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Neo Factory Phase 1, Thailand


Neo Factory Phase 1, Thailand


Dextra has played a key role in the construction of the Neo Factory Phase 1 in Pathum Thani, Thailand, one of the country’s leading consumer product manufacturers. By supplying essential Bartec e Groutec S. systems for precast column connections, Dextra ensured the structural integrity of this significant industrial facility.


Bartec, renowned for its mechanical splicing capabilities, and Groutec S., designed for secure and easy installation of precast elements, were crucial in making the construction process efficient and reliable. Dextra’s involvement in the Neo Factory project underscores its commitment to providing high-quality, innovative products that support the demands of modern construction, contributing to the continued growth of Thailand’s industrial sector.


Foundation for Public Housing Development at Pik Wan Road, Hong Kong


The Foundation for Public Housing Development at Pik Wan Road, Hong Kong


The Foundation for Public Housing Development at Pik Wan Road stands as a testament to Hong Kong’s commitment to sustainable urban development and infrastructure enhancement. Situated amidst the vibrant cityscape, this construction project embodies a convergence of innovative engineering and community-focused initiatives.

At the heart of this endeavor lies the crucial aspect of slope stabilization—a fundamental requirement in Hong Kong’s hilly terrain, where land development often necessitates meticulous attention to structural integrity. Recognizing the significance of this aspect, the project turned to advanced solutions, seeking to marry effectiveness with environmental responsibility.

Enter Dextra, a renowned provider of engineering solutions renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation. Dextra’s contribution comprised over a thousand pieces of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Soil Nails — a cutting-edge solution designed to address the specific challenges of slope stabilization. GFRP Soil Nails offer superior corrosion resistance, durability, and ease of installation while minimizing environmental impact.

Dextra’s GFRP solutions have earned the esteemed approval of various authoritative bodies in Hong Kong, including the Buildings Department, a crucial entity overseeing building codes, safety standards, and inspections. Additionally, they have garnered recognition from the Hospital Authority, ensuring their reliability and suitability for healthcare infrastructure. Moreover, recognition from the Housing Department and the Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF) signifies their innovative edge and contribution to advancing construction practices in Hong Kong.


Jal Jeevan Mission Water Reservoirs, India


Jal Jeevan Mission Water Reservoirs, India


The Jal Jeevan Mission of the Government of India is a flagship initiative where attempts are made to ensure adequate supplies of quality drinking water at affordable rates on a long-term basis. It emphasizes the importance of proper water management, infrastructure development, and community participation to achieve the ambitious goal of ‘Har Ghar Jal’ (Water to Every Household).

Considering the widespread geography of India, uneven terrain, and human settlements in remote locations, access to continuous water is a challenge. Therefore, overhead tanks are a good option for efficiently storing and distributing water, particularly in areas with inconsistent water supply patterns. Construction and infrastructure development are yet another key factors that have a direct influence on development.

Precast construction is one such method that has gained tremendous momentum in recent times due to its advantages, such as accelerated productivity, better quality control, environmental friendliness, and optimized material and labor usage. Although this method incurs high initial setup costs, its attractiveness is enhanced by large-scale projects with standardized designs. In the project, our team worked in close coordination with Larsen & Toubro (L&T) from the design stage, carefully selecting Groutec and Bartec couplers to connect the H and U frames of the overhead tanks.

Our range of Groutec couplers is arguably the most reliable mechanical splices, specially designed to connect two precast elements with no requirement for in-situ wet concrete joints. These couplers have been successfully qualified and tested over the years on several major infrastructure projects, including process plant pipe racks, residential and commercial buildings, and data centers, among others.


Nestlé LEO Factory, Thailand


Nestlé LEO Factory, Thailand


Nestlé LEO Factory’s reliance on precast elements necessitated a reliable, efficient method for joining the precast structure of the building. The construction utilized Groutec F, a well-known splicing system engineered by Dextra, to meet the exacting demands of the precast building. Groutec F allows for the connection of rebars without the need for bar end preparation and was used for the precast joint connection of beam and column in this project.

Groutec F is a fully grouted connection solution, ensuring robustness and durability in the face of dynamic operational environments. Engineered and manufactured in compliance with industry-leading standards such as Eurocode 2, BS 8110, ACI 318, IBC, and AASHTO, Groutec F guarantees adherence to rigorous structural specifications. It is compatible with major non-shrink grout brands readily available on the market, reducing logistical complexities and procurement lead times.


