デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


国際商業センター (ICC)|球環貿易廣場

国際商業センター (ICC)|球環貿易廣場

インターナショナル コマース センターは、西カウンロンにある香港のランドマーク的な超高層ビルです。この商業ビルは高さ 484 メートル、108 階建てです。これは現在でも香港で最も高い建物であり、世界で最も高い建物 10 に入っています。

垂直方向の補強は、定義上、その高さの建物にとって重要な機能です。コンサルタントの ARUP と請負業者の Sanfield は、建物全体の補強材の接合に Dextra を選びました。両利害関係者は、数年前に完成した別の有名な 400 メートルを超える超高層ビルである同様の Two IFC プロジェクトですでにデクストラと協力していたことに注意してください。

このプロジェクトのために、Dextra は 800,000 個を超える鉄筋カプラーを供給しました。これらは、構造、特にすべての柱のほとんどの垂直接続を実行するために使用されました。

鉄筋カプラーは、第 2 フェーズの鉄筋再接続のための接続ポイントも提供しました。通常は柱とスラブの間、柱と梁の間です。そうするために、鉄筋カプラーは水平に位置合わせされ、コンクリートに注入されます。再接続は、後の段階で第 2 段階の鉄筋をねじ込むことによってのみ実行されます。

Bartec は、香港建材リストで推奨されているため、香港の請負業者に好まれている鉄筋接合ソリューションです。Dextra は香港で独自の鉄筋ねじ切りワークショップも運営しており、顧客に鉄筋準備サービスを提供しています。



With a total height of 829.8 m and a roof height of 828 m, the Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the World, and it has held this record since its topping out in 2009.

The building was originally named Burj Dubai but was renamed in honor of the ruler of Abu Dhabi and president of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

This iconic skyscraper immediately became the symbol of the government of Dubai’s plan to transform the city into a touristic hub and to gain international recognition.

The tower’s structural system consists of reinforced concrete construction from foundation to Level 156; above Level 156 is predominantly a spire, consisting of a structural steel braced frame system. It used 330,000 m3 of concrete and 55,000 tons of steel rebar.

The foundation system is a piled raft: a 3.7 m thick raft supported by 1.5 m diameter bored piles with a diameter of 1.5 m each, extending 50 m below the raft base.

Numerous pile load tests were carried out on the piles of the tower. Crosshole Sonic logging (CSL) testing was also carried out for integrity testing of concrete foundation on a number of works piles, using 20km of Dextra Sonitec tubes.

Sonitec is a simple, fast, and reliable tube solution used for the CSL testing. The system is compliant with ASTM D6760, the standard method for integrity testing by ultrasonic cross-hole testing.

Moreover, more than 100,000 Bartec couplers were supplied for piled-raft extension and reinforcement.



Marina Bay Sands is a spectacular resort featuring more than 2,500 rooms, a casino, many restaurants, topped by a unique sky garden. The project was completed and opened to the public in 2010.

For this project, Dextra supplied between 2007 and 2008 solutions for the reinforcement splicing, as well as Sonitec tubes.

Bartec rebar coupler were used in the foundations for Diaphragm Walls, answering a double challenge.

First rebar couplers may be used vertically to connect D-Wall cages together, allowing to achieve longer cage length.

Then couplers may also be used horizontally as pending connections for slabs. In that case, the coupler is usually installed on a hook bars and cast in concrete. At a later stage, the coupler may be reconnected with second phase rebar to start the slab reinforcement.

Couplers were also used for underground tunnels and ventilation building.

For the foundations, Dextra also supplied more than 100,000 linear meters of Sonitec tubes, which are easy to set up in reinforcement cages and reconnect, increasing the productivity and removing the need for tedious and unreliable welding operations. Once installed, the tubes are firmly in place, supporting without issue the cage lifting and handling.

