


The Bangkok Arena is a multisport indoor arena located in the Nong Chok district, east of Bangkok. Originally commissioned to host futsal tournaments, an indoor version of football, the arena now also hosts volleyball and basketball events, as well as concerts. It has a seating capacity of up to 12,000 people.

For this project, Dextra engineered and supplied the 拉杆 suspending the roof of the building in 2012.

The long architectural bar systems are anchored to concrete pylons and act as suspenders to support the building’s roofing structure.

For this project, 拉杆 were supplied in Grade 700, the highest in our range. The highest grade allows for a better performance-to-steel ratio, enabling the use of smaller diameters. This results in a slimmer structure and overall improved aesthetics. Additionally, smaller-diameter bars and lighter elements facilitate easier handling and installation on-site.

Each bar segment is spliced to the next using either couplers (for fixed lengths) or turnbuckles (for length adjustment and tensioning).

Connection to the concrete structure is achieved through fork ends mounted onto steel gusset plates.

In total, more than 129 tons of 拉杆 anchor the roof structure, with tendons exceeding 30 meters in length.



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