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Mumbai Metro Line 2B, India


O Mumbai Metro Line 2B, an essential link connecting several key areas of the city, is a significant infrastructure project aimed at alleviating Mumbai’s traffic congestion and providing efficient public transport. As part of this ambitious project, Dextra has made a valuable contribution, supplying engineered construction materials to ensure the durability and reliability of the structure.

CR Bar 1080 for U-Girder Stressing and Pre-Tensioning

One of the critical components of the project is the elevated section of the metro, which relies on U-girders for support. To enhance the strength and resilience of these U-girders, Dextra supplied its innovative CR Bar 1080 cold-rolled fully threaded post-tensioning bars. These bars, with a diameter of 75mm, are specifically designed to withstand high stress during both U-girder stressing and pre-tensioning operations. The hexagonal nuts provided as part of the system allow for secure fastening and easy adjustment, ensuring precise tensioning to meet the structural demands.


Fully Threaded (FT) Bar for Segment Stitching and Temporary Stressing

For segment stitching and temporary stressing operations during the construction of the metro viaduct, Dextra supplied its fully threaded (FT) bars. These bars provide secure connections between precast segments and offer flexibility for adjustments during the stitching process, ensuring that the structural alignment is perfect before the segments are permanently joined.

Unitec Couplers for Rebar Connections

In addition, Dextra supplied Unitec couplers, designed for connecting rebars at construction sites without the need for pre-threading. These couplers offer a convenient and robust solution, allowing for seamless connection of two rebars, ensuring structural continuity and strength without delays in the construction process.

Sonitec CSL Testing Tubes for Concrete Pile Integrity

In addition to supplying post-tensioning bars, Dextra also provided Sonitec Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) testing tubes for the integrity testing of the concrete piles supporting the metro structures. These tubes enable highly accurate non-destructive testing of the concrete, allowing engineers to detect any potential flaws or weaknesses in the piles. This testing is vital for ensuring the piles meet the necessary strength and quality standards, thereby supporting the entire metro system safely and effectively.

Enhancing Metro Connectivity with Quality Solutions

As the Mumbai Metro Line 2B progresses towards completion, Dextra’s contributions to the project highlight its role in providing advanced engineering solutions for infrastructure development. The combination of Barra CR 1080 for post-tensioning, fully threaded bars for segment stitching, Unitec couplers for rebar connection, and Sonitec CSL testing tubes for pile integrity showcases Dextra’s commitment to quality, innovation, and safety in major construction projects.

By contributing to this key metro line, Dextra is playing a part in shaping the future of urban mobility in Mumbai, ensuring that the metro system will be reliable and capable of supporting the city’s growing transportation needs for years to come.

Soluções relacionadas


Em cada momento da jornada do cliente, as equipes da Dextra se dedicam à produção de soluções construtivas inteligentes que permitem aos nossos clientes atingir maiores níveis de produtividade e segurança em seus canteiros de obras.

A Dextra possui stocks físicos em vários continentes, complementados em cada país pelos stocks locais dos nossos distribuidores. Com esta rede alargada, a Dextra garante que os nossos produtos estão sempre ao alcance, independentemente de onde os nossos parceiros estejam.

Para soluções que precisam ser customizadas, a Dextra também pode ir além dos nossos prazos de entrega padrão e oferecer esquemas de entrega acelerada. Consulte-nos para mais informações.

A partir de três grandes unidades industriais localizadas em Bangkok (Tailândia), Guangzhou (China) e Pune (Índia), a Dextra possui completamente suas instalações e processos de fabricação. Isto permite-nos ter total controlo sobre o timing das nossas operações e a qualidade das soluções produzidas.

Um laboratório de testes de materiais credenciado de forma independente, credenciado pela ISO-IEC17025, está localizado na principal fábrica da Dextra em Bangkok, permitindo o teste de materiais e produtos.

A Dextra visa fornecer produtos que superem as mais exigentes aprovações técnicas internacionais e é nosso objetivo criar a máxima satisfação do cliente, cumprindo as necessidades e requisitos especificados dos nossos clientes.

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