デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続

San’ao Nuclear Power Plant 1&2, China


San’ao Nuclear Power Plant 1&2, China


デクストラ has successfully supplied 340,000 グリップテック couplers for the aircraft impact-resistant shell construction of the San’ao Nuclear Power Plant units 1 and 2, featuring the advanced HPR1000 Hualong reactors.

グリップテック, recognized as the only 100% proof-tested splicing system, has gained the trust of over ten nuclear reactors globally, cementing its reputation for reliability and safety in high-stakes environments. The system’s stringent quality assurance processes ensure that each coupler meets the demanding standards required for nuclear applications, providing unparalleled performance and durability.

One of the standout features of グリップテック is its high-productivity bar end preparation equipment. This state-of-the-art machinery boasts an impressive processing speed of 30 to 45 seconds per bar end, significantly enhancing construction efficiency. Additionally, the equipment is designed for operation by a single operator, optimizing workforce utilization.

Moreover, デクストラ is the first manufacturer of civil construction products with an ISO19443 certified quality management system for nuclear safety. This certification underscores デクストラ‘s commitment to the highest standards of safety and quality in the nuclear industry, demonstrating the company’s commitment to excellence and reliability.

The San’ao Nuclear Power Plant project is a key component of China’s strategic initiative to expand its nuclear power capacity, which is vital for meeting the country’s growing energy needs while reducing carbon emissions. By supplying グリップテック couplers, デクストラ is playing a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of this project.

フラマンビル EPR

フラマンビル EPR

フラマンビルは、100% 中国設計の後、新世代 EPR 設計 (欧州加圧型原子炉) に従って建設された最初の原子炉です。 2019年の就航時には1.3GWeの容量を持つ予定。

デクストラは、2008 年の建設工事開始から 2015 年まで現場に常駐していました。

For this challenging project, Dextra has been supplying its Griptec rebar splicing solution through its local fabricator partners. The rebar preparation was supported by an additional machine placed on site.

Griptec は、その独自のパフォーマンス レベルと、標準サイクルの一部として作成されたすべての接続を体系的にテストする自動テスト プロセスのおかげで、原子力産業で推奨される鉄筋接合ソリューションです。つまり、100% の接続がプロジェクト要件を上回っていることが保証されます。

More than 800,000 Griptec connections have been used on the project, including 400,000 position assemblies, allowing the connection of large diameter rebar without rotating them. The Griptec connections have been installed on the reactor building and APC shell, as well as auxiliary buildings.

In particular, Griptec has been used for the connections of large prefabricated panels.

Four sided panels with Griptec female sleeves and bridging studs

Four-sided panels with Griptec female sleeves and bridging studs

Thanks to its Bridging Assemblies, square panels could be reconnected on four-sided panels while coping for possible misalignment that occurs when lifting the cage.




The four 1,200 MW VVER +3 units, with a total capacity of 4,800 MW, are the world’s first nuclear power plant project implemented on BOO (build-own-operate) principles by a subsidiary of Rosatom – Akkuyu NGS Elektrik Uretim AS (Akkuyu Project Company).


2 号機の建設は 2 年後に始まり、2024 年までに完成する予定で、続いて 3 号機が 2025 年に、4 号機が 2026 年に完成する予定です。

Dextra は、これまでに 700,000 個を超える Fortec+ カプラーとロック ナットを、バーエンド処理装置とともに、4 つの反応器すべてと補助エリアで使用できるように提供しました。

Fortec+ は、ユーロコード 2、ASME Sec III Div 2 に準拠した、Ø12 ~ 50 mm (ASTM #4 ~ #18) のコンクリート鉄筋の接続用に原子力プロジェクト向けに特別に設計された平行ねじメカニカル スプライシング システムです。

With the addition of a lock nut, it was fully engaged onto the extended thread of the connecting bar and helps eliminate the residual deformation of the splice.

バーエンドプレパレーションシステムマシン10セットも現場に納入されました。バーエンドの準備は、鉄筋の端を切断する、冷間鍛造して鉄筋の鋸で切った端を拡大する、およびねじ切りするという 3 つのステップで行うことができます。

The Fortec+ system adds a fourth step, consisting of quality testing at the end of the rebar preparation process. The threaded bar end is tensile tested at 90% of the rebar yield strength to guarantee its performance.

写真提供: https://www.dailysabah.com/business/energy/construction-starts-on-2nd-unit-of-turkeys-1st-nuclear-power-plant-akkuyu?gallery_image=undefine# big (Energya および Natural による)資源省)



ヒンクリー ポイント C (HPC) 原子力発電所は、ヨーロッパで最大かつ最も技術的に複雑なプロジェクトの 1 つです。

HPC は英国で一世代の間に建設された最初の原子力発電所であり、その建設には高度な熟練労働力と最高の建設およびエンジニアリング ソリューションが必要です。

The HPC Project is located in Somerset, South West England, and will consist of two nuclear reactors capable of generating 3.2GW of low-carbon electricity.

The new power station is being constructed in the same area as the existing Hinkley Point A and B stations. The former ceased operations some time ago, while the latter is decommissioned in 2022.

デクストラは、HPC の部品、特に原子炉の航空機衝撃保護シェルのコンクリート補強材のメカニカル スプライスの供給を委託されました。

More than 2.5 million Griptec couplers have been supplied for the construction of HPC.

Griptec is designed to comply with the most stringent project specifications, and has proven to be a popular system of choice for EPR nuclear power stations, having been used for the construction of the Flamanville 3, Taishan 1, and Taishan 2 power stations.

The Griptec mechanical splice consists of two steel sleeves which are swaged onto the end of the reinforcing bars by a specific machine that was designed and patented by Dextra.

This swaging machine incorporates a systematic, non-destructive pull test. Griptec is the only coupler system that provides an automatic quality control of each processed bar.

