Декстра Групп | Надежные соединения


Cross Island Line (CRL) MRT, Singapore


Декстра has played a pivotal role in the construction of Singapore’s Cross Island Line (CRL) MRT project, supplying Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) soft-eyes, Бартек couplers and Бары во главе for several crucial packages. Декстра continues to support the ongoing packages of this extensive project.

The CRL is set to become Singapore’s eighth MRT line and its longest fully underground line, stretching over 50 kilometers. The project is being executed in three phases, with the first phase anticipated to be operational by 2030.

To minimize the environmental impact on the forested areas of the nature reserve, engineering solutions were meticulously chosen to further mitigate environmental disruption. These solutions include digging deeper into the ground and employing a large diameter boring machine, capable of accommodating two train tracks within a single tunnel. This approach not only reduces the surface footprint but also enhances the efficiency of the tunneling process.

Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) are a staple in Singapore’s subterranean infrastructure projects, adept at operating under a variety of ground conditions. The use of GFRP soft-eyes supplied by Декстра is integral to these operations. Soft-eyes are essential components in TBM tunneling, acting as temporary openings that allow the TBM to break through concrete walls without compromising structural integrity. The GFRP material is preferred for its high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and ease of installation, ensuring safe and efficient tunneling operations.

Декстра‘s expertise and reliable supply of GFRP soft-eyes, Бартек couplers and стержни с головкой have significantly contributed to the progress of the CRL project, aligning with Singapore’s commitment to sustainable and innovative infrastructure development. As the CRL project advances, Декстра remains a key partner, supporting the construction of this monumental MRT line that will eventually enhance the daily commute for millions of Singaporeans.


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Компания Dextra полностью владеет своими производственными мощностями и процессами на трех крупных промышленных площадках, расположенных в Бангкоке (Таиланд), Гуанчжоу (Китай) и Пуне (Индия). Это позволяет нам полностью контролировать сроки выполнения работ и качество производимых решений.

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