


The Forrestfield Airport Link is a rail infrastructure project lolcated in Perth, Western Australia. The 8.5km line will connect the existing Midland Line to Perth International Airport and further to the eastern suburbs. The project features two twin-tunnels bored with Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) which move up to 26 meter underneath the bed of Swan river, highways and Perth Airport, adding three new stations to the city’s transportation network: Belmont, Airport Central and Forrestfield.

Forrestfield metro plan

For the tunnel boring packages, 右旋糖苷 supplied a total of 10 GFRP 软眼 between 2016 and 2017 (two for Airport Central Station, two in Abernethy, four in Belmont and two in Bayswater) to the contractor JV of Salini Impregilo and NRW Salini Impregilo. 软眼 are rebar cages made mostly of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GRFP) bars and some steel rebar. 软眼 can be cut by the TBMs and allow faster equipment breakthrough, saving precious time while avoiding to damage the TBM heads.

右旋糖苷 also supplied a total of 65,000 格瑞普泰克 connections for the station works. 格瑞普泰克 is distributed in Western Australia by Dextra’s partner InfraBuild Construction Services. They offer the complete service to the contractor: Cutting the rebar, preparing the bar ends with 格瑞普泰克 sleeves and bending them for final installation on site. This allows the contractor to achieve faster cycle times in rebar connection on site .

索尼泰克, Dextra’s steel tubes for Crosshole Sonic Logging tests (to check concrete integrity in bored piles) were also supplied.

福雷斯特菲尔德机场线将于 2022 年投入运营。

For more information about our solutions in Australia, please consult our Bangkok office



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