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Линк Ла Дефанс

Линк Ла Дефанс

The Link — небоскрёб высотой 242 метра во Франции и одно из самых узнаваемых сооружений в самом сердце крупнейшего делового района Европы. Здание, расположенное в парижском районе Ла-Дефанс, станет самым высоким высотным зданием в стране и ярким примером инновационной инженерии и передовых технологий в мире архитектуры.

Одним из ключевых факторов, отличающих это здание от других, является использование муфты Fortec компании Dextra для усиления его конструкции. Муфта Fortec — это современное и инновационное решение для армирования бетонных конструкций, которое использовалось по всему зданию для обеспечения максимальной прочности и устойчивости.

Здание строится с упором на экологичность и долговечность. Использование муфты Fortec было важной частью этих усилий, поскольку она обеспечивает надежное и долговечное решение для армирования бетонных конструкций. Муфта изготовлена из высокопрочной стали, что делает ее чрезвычайно прочной и способной выдерживать суровые погодные условия в районе Ла-Дефанс.

Муфта Fortec также предлагает ряд преимуществ по сравнению с традиционными методами армирования. Например, его быстрее и проще устанавливать, чем традиционные методы армирования, что помогает сократить время и затраты на строительство. Это также помогает сохранить целостность конструкции даже в случае землетрясения или другого стихийного бедствия.

Здание Link La Défense должно стать чудом современной инженерии, и использование соединителей Fortec является важнейшим компонентом его конструкции. Прочность, надежность и экологичность соединителя гарантируют, что здание останется заметным сооружением в районе Ла-Дефанс на долгие годы вперед.

Изображение предоставлено: www.skyscrapercity.com, thelink-ladefense.com, The Link © PCA-Stream

Музей Гуггенхайма

Музей Гуггенхайма

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi is a museum of modern and contemporary art, located in Saadiyat Island cultural district in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. As this awe-inspiring museum took shape, numerous challenges needed to be overcome, and Dextra provided crucial reinforcements to the structure, ensuring its stability, durability, and overall success. We supplied an astounding 140,000 Bartec couplers, 30,000 RepairGrip couplers, 50 tons of Geotec rock bolts, and 199 sets of DCP anchors, contributing significantly to the construction of this iconic masterpiece.

Strengthening the Structure with Bartec Couplers:

The Guggenheim Abu Dhabi stands tall and proud, thanks to the reinforcement provided by Dextra’s Bartec couplers. With a supply of 140,000 Bartec couplers, Dextra ensured that the concrete reinforcement in the structure remained robust and resilient. These couplers provide a reliable mechanical connection between reinforcing bars, enhancing the overall strength of the structure.

Seamless Rebar Connection with RepairGrip Couplers:

The use of 30,000 RepairGrip couplers helps connect rebars with no prepared threads, ensuring a seamless connection of rebars and minimizing the risk of structural failure.

Stabilizing Rocks with Geotec Rock Bolts:

In addition to the couplers, Dextra provided 50 tons of Geotec rock bolts to stabilize the rocks surrounding the museum. These rock bolts serve as critical anchors, reinforcing the natural formations and enhancing their stability. By utilizing them, the construction team effectively mitigated the geological risks associated with the site, ensuring a secure foundation for the museum.

Retaining the Seawall with DCP Anchors:

The museum, standing gracefully on the shores, required robust seawall retention, and Dextra’s DCP anchors provided the ideal solution. With the supply of 199 sets of DCP anchors, the seawall was reinforced and secured effectively. The anchors offer reliable and efficient retaining solutions for coastal structures, providing stability in the face of dynamic forces such as waves and tides.

Upon completion, it is planned to be the largest of the Guggenheim museums.

Мега-резервуары Катара

Мега-резервуары Катара

Qatar’s General Electricity & Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA) is currently building fresh water reservoirs to store the equivalent of 7 days of Qatar’s national consumption of fresh water at WHO (World Health Organization) standards. The primary reservoirs are located in five different sites in Doha area: Um Baraka, Um Salal, Rawdat Rashid, Abu Nakhla, and Al Thumama.

The first phase of the project involves the construction of 5 mega reservoir sites, and will support the expected water demand at horizon 2026. The second phase includes the construction of 16 additional reservoirs within the five existing mega sites. With a capacity of 3.5 million m3 each, the Reservoirs are among the largest of their kind in the world.

For this project, Dextra Middle East delivered more than 3 million Бартек couplers to the rebar fabricators and contractors involved on the different packages.

Project requirements regarding corrosion protection specify that the complete reinforcement, including couplers, should be epoxy coated. Dextra is therefore delivering all Bartec couplers with epoxy coating, giving them a distinctive green look.


Couplers are used in the raft and columns all over the different reservoirs as a way to reduce steel congestion and generate savings.

For more information about Dextra solutions and project in the Middle East, please contact our Dubai office.

Emirates’ Bustanica Vertical Farm

The World’s Largest Vertical Farm

Emirates’ Bustanica Vertical Farm is the world’s largest vertical farm, a sprawling indoor farming facility spanning an impressive 330,000 square feet. This state-of-the-art facility plays a crucial role in providing fresh, locally sourced in-flight food for Emirates and several other airlines operating at Dubai International Airport. At the core of this groundbreaking project lies meticulous engineering, and one crucial component that contributes to its success is the use of Dextra Groutec couplers for the precast shear wall module connections.

This vertical farm employs cutting-edge technology to cultivate a diverse range of crops in a controlled environment. By stacking layers of crops vertically, the facility maximizes space utilization while minimizing resource consumption. The result is a sustainable and efficient system that produces fresh, high-quality produce year-round, regardless of external climatic conditions.

The Role of Dextra Groutec Couplers

In any construction project, the choice of materials and components is critical to ensuring structural integrity and long-term durability. In the case of the world’s largest vertical farm, the engineers faced the challenge of connecting precast shear wall modules securely. The solution came in the form of Groutec L couplers with a diameter of 25mm.

Groutec couplers are renowned for their reliability and strength in connecting precast concrete elements. These couplers provide a robust and efficient means of joining precast concrete components, ensuring the structural stability of the entire facility. The 25mm diameter was carefully selected to meet the specific requirements of the shear wall modules, offering a seamless connection that enhances the overall resilience of the vertical farm.

The Groutec couplers not only facilitate the structural integrity of the vertical farm but also align with the project’s commitment to sustainability. The durability and reliability of these couplers ensure that the connections withstand the test of time, supporting the longevity of the facility and its contribution to sustainable agriculture.

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