Grupo Dextra | Conexões confiáveis

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Stainless splicing for Montreal’s new Champlain Bridge

Stainless rebar couplers to splice rebar horizontally on the structure.

Reinforcement for bridgeA nova Ponte Champlain é uma ponte de 3 km de extensão que atravessa o Rio São Lourenço, na entrada sudeste de Montreal, na província de Quebec (Canadá).

The Champlain Bridge is one of the busiest bridges in Canada and plays an important economical role for its city as it is part of the main itinerary to the United States, accessible 60-km South.

For this project, Dextra is supplying its Emenda mecânica de vergalhões Rolltec system, in both Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel versions. Rolltec is a certified system by the Department of Transportation of the State of Quebec.

Read more on full project page

Teams are back to run Peak24!

Dextra teams at the race starting point!

Way to go Dextra team!This year again, Dextra lined up 2 teams of 12 runners at Peak24 race in Hong Kong! The teams were featuring a mix of Dextra Guangzhou and Dextra Hong Kong staff, pushing together their limits for the good cause and in an incredible atmosphere!

Peak 24 Race is a charity race aiming to raise awareness about slavery and human trafficking problem in the world, and especially in Asia. Funds raised by Peak24 will be donated to the 24 Hour Race, a Hong Kong-founded & international youth charity which inspires students in five countries to join the movement to eradicate modern slavery. The profits raised from us will directly benefit the expansion of the 24 Hour Race movement.

Bar systems for liquid gas tanks

In the United Arab Emirates, Dextra recently delivered a new Oil and Gas project. Dextra tension rods have been used for the support of structure supporting very large liquid gas tanks.

For this application, Dextra engineered, manufactured and delivered bar assemblies based on Carbon Steel bars Gr.355 of diameter Ø120mm. Each barra de tensão system is composed of two segments spliced at the lower half of the assembly. The system is mounted onto gusset plates thanks to their fork ends, which can be connected to the structure in just a few minutes by simply sliding in a pin in the middle of the fork.

For length adjustment and tightening, turnbuckes, positionned at the lower half of each tendon, are simply rotated to bring bar segments closer to each other and tension the overall system.

Entregas para estações de metrô de Riade

riyadh metro

O Metrô de Riyadh é um grande projeto de sistema de trânsito urbano em construção em Riad, na Arábia Saudita. O projeto contará com 85 estações, construídas ao longo de 6 linhas de trânsito, totalizando uma extensão ferroviária de 176 km. A expectativa é que o sistema atenda pelo menos 1 milhão de passageiros diariamente em sua inauguração, em 2018.

Para este grande projeto de infraestrutura, Dextra Médio Oriente esteve envolvido em várias estações e pacotes.

Trabalhos de escavação

Antes de prosseguir com os trabalhos de construção geral, durante a fase inicial de escavação, é necessário ancorar os muros de contenção de volta ao solo estável, a fim de evitar qualquer deslocamento dos muros. Isso permitirá continuar escavando em um ambiente seguro.

Para esse efeito, a Dextra forneceu aço âncoras terrestres instalado através de muro de contenção. Cada sistema é baseado em uma barra totalmente rosqueada de alta resistência, acompanhada de porca e placa, e rejuntada para proporcionar aderência ao solo.

Conexões de balsa e verticais

Acopladores de vergalhões Bartec foram fornecidos para as obras nas estações. Foram utilizados acopladores para ligações de lajes, pilares e paredes. Uma aplicação típica neste projeto é fundir acopladores de vergalhões no concreto com armadura e, em seguida, prosseguir com a conexão da segunda fase da barra em um estágio posterior.

Acopladores parafusados Unitec também pode ter sido usado em várias partes do projeto. Tipicamente Unitec é usado quando a sobreposição é planejada, mas o comprimento da lapidação parece ser muito curto para realizar uma emenda segura. Nesse caso, a Unitec oferece uma conexão conveniente e com desempenho total.

BITEC tension bars installation now complete!

Dextra supplied contractor Italian-Thai with Barras de tensão to support the roof structure of the expansion of BITEC, a leading exhibition and convention center in central Bangkok. Installation has successfully be completed in 2016!

tension bars bitec

In total, Dextra delivered 298 assemblies in various diameters, each composed of multiple bars connected with couplers and turnbuckles and anchored to the structure with fork ends, with total assembly lengths in several cases exceeding 50 meters long (average 33 meters).




Para estruturas tão grandes, Barras de tensão offer a number of advantages compared to other “tensioning” solutions: lower elongation under loads, lower post tensioning forces required, better resistance to corrosion, reduced long terms relaxation and reduced maintenance and surveillance costs.


Start the year on strong bases

2017 is upon us and all the Dextra team wishes you a wonderful and prosperous year ahead, and a lot of succesful projects too!

What better way to start the year than making sure those projects will be will built on the strongest bases possible? For that we got you covered!

Dextra recently updated its Ground Engineering range documentation, featuring all our ground anchor solutions. Our unique range covers both steel and FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) solutions. This unique mix will cover all your possible anchoring challenges, in all soil conditions, from permanent to temporary applications.


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Dextra solutions for foundation pile cages

For precabricated cages used in foundation piling, Dextra recommends the use of 2 distinct solutions that will speed up and ease installation on site: optimal performance, higher productivity, safer operations.

Reinforcement >> Dextra coupler solutions are designed to allow the reconnection of prefabricated cages safely and in a minimum time.

CSL (Crosshole Sonic Logging) >> For Cross-Sonic Logging tubes (used in foundations testing), Sonitec will allow fast reconnection of the tubes without welding.

Charity – 67 runners from Dextra’s Bangkok in Rama IX Park

Dextra teams have united again for a good cause! The pink runners from Dextra’s Bangkok Factory and Headquarter office have joined a charity run in favor of the Thai Liver Association on Sunday 9th of October. The event took place at Suan Luang Rama IX park, a large green space located a few kilometers away from Dextra’s main factory. 

Congratulations to the Dextra team for completing this challenge and successfully raising awareness and donations for the Thai Liver Foundation.


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Dextra couplers on recent metro projects in France

In Paris, the expansion of Line 14 is part of the Grand Paris Express urban transportation plan. The fast subway line’s expansion will soon cut through Paris to go all the way North to Saint Ouen. Dextra supplied more than 70,000 Fortec couplers used in the stations of Orsay and Pont Cardinet. 

In Rennes, Western France, Dextra is successfully delivering Fortec and Rolltec rebar couplers in all four packages constituting makingthe 15 stations and 12.6 kilometers (part elevated, part underground) of the new Line B of the Rennes subway network. Couplers are used in various locations such as retrieval shaft, stations and trenches between stations.

20th Anniversary of Dextra’s presence in Guangzhou

This October, Dextra China celebrated the 20th anniversary of Dextra presence in Guangzhou, where is located our main Chinese production facility. Employees have celebrated the company’s anniversary during a 3-days outing in Huizhou in the province of Guangdong. This year celebrations were completed by a special family day with all families invited to join the event. 

In accordance with Dextra Guangzhou’s mission and values, people-minded and caring organization, this special anniversary was also an opportunity for the teams to raise funds in favor a children charity action which will provide tuitions to 50 children until 2019.

All Dextra teams which many more years of success to our Chinese colleagues in Guangzhou!


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