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Xiao En Cheras

Xiao En Cheras

Xiao En Cheras is a 15 story, 3 basement memorial center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, owned by Xiao En Group, a bereavement care provider who offers professional counselling for grieving families and the Malaysian community.

Dextra Sonitec tubes were installed to test the structural integrity and consistency of concrete within the building’s bored piles using crosshole sonic logging (CSL) testing method.

Sonitec is the steel pipe system specifically designed and manufactured for CSL concrete testing. Since 1999, over 50 million feet of Sonitec CSL tubes have been used on over 400 projects around the world.

Xiao En Cheras memorial center will emphasize not only the functions of traditional funeral services, but also integrate memorial activities, cultural and educational activities.

Trilogia Limassol à beira-mar

Trilogia Limassol à beira-mar

Trilogy Limassol Seafront é um projeto de construção de prestígio localizado na bela cidade de Limassol, Chipre. É um enorme empreendimento composto por três torres, com apartamentos de luxo e escritórios com instalações privativas. A construção do Trilogy Limassol Seafront exigiu o uso de mais de 200.000 acopladores Bartec e barras com cabeça para ligações de lajes e pilares.

Os acopladores Bartec BF fornecem conexões confiáveis e robustas. Eles são projetados para unir barras de reforço de forma rápida e fácil. Os acopladores foram usados para as ligações de laje, pilar e pilar a laje em todas as três torres do Trilogy Limassol Seafront.

O uso de acopladores Bartec BF e barras com cabeça de diâmetro. 40, grau 500C, ISO 15835 S (Sísmica) proporciona uma resistência sísmica excepcional, um factor crucial para edifícios em áreas propensas a terramotos. Os acopladores Bartec BF foram testados e certificados para atender aos mais altos padrões de desempenho sísmico, garantindo a segurança e durabilidade dos novos edifícios históricos à beira-mar.

Crédito da imagem:

The Reef at King’s Dock Condominium

The Reef at King’s Dock Condominium

The Reef at King’s Dock, a prestigious waterfront development in Singapore, has introduced an impressive feature to its residential project. Boasting the country’s first-ever 180-metre floating deck, this luxury development offers residents a truly unique experience. With a total of 429 units spread across 10 residential blocks, the development is situated in the Harbourfront precinct, within the Greater Southern Waterfront area.

In the construction of this remarkable project, Dextra provided the new Groutec F couplers, marking the first introduction of this innovative product in Singapore for precast household shelter connections.

Groutec, a mechanical splicing system specifically designed for connecting precast elements, offers superior strength and reliability. The Groutec F model stands out due to its fully grouted system, which enables the connection of two rebars without the need for any threading procedure, setting it apart from the well-known Groutec L and S models.

The incorporation of the Groutec F couplers by Dextra in The Reef at King’s Dock exemplifies the commitment to innovation and quality within the construction industry. This cutting-edge technology not only enhances the structural integrity of the development but also simplifies and streamlines the construction process.

Expansão do Edifício Lai King no Hospital Princess Margaret

Expansão do Edifício Lai King no Hospital Princess Margaret

O projeto de expansão do Edifício Lai King, inaugurado em 2001 no Hospital Princess Margaret, em Hong Kong, visa melhorar os serviços de atendimento ambulatorial e garantir a conformidade com o controle de infecções e padrões de serviço em ambientes de saúde modernos.

O projecto envolve a demolição da estrutura existente, construção de um novo bloco de extensão, renovação e remodelação do edifício existente, construção de pontes de ligação entre o novo bloco de extensão e o edifício existente, bem como obras externas e paisagismo.

A Dextra está ativamente envolvida nas obras de formação do local e fundação, que começaram em agosto de 2021. Nossa contribuição inclui o fornecimento de pregos de solo Astec GFRP (Polímero Reforçado com Fibra de Vidro) com diâmetro de 32 para suporte temporário durante a escavação. Esses pregos para solo são conhecidos por sua composição leve, o que os torna mais fáceis de manusear e instalar. Essa característica reduz significativamente a necessidade de mão de obra e o tempo de construção, permitindo maior produtividade no local.

Além disso, o material GFRP utilizado nestes pregos de solo apresenta alta resistência à corrosão, distinguindo-o dos pregos de solo de aço tradicionais. Este atributo garante a longevidade e durabilidade do sistema de suporte temporário, reduzindo em última análise a necessidade de manutenção e substituições dispendiosas no futuro.

A excepcional resistência à tração dos pregos de solo GFRP desempenha um papel crucial na restrição eficaz do deslocamento lateral do solo, minimizando assim o risco de movimento do solo e potencial colapso.

As obras de construção de todo o projeto estão previstas para serem concluídas até 2026.

Renovação das Torres Kielpark

Renovação das Torres Kielpark

The new Kielpark towers will be a tribute to the current towers. The building is equipped with the most sustainable techniques, such as a collective heating installation that works with a heat pump, solar panels for electricity in the common areas, extra insulation, and low temperature floor heating and precast concrete panels.

Dextra supplied Groutec couplers for precast concrete panel connection to slabs. Precast construction technique contributes to sustainable building practices in significant ways:

  • Require less materials such as grout, rebar, and concrete
  • 3x faster construction cycles compared to cast in place = less pollution, and waste
  • Offsite construction= 20% less man-hours compared to conventional corrugated pipes
  • Ensure accuracy and reduce mistakes during the installation at site
  • Mega Home Chiang Mai

    Mega Home Chiang Mai

    Mega Home is a prominent operator of home and construction materials chains in Thailand with more than ten branches across the country. In recent years, Mega Home has been investing in its mega expansion projects, including the construction of its flagship store in Chiang Mai.