Besides Griptec couplers, Dextra is also supplying 3 million headed bars to the project. These are reinforcing bars that are bent on one side and fitted with an anchorage head on the other side and are used for the transverse reinforcement of concrete slabs, rafts, and walls. They allow a much faster and safer site installation than conventional double-bend bars.

When complete, HPC will provide low-carbon electricity for around six million homes.



Fuqing Reactor 5 and 6 are the first reactors of Hualong One, based on a 100% Chinese design. Each reactor has a capacity of 1,000 MW, with operations scheduled to begin in 2019 and 2022.

Dextra has been present on-site since the construction of Reactor 5 began in 2015 and is now involved in Reactor 6.

For this challenging project, Dextra has been supplying its Griptec rebar splicing solution, which is used for rebar splicing in the APC shell.

Griptec is the preferred rebar splicing solution in the nuclear industry due to its unique performance level and automatic testing process, which systematically tests all connections as part of its standard cycle—guaranteeing that 100% of the connections exceed project requirements.

More than a million Griptec connections will be used over the years for these two projects, supported by two Griptec machines installed on-site.

Dextra is also supporting the contractor teams on-site with two Dextra engineers rotating to provide operator training, setup, and preventive maintenance services. This ensures optimal production day and night, especially during peak times.

泰山 EPR 1&2

泰山 EPR 1&2

Taishan EPRs are two nuclear reactors of the EPR type, each with a capacity of 1,750 MW, built by Areva and located near Taishan in Guangdong province, China.

Dextra was present on-site from the beginning of construction in 2009 until 2016. Reactor operations were planned to start in 2017.

For this challenging project, Dextra supplied its Griptec rebar splicing solution, which was used in the concrete structure of the reactor.

The Bartec rebar coupler solution, as well as Headed Bars, was also used in other buildings of the project.

クダンクラム原子力発電所 (KKNPP) 3&4

クダンクラム原子力発電所 (KKNPP) 3&4

クダンクラム原子力発電所 (KKNPP) は、インド南部タミル・ナドゥ州ティルネルヴェリ地区のクダンクラムに位置するインド最大の原子力発電所です。

Two reactors (KKNPP-1 and 2) have been operating since 2013 and 2016, respectively, while two more (KKNPP-3 and 4) are currently under construction following the groundbreaking ceremony held in February 2016.

KKNPP-3 および 4 は、ロシア設計の加圧水型原子炉 (モデル VVER-1000/V-412) です。これらの原子炉は、KKNPP-1 および 2 の設計を繰り返したもので、試運転と運転経験からのフィードバックに基づいてさらなる改良が加えられています。

For the construction of these two units, Dextra supplied 350,000 Bartec couplers to connect rebars in the reactor building, auxiliary building, and spent fuel storage structures.

Bartec is a trusted splicing system, well-known for its high performance in tension, compression, and fatigue. It is widely used in the construction of buildings, bridges, metro systems, nuclear reactors, and more.

Unit 3 is scheduled for completion in March 2023, with Unit 4 following in the subsequent year.

Upon completion, these two reactors will add 2,000 MW of electricity to the existing units, bringing the total site capacity to 4,000 MW.

画像の出典: https://twitter.com/daeindia/status/881395402171404288、https://www.deccanherald.com/content/619873/building-units-3-4-kudankulam.html




Units 1 and 2 of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant have been operational since 2016, while Units 3 and 4 are currently under construction.

A total of six reactors are expected to be operational at the Fangchenggang site. Units 1 and 2 are both CPR-1000 reactors, while Units 3 and 4 are Hualong One reactors. The planned Units 5 and 6 are also expected to be Hualong One reactors.

Construction of Unit 3 began in December 2015, followed by Unit 4 a year later. Dextra has supplied more than 500,000 sleeves of グリップテック coupler for the reinforcement of the APC structure.

グリップテック is well known for its reliability and high performance in tension, compression, and fatigue, thanks to its unique design that meets the world’s most stringent project specifications, particularly for nuclear reactor construction.

ラジャスタン原子力発電プロジェクト (RAPP) 7&8

ラジャスタン原子力発電プロジェクト (RAPP) 7&8

ラジャスタン原子力発電プロジェクト (RAPP) は、インドのラジャスタン州ラワットバタにある原子力発電所で、6 基の加圧重水炉 (PHWR) ユニットと総設置容量 1,180 MW を備えています。


2011 年 7 月に、700MW の容量を持つ 7 番目の原子炉への最初のコンクリート (FPC) の注入が完了しました。ユニットの起動変圧器 (SUT) も試運転されました。


Dextra has supplied almost 500,000 バーテック couplers for the reinforcement of reactor buildings, auxiliary buildings, and spent fuel storages.

The 2 PHWR reactors will boost the plant’s existing capacity by 1,400MW, 700MW of which will be allocated to the state of Rajasthan.

カクラパール原子力発電所 3&4

カクラパール原子力発電所 3&4



The first concrete pour for Kakrapar 3 and 4 took place in November 2010 and March 2011 respectively, after Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) approval.

Since then, Dextra had supplied 540,000 バーテック rebar couplers, to connect slabs and columns of reactor and control buildings.

Moreover, ユニテック bolted couplers were installed to connect rebars without the need of any thread preparation.

Finally, headed bars were mounted onto the reinforcement bar end, drastically reducing rebar congestion.

The commercial operation of Unit-3 is expected to be in March 2021 while its twin unit, Unit-4, is anticipated to start a year later.

画像の出典: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakrapar_Atomic_Power_Station、https://www.nucnet.org/news/kakrapar-3-indigenous-phwr-achieves-first-criticality-7-3-2020、 https://www.asiavillenews.com/article/a-look-at-the-kakrapar-3-reactor-54367


