
Mega Home Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mega Home Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mega Home 是泰国著名的家居和建筑材料连锁经营商,在全国拥有十多家分店。近年来,Mega Home 一直在投资其大型扩建项目,包括在清迈建设旗舰店。

Mega Home turned to 格鲁泰克 耦合器。 格鲁泰克 couplers are a proven solution for connecting precast columns to foundations. They are designed to provide a reliable and durable connection that can withstand the rigors of construction.

格鲁泰克 couplers are designed to be easy to install, which made the construction process smoother and faster. The couplers work by connecting the steel reinforcement bars in the precast columns to the reinforcement bars in the foundation. This creates a strong and stable connection that ensures the structural integrity of the building.

指某东西的用途 格鲁泰克 couplers also provided several other benefits to the Mega Home Chiang Mai construction project. For example, the couplers allowed for the use of smaller diameter reinforcement bars, which reduced the overall weight of the precast columns. This, in turn, reduced the size and weight of the cranes required for installation, making the construction process more efficient.

格鲁泰克 couplers also provided a cost-effective solution for the project. They eliminated the need for welding or other costly connection methods, which helped to keep the overall cost of the project within budget.

The successful completion of the Mega Home Chiang Mai project was a testament to the technical expertise and experience of the construction team. By using innovative and proven solutions like 格鲁泰克 couplers, the team was able to overcome the challenges of the project and deliver a high-quality building that will serve Mega Home customers for many years to come.



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