My Home GRAVA Hyderabad, India
在印度海得拉巴的中心地带,一个卓越建筑和工程创新的宏伟见证——My Home GRAVA 项目正在形成。这个大型项目由八座 43 层高的塔楼组成,是现代生活和建筑行业技术进步的象征。 Dextra 是这一大型企业成功的关键贡献者之一,它是为建筑行业提供创新解决方案的全球领导者。
GRAVA 背后的富有远见的开发商 My Home Construction 不遗余力地确保设计和施工方法的优化。从规划的早期阶段开始,我们的重点就是交付一个不仅重新定义奢华生活,而且为建筑效率和可持续性设定新基准的项目。
Dextra 耦合器:结构革命:
At the core of GRAVA’s construction success is the implementation of 570,000 格鲁泰克 couplers and more than 70,000 巴特克 couplers for all structural connections within the concrete frame. These couplers play a pivotal role in ensuring the structural integrity of the buildings, providing a secure and efficient connection between the precast elements.
这 格鲁泰克 和 巴特克 couplers are known for their high-performance capabilities, making them ideal for large-scale and complex projects like GRAVA. These couplers eliminate the need for traditional lapped splicing, offering a faster and more reliable alternative for connecting and reinforcing concrete structures and precast concrete elements. This not only accelerates the construction process but also enhances the overall durability and safety of the structure.
As the My Home GRAVA project continues to rise and reshape the skyline of Hyderabad, it stands as a testament to the successful collaboration between visionary developers and innovative construction solution providers. 格鲁泰克 和 巴特克 couplers have played a crucial role in the seamless construction of the eight 43-storey towers, contributing to the project’s efficiency, strength, and durability.
该项目不仅承诺提供奢华的生活体验,还为印度卓越建筑树立了新标准,Dextra 的贡献为其成功留下了不可磨灭的印记。