    Mega Home turned to Groutec couplers. Groutec couplers are a proven solution for connecting precast columns to foundations. They are designed to provide a reliable and durable connection that can withstand the rigors of construction.

    Groutec couplers are designed to be easy to install, which made the construction process smoother and faster. The couplers work by connecting the steel reinforcement bars in the precast columns to the reinforcement bars in the foundation. This creates a strong and stable connection that ensures the structural integrity of the building.

    The use of Groutec couplers also provided several other benefits to the Mega Home Chiang Mai construction project. For example, the couplers allowed for the use of smaller diameter reinforcement bars, which reduced the overall weight of the precast columns. This, in turn, reduced the size and weight of the cranes required for installation, making the construction process more efficient.

    Groutec couplers also provided a cost-effective solution for the project. They eliminated the need for welding or other costly connection methods, which helped to keep the overall cost of the project within budget.

    The successful completion of the Mega Home Chiang Mai project was a testament to the technical expertise and experience of the construction team. By using innovative and proven solutions like Groutec couplers, the team was able to overcome the challenges of the project and deliver a high-quality building that will serve Mega Home customers for many years to come.

    Laboratório de Isolamento da Universidade Tecnológica de Nanyang (NTU)

    Laboratório de Isolamento da Universidade Tecnológica de Nanyang (NTU)

    O novo laboratório de vibração ultrabaixa da Universidade Tecnológica de Nanyang (NTU) está sendo construído.

    Como o equipamento de teste não pode ser posicionado dentro de um raio de 1,5 m de quaisquer elementos magnéticos, os vergalhões Dextra GFRP foram instalados em lajes de base e lajes flutuantes em substituição aos vergalhões de aço. Os vergalhões GFRP foram entregues na quantidade de 3.000 metros lineares.

    Os vergalhões GFRP permitem que os empreiteiros substituam os vergalhões de aço por reforços compostos não corrosivos e não metálicos. Oferece desempenhos de tração muito elevados para um peso leve: até 8 vezes a relação desempenho/peso do aço.

    SeaWorld Abu Dhabi

    SeaWorld Abu Dhabi

    SeaWorld Abu Dhabi is an under-construction marine life theme park and animal research, rescue and rehabilitation center, planned to open in 2023 on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

    It will be the first SeaWorld park outside of the US, under a license from SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. The Abu Dhabi-based company Miral is the owner and operator of the project.

    Dextra have supplied 400,000 Bartec couplers for the connection and reinforcement of columns, beams, and slabs.

    Moreover, 20,000 linear meters of cuttable GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforcement Polymer) rebar have also been installed in the overlay slabs of the swimming pools, replacing steel rebars as the product of choice.

    Thanks to its durability and corrosion-free nature, GFRP is an ideal material when the concrete structure is surrounded by water.

    Dextra GFRP Rebar

    Source of images:,

    Um centro da cidade (OCC)

    Um centro da cidade (OCC)

    One City Center (OCC) é um projeto de edifício de escritórios de 61 andares no coração de Bangkok, na Tailândia.

    O edifício é organizado por duas massas – o núcleo elegante a oeste e o espaço de escritório de vidro a leste. A torre é definida pela intersecção destes dois volumes e envolvida pelo sistema estrutural diagonal que envolve o núcleo.

    150.000 acopladores de vergalhões Bartec e 20.000 barras com cabeça foram instaladas na subestrutura e superestrutura subterrânea como segue.

    Subestrutura subterrânea:

  • Aplicado em paredes de diafragma.
  • Para reforçar vergalhões de aço na fundação da esteira.
  • Para simplificar o construção de cima para baixo processo.
  • Para facilitar a etapa de concretagem da fundação em manta (barras com cabeça).
  • Superestrutura:

  • Aplicado em paredes centrais.
  • Usado como cavilha para barras iniciais.
  • Para conectar colunas e colunas para vigas.
  • Para facilitar o trabalho de construção em aberturas temporárias.
  • A conclusão do projeto está prevista para o último trimestre de 2022.

    Fonte das imagens:

    Desenvolvimento da Central Elétrica de Battersea: A Revitalização de um Marco do Reino Unido

    Battersea Power Station Development:

    The Revitalization of a UK Landmark

    Battersea Power Station was a decommissioned coal-fired power station, located on the south bank of the River Thames, in Nine Elms, Battersea, in the London Borough of Wandsworth.

    The power station was one of the world’s largest brick buildings and one of the last major symbols of London’s industrial past.

    After the building remained empty for almost 40 years, a redevelopment plan kicked off with the mission to build a new iconic London landmark.

    The 3rd phase consists in the creation of the so-called ‘Electric Boulevard’, which will include a connection to the Northern Line Extension station, more than 1,300 residential units, a 160-room hotel, retail spaces, restaurants and leisure facilities.

    Dextra has been supplying several rebar coupler solutions to the site.

    More than 100,000 Griptec and Rolltec cast-in-situ couplers were applied in masonry cells to alleviate the problem of rebar congestion due to long lap length.

    Moreover, precast concrete panels reinforced by rebars were used in the building, equipped with 30,000 Groutec couplers for onsite connection of continuation bars.

    The panels were easily lifted into place at the construction site: coupler cavities were then filled with non-shrink grouting mortar through the injection holes.

    Finally, 3,000 Unitec bolted couplers were installed on rebars for repair works. These couplers were used to replace the damaged reinforcements with new ones and to connect to the finished structure.

    The mixed-use community is anticipated to be completed in 2020 and to become a new landmark for locals, tourists and residents.

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