
BITEC Expansion, Thailand

BITEC Expansion, Thailand

BITEC, the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, is a large exhibition venue located east of Bangkok in the Bang Na district.

Dextra was involved in the Phase 2 expansion of the exhibition center, which took place between 2014 and 2016. The expansion project added three exhibition halls, increasing the exhibition space by more than 32,000 sqm under a ceiling height of 25 meters.

Dextra 与意大利-泰国承包商合作,设计并供应长 tension rod systems that support the roof structure above the new BITEC exhibition halls.

In total, Dextra delivered 298 assemblies in various diameters, each composed of multiple rods connected with couplers and turnbuckles and anchored to the structure with fork ends. In several cases, the total assembly length exceeded 50 meters (with an average of 33 meters).

Delivery took place at the end of 2015, and installation was completed by mid-2016. Bangkokians can still easily admire the 拉杆 roofing structure when stopping at BTS Bearing station or driving along the Bang Na-Trat highway.

对于如此大型的结构, tension rods 与其他“张紧”解决方案相比,它具有许多优点:负载下的伸长率较低,所需的后张紧力较低,耐腐蚀性更好,减少了长期松弛并降低了维护和监控成本。




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