One Lake Club, Romania


One Lake Club, Romania


One Lake Club is a prestigious project promises to redefine luxury living in the Romanian capital. It aims to set new standards in urban living, offering residents an unparalleled blend of elegance, comfort, and functionality. The project encompasses a range of residential and recreational facilities, including luxury apartments, lush green spaces, and state-of-the-art amenities. With its ambitious vision and meticulous attention to detail, One Lake Club represents a beacon of modern architectural excellence in Bucharest.

As construction progresses on this ambitious venture, ensuring the structural integrity of the building is paramount. This is where Dextra’s Bartec couplers come into play. Renowned for their reliability and versatility, Bartec BF couplers provide robust connections between reinforcing bars, enhancing the strength and durability of concrete structures. In the case of the One Lake Club project, these couplers are specifically tailored for temporary opening applications, offering flexibility and efficiency in construction processes.

The 12mm Bartec BF couplers serve as the linchpin in the construction workflow, enabling seamless integration of reinforcing bars within the concrete framework. Their innovative design ensures quick and easy installation, minimizing construction time while maximizing safety and performance. By facilitating temporary openings in the concrete structure, these couplers enable efficient access for maintenance, inspection, and future modifications, thereby streamlining the construction process and ensuring long-term durability.


Uniqlo & Hive Indonesia Warehouse


Uniqlo & Hive Indonesia Warehouse


Indonesia’s building construction has spurred a need for rapid and efficient construction methods capable of meeting the demands of a burgeoning population. Precast construction has emerged as a solution to these challenges as it helps minimize on-site labor requirements, accelerates project timelines, and ensures consistent quality.

At the heart of successful precast construction lies the seamless connection between structural elements. Dextra supplied Groutec precast couplers for projects around the world, including Indonesia. Groutec in size 20mm were used in the Uniqlo & Hive Indonesia warehouse building project for joining precast columns, facilitating rapid and reliable assembly while ensuring structural integrity.

The couplers have minimized on-site labor requirements and accelerated project milestones. This not only translates to cost savings but also ensures timely delivery, allowing the building to fulfill its intended purpose sooner. Additionally, the couplers’ high-strength steel composition and stringent quality control measures guarantee robust connections that withstand the rigors of dynamic structural loads.


Torre MahaNakhon

Torre MahaNakhon

A Torre MahaNakhon é um arranha-céu de 77 andares em Bangkok. Com 314 metros de altura, tornou-se em 2016 o edifício mais alto da Tailândia. MahaNakhon está localizado em Silom, o distrito comercial mais movimentado de Bangkok, logo acima da estação BTS Skytrain Chong Nonsi. O projeto é propriedade do desenvolvedor PACE e foi construído pela Bouygues-Thai.


As fundações são sempre um desafio em Bangkok. Como a cidade está sendo construída sobre areias e solos úmidos, as fundações devem ser profundas e a maioria dos projetos apresenta paredes D grossas para evitar a entrada de água.

Para as D-Walls de MahaNakhon, a Dextra forneceu acopladores de vergalhão usados nas D-Walls. Os engates foram montados em barras de gancho, instaladas horizontalmente e moldadas em concreto. Esta aplicação típica permite reconectar as barras ao D-Wall numa fase posterior ao iniciar o reforço da laje.

Por fim, barras com cabeça também foram instaladas na base espessa mate. As barras com cabeça são um substituto vantajoso para ganchos em áreas congestionadas, proporcionam ancoragem de alto desempenho e são mais fáceis de instalar.


A torre é construída em torno de um núcleo, erguido com fôrma deslizante, circundado por 12 megacolunas. Para conectar as colunas com a parede central, a Dextra forneceu à Bouygues-Thai seu renomado Bartec solução. Bartec acopladores, instalados nivelados com a fôrma e moldados em concreto, permitem a reconexão de segunda frase das barras para unir o pilar e a parede central.

Nas mega colunas, acopladores de vergalhões também foram utilizados para realizar conexões verticais barra a barra.