ドリーム エーカーズ バンガロール

ドリーム エーカーズ バンガロール

Dream Acres is a large residential complex (81 acres area) located east of Bangalore in India. The ambitious real estate program features 13 towers of 14 floors built in a record time thanks to the use of precast construction methods supported by a purpose-built factory powered by Vollert equipment.

For this project, Dextra offered owner and contractorSobha with a two distinct coupler solutions, supported by threading services.

On Dream Acres, Groutec precast solution was used for the swift connection of precast elements either to a footing or directly to another precast element, ensuring a high performance connection and speeding up installation compared to more traditional wet in-situ joint methods.

After casting on the production line, the panel is brought to its final location for straightening and bracing installation. Locally sourced non-shrink grout is inserted into the cavity by injection. After injection, the bracing around the precast panel may then be removed after only 3 days.

Dextra does not supply the grout as Groutec is by design compatible with several non-shrink grout brands that can be sourced locally, generating savings and easing logistics.

To complement our precast solution, Dextra also supplied its Bartec solution. Bartec is used across Dream Acres to splice the reinforcement for cast-in-place applications as well as for precast applications to achieve longer length in precast elements.

To support both solutions, Dextra India took in charge the rebar preparation operations. Rebar with Bartec-threaded ends were delivered directly to Sobha according to their production schedule. Same bars can be used indifferently with Bartec couplers or Groutec couplers as the two solutions take advantage of the same thread system.

Geomatikum Hamburg の新しい建物

Geomatikum Hamburg の新しい建物

Next to the “Geomatikum” building, which houses numerous departments and research centres of the university of Hamburg, the new “House of the Earth” is taking shape. Across more than 21,000 square meters of space, this multipurpose structure will accommodate activities related to geoscience and especially climate research: As of 2018, all units related to the CliSAP (“Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction”) excellency cluster will research and teach from here, in close proximity to the Max-Planck-institute for Meteorology.

During 2016 and 2017, Dextra supplied its Griptec system for the splicing of cast in place reinforcement in various parts of the building. Griptec couplers are available all over Germany through our network of distributors. Of course, Griptec has been approved for the German construction market by the DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik).

For more information about Griptec’s availability in Germany, please contact Dextra Europe office.



SOCAR Tower is corporate office tower located on the way to the city center of Baku, capital city of Azerbaijan. This is the tallest building in Azerbaijan, and in the entire Caucasus region.

The building acts as the headquarters of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)

The tower features 42 floors and reaches a height of 202 meters. It has been completed in 2016. It is now one of the most recognizable landmark of Baku.

For this project, Dextra has been involved on the project for concrete works between 2011 and 2014, supplying the Bartec rebar coupler solution for all rebar connections on the project. The project was supported by Bartec equipment sets, installed directly at site, and supported by Dextra European aftersales team for site support.

Dextra rebar couplers were supplied to contractor Tekfen for:

  • vertical bar-to-bar connections in columns.
  • horizontal rebar connections in slabs.
  • wall to beam connections. In that case the coupler is cast flush with formwork in first phase concreting. After formwork removal, connecting rebar is simply screwed into the
    バーテック カプラー。

To allow for the splicing of bars at places where the rebar haven’t been prepared with a thread, RepairGrip sleeves and hydraulic equipment were also supplied for precise applications. RepairGrip allow to conveniently splice rebar where the protruding length wouldn’t be sufficient to perform a safe overlap.
For more information about the availability of precast solutions in Middle East, please contact our ドバイオフィス 詳細については。

ハボローネ i-タワーズ

ハボローネ i-タワーズ

The i-Towers are a 3-building mix-used estate project located at the heart of the new Central Business District of Gaborone, capital city of Botswana.

The project is designed and built by Murray and Roberts Botswana and features a 21-storeys residential tower, as well as a smaller 14-storeys office building tower, a commercial building and parking spaces.

For this new Gaborone landmark, Dextra supplied its Bartec® rebar coupler solutions, which the main rebar splicing solution used in Botswana and South Africa.

