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Soft-Eyes installed at Singapore Marine Terrace Station

Four large diameter soft eyes have been installed in the diaphragm wall cages of the new Singapore MRT Marine Terrace Station during August 2017.

Soft-Eyes são feitos de vergalhões GFRP, que são utilizados para substituir o reforço de aço nas D-Walls de poços de construção. Quando a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) rompe as D-Walls, ela corta facilmente as barras de GFRP, economizando tempo no cronograma do projeto e dinheiro no uso do equipamento.

A Dextra tem sido a pioneira nesta aplicação desde a sua primeira utilização no projecto do metro de Banguecoque em 1998 e tem uma vasta experiência no design e fabrico interno de Soft-Eyes.

The D-Walls installed on Terrace Station also feature Bartec® rebar couplers, a common application which allows for the horizontal re-connection of the station slabs.

Left: Part of the Soft Eye with overlap between steel & GFRP
Right: Bartec couplers in the D-Wall will be used for slab reconnection.

Left: Raising the Soft Eye in position
Right: Vertical position. Circular shape of the TMB breakthrough target is visible in light color.

Learn more about Soft eyes

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