Finalmente, a Dextra forneceu Sistemas de Barras Tensoras no skybar da cobertura. Barras de tensão podem ser facilmente instalados com as extremidades dos garfos e fornecem um sistema de ancoragem estético.

Para obter mais informações sobre as soluções Dextra para MahaNakhon, também está disponível um estudo de caso com fotos.


Baixar folheto

Torre Ciel Dubai

Torre Ciel Dubai

Ciel Tower é um edifício de 82 andares em desenvolvimento na Marina de Dubai. Com uma altura total de 365 metros, o edifício deverá se tornar o hotel mais alto do mundo após sua conclusão, prevista para o final de 2023.

A torre está situada no coração da Marina, perto de atrações populares como o Marina Walk e o complexo comercial e de entretenimento Marina Mall. Serão 1.042 suítes luxuosas com cobertura que abriga bar na piscina, restaurante e mirante.

A estrutura é fortemente inspirada no conceito de vida vertical, para maximizar as vistas de Palm Jumeirah, Blue Waters Island, Porto de Dubai e Golfo Pérsico.

A Dextra forneceu 180.000 acopladores Bartec para a conexão e reforço de jangadas, colunas a vigas, lajes a paredes centrais, paredes centrais e barras iniciais.

A Ciel Tower é um projeto notável que se tornará um novo marco e aumentará ainda mais a reputação de Dubai como um dos destinos turísticos mais populares do mundo.

Fonte das imagens:, torre

O edifício comercial mais alto da Índia construído com tecnologia pré-moldada

O edifício comercial mais alto da Índia construído com tecnologia pré-moldada

Orbit é um edifício de escritórios de 25 andares localizado estrategicamente no coração do centro de TI de Hyderabad, construído com tecnologia pré-moldada. São os edifícios comerciais mais altos da Índia feitos com tecnologia pré-moldada.

O edifício Orbit construído pela Aurobindo Realty foi premiado com o prêmio “Best Office Architecture India” pelo International Property Awards- Asia Pacific Property Awards 2018.

Por ser projetado com tecnologia Precast, o edifício também foi proposto para o LEED V4 Gold Rating do USGBC, uma certificação que garante o nosso compromisso com o respeito ao meio ambiente e a sustentabilidade.

A Dextra Groutec desempenhou um papel fundamental na conexão de elementos pré-moldados. Cerca de 60.000 acopladores foram instalados nos elementos pré-moldados na fábrica de pré-moldados e depois transportados para o local para realizar uma conexão de argamassa.

Os acopladores Groutec são amplamente utilizados em resposta ao aumento da demanda por edifícios modulares em todo o mundo, especialmente durante este surto de Covid-19, com mais requisitos para edifícios de saúde e de quarentena. Eles são projetados e fabricados de acordo com o Eurocódigo 2, BS 8110, ACI 318, IBC e AASHTO.

Fonte das imagens:

Dois IFC (Centro Financeiro Internacional)|環球貿易廣場

Dois IFC (Centro Financeiro Internacional)|環球貿易廣場

The Two IFC é um arranha-céu histórico em Hong Kong, localizado em West Kownloon. O edifício comercial tem 412 metros de altura e 88 andares. É o segundo edifício mais alto de Hong Kong, logo depois da Torre ICC.

O reforço vertical é, por definição, uma característica fundamental para edifícios desta altura. O consultor ARUP e os empreiteirosE-Man-Sanfield JV escolheram a Dextra para a emenda do reforço em todo o edifício.

Para este projeto, a Dextra forneceu mais de 200.000 acopladores de vergalhão. Estes foram utilizados para realizar a maioria das ligações verticais na estrutura, em particular em todos os pilares.

Os acopladores de vergalhão também forneceram pontos de conexão para reconexão da segunda fase do vergalhão. Normalmente entre pilares e lajes e entre pilares e vigas. Para isso, os acopladores de vergalhões são alinhados horizontalmente e moldados em concreto. A reconexão só é realizada posteriormente, aparafusando a armadura do segundo estágio.

Bartec é a solução de emenda de reforço preferida dos empreiteiros em Hong Kong, pois a solução é recomendada na Lista de Materiais de Construção de Hong Kong. A Dextra também opera sua própria oficina de rosqueamento de vergalhões em Hong Kong, fornecendo o serviço de preparação de vergalhões para seus clientes.

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