Bartec is often a prefered solution for highrise projects as it is chosen for the reliability of its rebar preparation process, its performance level and the gains of productivity it offers during the reinforcement installation.

In total, those are more than 20,000 Bartec rebar couplers which have been used for columns and slabs on the two i-Towers.

For more information about couplers product and equipment availability in Botswana and South Africa, please contact our Paris office.



Parque Da Cidade は、サンパウロの南部に位置する複数の塔から成る多目的の緑豊かな建物複合施設です。このプロジェクトには、5 つの企業オフィスタワー、ホテル、住宅ビル、ショッピングモールが含まれています。

このプロジェクトでは、DextraDoBrasil が請負業者 Odebrecht に Rolltec 鉄筋カプラー ソリューションを提供しました。

Rolltec はブラジルで最も人気のある鉄筋スライス ソリューションであり、ラップ スプライスに代わる競争力のある代替手段を提供し、さらに重要なことに、プロジェクトの管理と運用を簡素化する高度なアプリケーションを可能にします。

Parque Da Cidade では、Rolltec 鉄筋カプラーを使用して柱と梁を接続しました。このソリューションは、現場に設置された Rolltec 機器によってサポートされ、Dextra の現地エンジニアによって保守されました。

この用途では、各階の柱補強材内に鉄筋カプラーが水平に並べられ、コンクリートで鋳造されます。 Dextra はカプラーにネジ保護キャップを備えているため、液体コンクリートがカプラーに漏れる危険はありません。

プロジェクトの後の段階では、継続バーをカプラーに直接接続して、梁またはスラブの補強に便利なスターター バーを提供できます。

さらに、Parque Da Cidade では、Dextra が Unitec ソリューションを提供しました。ユニテックは鉄筋の準備が不要なボルトカプラーです。これは、2 つのプレキャスト要素から突き出た鉄筋間の接続を提供するために Parque Da Cidade で使用されました。



ルーブル アブダビは、アラブ首長国連邦の首都アブダビ市の北に位置する革新的な芸術と文明の博物館です。総面積24,000平方メートルのアラビア半島最大の博物館です。ルーブル美術館アブダビは2017年11月11日に開館しました。

このプロジェクトでは、Dextra が 2013 年から 2014 年にかけてコンクリート工事に携わり、 バーテック いかだおよび柱のすべての鉄筋接続用の、Arabtec の鉄筋カプラー ソリューション。カプラーは、人員や設備の通過を可能にするために、補強構造に一時的な開口部を作成する方法にも使用されました。合計110,000 バーテック このプロジェクトには鉄筋カプラーが提供されました。

バーテック ソリューションはDCL(ドバイ中央研究所)によって承認されたソリューションであり、UAEでの使用が可能です。ルーヴル・アブダビで使用される鉄筋を準備するためのすべてのねじ切りサービスは、Dextra の代理店ネットワークによって実行されました。

中東で利用可能な鉄筋接合ソリューションの詳細については、弊社までお問い合わせください。 ドバイオフィス 詳細については。

カーサービスビル Kung Chong Rd.シンガポール

カーサービスビル Kung Chong Rd.シンガポール

The Car Servicing Building located at 2 Kung Chong Road in Singapore is a mixed-use 7-storey car park basement, car servicing facility and office building. The building will be occupied by the Automobile Association of Singapore.

This project, built by Zhengda Corporporation Pte Ltd, is taking advantage of precast technology to achieve faster construction cycles. The production of the precast elements was performed by the Malaysian precaster Eastern Pretech.

For this project, Dextra delivered to Malaysia about 6,000 Groutec couplers, which have been embedded into shear walls and column elements.

The elements were then brought to site and reconnected to protruding reinforcement by injecting non-shrink grouting mortar. Bracing around the precast element is usually removed in the 3 days following the grout injection, significantly reducing the assembly time.

For more information about the availability of precast solutions in Singapore, please contact Dextra team in Malaysia.


