デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


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デクストラ、デンマークのコペンハーゲンで開催されるWTC 2022に出席

9 月 2 日から 8 日まで、トンネル業界の世界有数のイベントである世界トンネル会議 (WTC) 2022 でデクストラ チームに会いましょう!

「変化する世界のための地下ソリューション」をテーマとする今年の WTC は、気候と持続可能性のソリューションに焦点を当てています。いくつかのセッションでは、二酸化炭素排出量の削減、イノベーション、およびこれらがトンネル戦略にどのように導入されるかに焦点を当てます。

デキストラは、地盤工学ソリューションの提供を専門とする当社のパートナーである Nordic Geo Support とともに、デンマークのコペンハーゲンで開催される WTC 2022 (スタンド番号 2) に参加します。 A47.

Dextra の地上工学ソリューションの全ラインナップが展示されます。当社の専門家に会いに来て、トンネル掘削や鉱山建設プロジェクトについて話し合ってください。

Dextra とのミーティングを予約する

当社のトンネリングおよびマイニング ソリューションについて詳しく読む

Groutec が CITF 香港により承認された材料としてリストに掲載されました

Dextra Groutec L および S は CITF 承認の建築材料になりました。

香港の建設革新技術基金 (CITF) は、プレキャスト コンクリート技術が重要な技術の 1 つである建設分野で、生産性の向上、品質の向上、建設現場の安全性の向上、環境パフォーマンスの向上を目的とした新しい建築技術とテクノロジーの使用を奨励しています。広く採用されているテクニック。

Dextra は 1987 年以来香港に拠点を置き、その膨大な製品範囲をほとんどの商業およびインフラストラクチャーの巨大プロジェクトに提供しています。 Dextra のプレキャスト構造専用製品の 1 つが Groutec です。

Groutec は、プレキャスト コンクリート要素の接続用に特別に設計されたハーフグラウトスリーブです。 Groutec スプライスは、ユーロコード 2、ISO15835、ACI 318 タイプ 2、ISO16172、および AASHTO コード要件に準拠しています。 2020 年、Groutec は認定研究所で必要なテストをすべて完了した後、BD IPA を受賞しました。

プレキャストコンポーネントは、Groutec を使用して水平または垂直にリンクできます。 Groutec は、現場での湿式コンクリート接合を必要とせずに 2 つのプレキャスト要素を簡単に接続します。コンパクトで経済的なスプライス ソリューションで、1 つのネジ端に互換性があり、市場で簡単に入手できる非収縮グラウトと併用できます。

CITF は、遅くとも 2022 年 5 月までに、新しい建築技術および技術で使用される承認された建築材料のリストに Groutec を含めました。この新しいテクノロジーの使用を促進するために、CITF は請負業者が Groutec 購入額の 70% を上限として 1,500,000 香港ドルの払い戻しを 1 回限り申請できるようにします。

Dextra は、過去 10 年間にわたり、香港を含む 50 か国以上で Groutec を販売しており、その中には、クウトン北新開発地域フェーズ 1、歩行者接続施設工事フェーズ 2A、沙塔角下水処理工事フェーズ 1 のプロジェクトがあります。



Dextra Group is showcasing its solutions for ports and shipping industry at the Philippine Ports and Shipping 2022 The Philippines Exhibition and Conference at Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila, The Philippines, Wednesday 21st and Thursday 23rd June 2022.

Now in its 11th successful year, Philippine Ports and Shipping is the biggest biennial Ports, Shipping and Transport Logistics B2B Exhibition and Conference. A two-day conference program that features 30 world-class conference speakers addressing topical issues and challenges for BIMP EAGA – Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area regional transportation and logistics attended by a gathering of 300 senior from related industries.

Come and meet us at stand #15 to discuss on how Dextra engineered construction solutions such as marine tie bars, rebar couplers そして FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) rebars can support your port construction and expansion projects.

Exhibition Opening Date:

Wednesday 21st – Thursday 23rd, June 2022

Read more about the event

NIRMAANA 2022 カンファレンス、トンネルおよび地下工事

Dextra® attended NIRMAANA 2022 Conference, Tunnelling, and underground infrastructure form key components of Indian construction industry on Thursday, 12th May 2022 at The Lalit Ashok Hotel, Bengaluru, India.

