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King Abdullah Financial District

King Abdullah Financial District

King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) is a multipurpose business and residential complex located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The district consists of more than 50 towers and should ultimately host a working population of around 12,000 inhabitants.

Dextra Middle-East, also located in Dubai, has been involved from2009 for the supply of several building packages to Saudi Bin Ladin Group, the main contractor on the project.

Foundations piles

In order to provide vertical connection in foundation piles, Dextra supplied through its partners fabricators its popular
Bartec rebar coupler solution, the #1 rebar splicing solution in the Middle East.

As a complement to Bartec couplers, Dextra also supplied Unitec couplers, which were used for the continuation of bars protruding from the foundation piles. Unitec is a flexible solution for contractors as the bar end doesn’t need to be prepared in advance. It only requires an impact wrench and therefore it is easy to operate on remote building sites.

Raft and Columns

Bartec couplers were also used for the horizontal connection in the thick foundation rafts, and vertically in the protruding columns.

Corewall-to-beam applications

In the building superstructure, Dextra Bartec couplers were used to provide horizontal connection from the corewall, allowing to insert the second phase starter bars needed to create the beam reinforcement.

Parque Da Cidade in São Paulo

Parque Da Cidade in São Paulo

Parque Da Cidade is a multi-tower multi-purpose green building complex located in the south of São Paulo. The project hosts 5 corporate office towers, a hotel, residential buildings and a shopping mall.

For this project, DextraDoBrasildelivered to contractor Odebrecht its Rolltec rebar coupler solution.

Rolltec is the most popular rebar slicing solution in Brazil, providing a competitive alternative to lap splices and more importantly allowingadvanced applications simplifying project management and operations.

For Parque Da Cidade, Rolltec rebar couplers were used to provide a connection between the columns and the beams. The solution was supported by a Rolltec equipment installed at site and maintained by our Dextra local engineers.

For that application, rebar couplers are aligned horizontally in the column reinforcement at each floor and cast in concrete. Dextra provide its couplers with thread protection cap so there is no risk of liquid concrete leaking into the coupler.

At a later stage of the project, continuation bar can be connected directly into the couplers, providing convenient starter bars for the beam or slab reinforcement.

Furthermore, on Parque Da Cidade, Dextra delivered its Unitec solution. Unitec is a bolted coupler that doesn’t require any rebar preparation. It was used on Parque Da Cidade to provide connection between the rebar protruding from two precast elements.

Jamnagar refinery expansion

Jamnagar refinery expansion

Located in the Gujarat, in western India, the Jamnagar refinery is the largest in the world in production capacity. Owned by Reliance Industries, it has been commissioned in 1998 and spreads over the 50 km2 surface area.

For the phase 3 alone, more than 305,000 tons of steel reinforcement were used: a 36 months project involving more than 100,000 engineers and construction workers.

Dextra has been involved in Jamnagar since the early days and supplied its rebar splicing solutions on the phases 1, 2 and 3 of the project.

For the phase 3 especially, 3 rebar coupler solutions were used:

Bartec solution was used for cast in situ applications, for bar-to-bar connections in foundations, pile cages, column cages. Bartec couplers were also used as a way to splice bars in heavily congested rafts and pile caps.

For the pipe-racks, which were built from precast elements, from a precast factory part of the project. Groutec couplers have been used to connect beams and columns. Positionned in the bottom elements and filled with grouts, they conveniently avoided the need of in situ wet joint.



For other applications where rebar length is too short to allow traditional overlap, Unitec couplers were used.

For more information on Jamnagar, please download our Case Study.

AVE Palencia-Santander HSR Package 1 (Palencia – Palencia Norte) & Package 2 (Palencia Norte – Amusco)

AVE Palencia-Santander high-speed rail project is a significant infrastructure undertaking aimed at connecting Palencia and Santander in Spain. This project involves the construction of extensive railway networks, viaducts, and bridges, underscoring the need for a strong and resilient foundation. Recognizing the critical importance of ensuring the structural integrity of the concrete piles, the project management sought advanced testing methodologies.

Dextra played a pivotal role in ensuring the robustness of the project’s foundation by supplying Sonitec Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) testing tubes. These tubes were instrumental in conducting comprehensive structural integrity tests on the concrete piles of AVE Palencia-Santander USR Package 1 (Palencia – Palencia Norte) and Package 2 (Palencia Norte – Amusco).

Crosshole Sonic Logging is a non-destructive testing method widely employed to assess the quality and integrity of concrete piles. It involves the use of sonic waves transmitted through the concrete between two access tubes, allowing engineers to evaluate the material’s properties and identify potential defects.

Sonitec tubes are specially designed for Crosshole Sonic Logging, ensuring precise and reliable data collection during structural integrity tests. These tubes are embedded in the concrete piles during construction, providing access points for the sonic wave transmission.

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