デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


タンヴー - ラクフイン橋

タンヴー - ラクフイン橋

The Tan Vu – Lach Huyen Bridge is a 5.4-km long bridge located East of Hai Phong, in the North of Vietnam. The brige is connecting the Hai Han district (East of Hai Phong), to the new port of Lach Huyen, located on the island district of Cat Hai. This will also allow the port of Lach Huyen to be directly connected to the Hai Phong/Hanoi highway, drastically reducing the transit time to Vietnam’s capital city.

The bridge project is part of a broader infrastucture plan: the Tan Vu – Lach Huyen highway infrastructure project, which aims to develop Hai Phon as a main transportation hub in the North of Vietnam.

For this bridge project, Dextra supplied two types of Post Tensioning systems:

  • For the permanent reinforcement of precast girder segments, Dextra supplied PT smooth bar systems with threaded ends in sizes M39 and M49, grade 835/1030 and 930/1080. Dextra bar systems are used for the vertical post-tensioning of concrete segments.
  • For the lifting and temporary fixing of the precast girders segments during the construction phase, Dextra supplied its Fully threaded bar systems in diameters 32 and 36, grade 1080/1230.

For all temporary applications such as lifting and fixing operations, Fully threaded PT bar systems are a convenient and economical solution as they bars can easily be cut, adjusted and re-used several times. Thanks to their continuous thread, the bars can be spliced at any points by the use of couplers or turnbuckles, which are also available from Dextra.

For more information and engineering support regarding Post Tensioning Systems in Vietnam, please contact contact our office in Bangkok.



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