多哈地铁 Msheireb 站
Msheireb 站是多哈地铁的主要换乘站。它位于多哈市中心,连接所有三条线路(红线、绿线和金线),并将成为 2022 年 FIFA 世界杯体育场馆的门户
Msheireb 站将成为世界上规模最大的地铁站之一。
软眼 for TBMs
For this major project, Dextra engineered and supplied between 2013 and 2015 8 large ASTEC GFRP Soft-Eyes, of a diameter of 8 meters each. Soft Eyes are cages of GFRP rebar, positioned into the D-Walls in-between steel segments. GFRP Soft-Eyes allow Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) to go through in a minimum time as the bars can be easily crushed by the tunnel machine.
To anchor the massive d-walls and prevent any soil displacement during excavation works, Dextra also supplied its ASTEC 主动锚 (AAA). Those innovative post-tensioned GFRP-based anchors, have the benefits of being cut by the Tunnel Boring Machines or standard excavation equipment. Because it can be easily cut, it doesn’t need to be removed from the ground, even when used for temporary applications.
就 Msheireb 站而言,甚至在 Soft-Eye 中心安装了多筋锚(该项目中每个锚 10 个)来锚定 D-Wall。这些锚在隧道突破过程中也被切断(在下面的视频中可见)。车站内总共安装了 150 个锚。