

法国近期地铁项目中的 Dextra 车钩

在巴黎,14号线的扩建是大巴黎快车城市交通计划的一部分。快速地铁线路的扩建很快将穿过巴黎,一路向北到达圣旺。 Dextra 供应了超过 70,000 个 Fortec 车钩,用于 Orsay 和 Pont Cardinet 车站。 

在法国西部雷恩,Dextra 成功交付了构成雷恩地铁网络新 B 线 15 个车站和 12.6 公里长(部分高架、部分地下)的所有四个套件中的 Fortec 和 Rolltec 钢筋连接器。耦合器用于各种位置,例如回收竖井、车站和车站之间的沟渠。


