

Ahmedabad Gandhinagar metro line India – Phase I

Ahmedabad Gandhinagar metro line India – Phase I

The Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Metro Rail Project is a new mass-transit rapid transit system in Gujarat, West India. The project is being implemented by Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) and aims to meet the city’s growing population while providing commuters with a better transport system.
The total length of the metro’s first phase is 39.26 km, with 33.26km of elevated section and 6 kilometers underground. The metro will connect suburbs in Ahmedabad along east-west and north-south axis, and the route will also be extended to Gandhinagar in Phase-2.
The construction of the first phase, comprising 32 stations connecting the four corners of the city, has been undergoing since 2015. Being expected to operate in 2020, the first trial run of the metro line is scheduled for January 2019.

Steel sonic logging tubes for concrete integrity tests

For the first phase of the Ahmedabad metro, Dextra is involved in supplying its CSL solution Sonitec for the 6-kilometer long viaduct. Sonitec is Dextra’s sonic logging tube system for Cross-hole sonic logging tests. CSL method allows the contractors to verify the homogeneity of concrete in D-walls, bored piles, drilled shafts, barrettes or in concrete piles. Sonitec helps facilitate the assembly and installation of long tubes in reinforcing cages by its Instant Connection characteristic. Thanks to its large bell-mouth, the tubes can be easily connected seamlessly.



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