

Emirates’ Bustanica Vertical Farm

The World’s Largest Vertical Farm

Emirates’ Bustanica Vertical Farm is the world’s largest vertical farm, a sprawling indoor farming facility spanning an impressive 330,000 square feet. This state-of-the-art facility plays a crucial role in providing fresh, locally sourced in-flight food for Emirates and several other airlines operating at Dubai International Airport. At the core of this groundbreaking project lies meticulous engineering, and one crucial component that contributes to its success is the use of Dextra Groutec couplers for the precast shear wall module connections.

This vertical farm employs cutting-edge technology to cultivate a diverse range of crops in a controlled environment. By stacking layers of crops vertically, the facility maximizes space utilization while minimizing resource consumption. The result is a sustainable and efficient system that produces fresh, high-quality produce year-round, regardless of external climatic conditions.

The Role of Dextra Groutec Couplers

In any construction project, the choice of materials and components is critical to ensuring structural integrity and long-term durability. In the case of the world’s largest vertical farm, the engineers faced the challenge of connecting precast shear wall modules securely. The solution came in the form of Groutec L couplers with a diameter of 25mm.

Groutec couplers are renowned for their reliability and strength in connecting precast concrete elements. These couplers provide a robust and efficient means of joining precast concrete components, ensuring the structural stability of the entire facility. The 25mm diameter was carefully selected to meet the specific requirements of the shear wall modules, offering a seamless connection that enhances the overall resilience of the vertical farm.

The Groutec couplers not only facilitate the structural integrity of the vertical farm but also align with the project’s commitment to sustainability. The durability and reliability of these couplers ensure that the connections withstand the test of time, supporting the longevity of the facility and its contribution to sustainable agriculture.



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