デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


The Reef at King’s Dock Condominium

The Reef at King’s Dock Condominium

The Reef at King’s Dock, a prestigious waterfront development in Singapore, has introduced an impressive feature to its residential project. Boasting the country’s first-ever 180-metre floating deck, this luxury development offers residents a truly unique experience. With a total of 429 units spread across 10 residential blocks, the development is situated in the Harbourfront precinct, within the Greater Southern Waterfront area.

In the construction of this remarkable project, Dextra provided the new Groutec F couplers, marking the first introduction of this innovative product in Singapore for precast household shelter connections.

Groutec, a mechanical splicing system specifically designed for connecting precast elements, offers superior strength and reliability. The Groutec F model stands out due to its fully grouted system, which enables the connection of two rebars without the need for any threading procedure, setting it apart from the well-known Groutec L and S models.

The incorporation of the Groutec F couplers by Dextra in The Reef at King’s Dock exemplifies the commitment to innovation and quality within the construction industry. This cutting-edge technology not only enhances the structural integrity of the development but also simplifies and streamlines the construction process.



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