
Guggenheim Museum, UAE

Guggenheim Museum, UAE

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi is a museum of modern and contemporary art, located in Saadiyat Island cultural district in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. As this awe-inspiring museum took shape, numerous challenges needed to be overcome, and Dextra provided crucial reinforcements to the structure, ensuring its stability, durability, and overall success. We supplied an astounding 140,000 巴特克 couplers, 30,000 维修夹具 couplers, 50 tons of Geotec rock bolts, and 199 sets of DCP anchors, contributing significantly to the construction of this iconic masterpiece.

使用 Bartec 连接器加固结构:

The Guggenheim Abu Dhabi stands tall and proud, thanks to the reinforcement provided by Dextra’s 巴特克 couplers. With a supply of 140,000 巴特克 couplers, Dextra ensured that the concrete reinforcement in the structure remained robust and resilient. These couplers provide a reliable mechanical connection between reinforcing bars, enhancing the overall strength of the structure.

与 RepairGrip 连接器的无缝钢筋连接:

The use of 30,000 维修夹具 couplers helps connect rebars with no prepared threads, ensuring a seamless connection of rebars and minimizing the risk of structural failure.

使用 Geotec 岩石螺栓稳定岩石:

In addition to the couplers, Dextra provided 50 tons of Geotec rock bolts to stabilize the rocks surrounding the museum. These rock bolts serve as critical anchors, reinforcing the natural formations and enhancing their stability. By utilizing them, the construction team effectively mitigated the geological risks associated with the site, ensuring a secure foundation for the museum.

用 DCP 锚固住海堤:

该博物馆优雅地矗立在海岸上,需要坚固的海堤固定,而 Dextra 的 DCP 锚提供了理想的解决方案。通过供应199套DCP锚,海堤得到有效加固和固定。这些锚为沿海结构提供可靠、高效的固定解决方案,在面对波浪和潮汐等动态力时提供稳定性。




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