

科英布拉 B-波塔根 Mondego 地铁

科英布拉 B-波塔根 Mondego 地铁

Coimbra B-Portagem Mondego Metro project is part of the mass transit public transport system of Coimbra, Portugal. Dextra has played a significant role by providing Sonitec tubes for pile testing.

Dextra has supplied Sonitec tubes for testing a total of 67 piles ranging from 12 to 19 meters in depth. The tubes have been instrumental in conducting these tests with the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging (CSL) methodology.

The innovative push-fit connection system of Sonitec has greatly reduced labor time during installation. Thanks to this user-friendly system, the contractor has experienced smoother and more efficient pile testing processes. By eliminating the need for additional labor-intensive procedures, the contractor has saved valuable time and resources. It also ensures a secure and reliable connection between piles.



在客户旅程的每一个时刻,Dextra 团队都致力于生产智能施工解决方案,使我们的客户在其施工现场达到更高的生产力和安全水平。

Dextra 在几大洲拥有实物库存,并通过我们经销商的当地库存在每个国家进行补充。凭借这个扩展的网络,Dextra 确保无论我们的合作伙伴身在何处,我们的产品始终触手可及。

对于需要定制的解决方案,Dextra 还可以超越我们的标准交付时间,提供加速交付方案。请咨询我们以获取更多信息。

Dextra 完全拥有位于曼谷(泰国)、广州(中国)和浦那(印度)的 3 个主要工业基地的制造设施和工艺。这使我们能够完全控制我们的运营时间和所产生的解决方案的质量。

Dextra 的曼谷主工厂设有一个独立认可的材料测试实验室,已通过 ISO-IEC17025 认证,可以对材料和产品进行测试。

Dextra 旨在提供超越最严格的国际技术认证的产品,我们的目标是通过满足客户的需求和指定要求来创造最大的客户满意度。


