デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


Rail Baltica Bridge over the Neris River, Lithuania


The construction of the Rail Baltica Bridge over the Neris River near Jonava marks a significant milestone in the region’s railway infrastructure. Stretching 1.5 kilometers, this bridge will not only be the longest in Lithuania but also the entire Baltic States. Designed with a variety of spans—including cast-in-place from traveler, cast-in-place supported on falsework, and span-by-span cantilever—the project showcases advanced engineering techniques and a commitment to environmental protection.

Dextra plays a vital role in ensuring the structural integrity of the bridge by supplying ソニテック crosshole sonic logging (CSL) testing tubes for the testing of piles. CSL testing is a crucial procedure that provides real-time insights into the quality and integrity of concrete in the piles, ensuring they meet stringent safety standards. This advanced technology enables engineers to detect anomalies and assess the quality of the concrete, ensuring the long-term durability of the bridge.

の用法 ソニテック is particularly important given the bridge’s engineering complexity and the environmental considerations surrounding its construction. By integrating this technology, Dextra helps to uphold the highest standards of construction and environmental stewardship.

The Rail Baltica project represents the largest railway infrastructure development in the history of the Baltic States. Once completed, it will provide an electrified double-track European gauge railway line connecting major cities such as Warsaw, Kaunas, Riga, and Tallinn. This ambitious project will span a total of 870 kilometers, with 392 kilometers in Lithuania alone.

With the Rail Baltica Bridge over the Neris River, Dextra is proud to contribute to a landmark project that promises to enhance regional connectivity, promote sustainable transport solutions, and respect the delicate balance between development and environmental conservation. As construction progresses, the bridge will stand as a testament to innovative engineering and collaboration, paving the way for a brighter, more connected future in the Baltics.



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カスタマイズが必要なソリューションの場合、Dextra は標準納期を超えて、迅速な配送スキームを提供することもできます。詳細については、お問い合わせください。

Dextra は、バンコク (タイ)、広州 (中国)、プネー (インド) にある 3 つの主要な産業拠点から、製造施設とプロセスを完全に所有しています。これにより、業務のタイミングと生成されるソリューションの品質を完全に制御できるようになります。

ISO-IEC17025 の認定を受けた独立認定の材料試験ラボがデクストラのバンコク本社工場にあり、材料と製品の試験が可能です。

Dextra は、最も要求の厳しい国際技術承認を超える製品を供給することを目指しており、クライアントのニーズと指定された要件に準拠することで最大限の顧客満足を生み出すことが私たちの目標です。


