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Multitowers residential complex in Bangalore

Dream Acres é um grande complexo residencial (área de 81 acres) localizado a leste de Bangalore, na Índia. O ambicioso programa imobiliário conta com 13 torres de 14 andares construídas em tempo recorde graças ao uso de métodos de construção pré-moldados apoiados por uma fábrica construída especificamente com equipamentos Vollert.

Dextra supplies owner and developer Sobha with the following products and services:

Groutec couplers, used for the swift connection of precast elements either to a footing or directly to another precast element. On Dream Acres, Groutec couplers advantageously splice load-bearing wall panels together, ensuring a high performance connection and speeding up installation compared to more traditional wet in-situ joint methods.

More about Groutec.

Bartec couplers, the high-performance rebar splicing solution is based on two Bartec-threaded bars and a Bartec coupler. Bartec is used across Dream Acres for cast-in-place applications as well as inside the precast elements.

More about Bartec.

Rebar preparation services. Dextra India takes in charge the rebar preparation operations using Bartec equipment which is engineered and manufactured by Dextra. Rebar with Bartec-threaded ends are delivered directly to Sobha according to their schedule. Same bars can be used indifferently with Bartec couplers or Groutec couplers as the two solutions take advantage of the same thread system.

Congratulations to Sobha for already completing the first towers ahead of schedule. Dextra teams are looking forward to more successful precast and in-situ connections on the next phases of the project!

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