


The third bridge over the Mandovi River in Goa is an iconic structure that connects Panaji in Tiswadi Taluka and Porvorim in Bardez Taluka. Positioned between the two existing bridges, it was designed to ease traffic congestion along this route. The bridge was officially inaugurated on January 27, 2019.

As one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in India, the four-lane, 21m-wide, 620m-long continuous span Mandovi River Cable-Stayed Bridge adds architectural beauty to Panaji. Standing 70m above sea level, its central concrete pylons are spaced at 150m and are supported by 88 cables arranged in a single-plane harp-type configuration.

Dextra supplied 1,170 sets of fully-threaded post-tensioning bar systems in diameters of 25, 32, 40, 50, and 75mm, with a grade of 830/1030, for various applications, including:

  • 衣架杆
  • 竖向预应力
  • 水平预应力钢筋
  • 升降杆
  • Anchoring the pier head segment to the pier cap
  • Anchoring the front support to the pier cap
  • Anchoring the front cantilever support to the pier cap
  • Anchoring the middle, rear, and auxiliary supports



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