Exhibition Date and Times:

Thursday, 12th May 2022 at 9.30 AM

Venue: The Lalit Ashok Hotel, Bengaluru, India

For more information about the event


Dextra Group is showcasing its solutions for ports and shipping industry at the 19th ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2022 Exhibition and Conference at InterContinental Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on March 1-2, 2022.

The 19th ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2022 is a two-day exhibition and conference programme that features 25 exhibitors and 25 world-class transport and logistics conference speakers addressing global and regional issues concerning trade and investment attended by government officials, industry principals, port engineers, leading shippers, freight forwarders, ports, terminal operating companies, port equipment and services suppliers from countries throughout the ASEAN region.

Come and meet us at stand #38 to discuss on how Dextra engineered construction solutions such as marine tie bars, rebar couplers そして FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) rebars can support your port construction and expansion projects.

Exhibition Opening Times:

Tuesday, March 1: 9am – 5pm

Wednesday, March 2: 9am – 3.30pm

Read more about the event

Contact our team in Malaysia


Dextra Group is extremely delighted to reach an amazing milestone of 20 years in India!

The joyous celebration was marked by enthusiastic participation from all team members across the region with fun team building games, food, and refreshments.

Thanks to our team in India for the constant hard work and dedication. Keep up the great work!



フランスの BFM ビジネス TV 番組 #JMLECO でのデクストラの独占インタビュー

Watch an exclusive interview of Dextra team in Europe on BFM Business TV show (in French)!

Reinforcement connection solutions and their answer to challenges in construction

The construction industry is a sector that is both rich in players and in constant evolution. Rebar mechanical splices used for the connection of steel rebars in reinforced concrete constitute a niche sector, in which DEXTRA has established itself since 1983. We met Olivier Gourlet and Anton Jouravleff, respectively General Manager and Commercial Director of Dextra Europe. They explain to us the challenges of this niche market of rebar mechanical splices.

Could you please tell us about the history of the Dextra group?

The establishment of the DEXTRA group dates back to the takeover of DRAGAGES & TRAVAUX PUBLICS, a construction major in Asia, by the Bouygues group in 1986, as part of the takeover of the SCREG group. The company Dragages had a set of commercial subsidiaries intended to supply their sites in South-East Asia. Their trading activity in Hong Kong was taken over by French entrepreneurs, who are still at the head of the company today.

Simply being an importer-supplier at the start, DEXTRA quickly became a designer, manufacturer and distributor of technical solutions to meet the needs of its customers, with the spearhead of mechanical connection systems for reinforcing bars, more commonly known as couplers.

Our industrial production and technical expertise in this niche market has facilitated our global expansion. DEXTRA remains however a medium size company, owned by French shareholders, and focused on the construction sector. The Group generates US$130 million in revenues, has nearly 900 employees, and operates in more than 55 countries.

Production, historically based in Thailand, has expanded closer to its markets. Its development continues and its activity on the old continent, through its subsidiary DEXTRA Europe, now represents 25% of its turnover.

With more than 35 years of experience, DEXTRA is today the leader in this market in terms of production capacity and diversity of the countries in which it operates.

The transmission of the forces between the reinforcing bars in concrete is traditionally done by overlapping the bars between them. Raising the awareness of construction industry players to the use of couplers is therefore a major challenge?

The construction world has its tried and true habits. The mechanical connection is indeed an alternative, which aims to replace lap-splicing, either to facilitate constructability on the site, or to improve the structural performance in the event of deterioration of the concrete.

Indeed, in the case of lap-splicing, it is the integrity of the concrete which ensures the transmission of forces between the bars. If it is damaged (flaking due to corrosion of the reinforcement, explosion or earthquake), the transmission of forces is no longer ensured and the stability of the structure is thus called into question.

The awareness to be done in the field at all levels of the value chain is enormous: it must go from engineering schools to design offices to end users.

Construction needs vary depending on the type of building being constructed. How do you adapt your offer?

First of all, according to the performance required: a building will have less requirements than those of a nuclear power plant. The environment can also influence the requirements, as in the case of seismic zones. We therefore have different solutions that allow us to adapt to each of these typologies. Today, we supply couplers to a wide variety of projects: high-rise towers, metros, airports, ports, wind farms in Fécamp or nuclear power plants (such as Flamanville, Hinkley, Rosatom) where the level of requirements is at its highest.

Depending on the application, the needs for in situ construction differ from the needs for repair or prefabrication. Each of its applications uses different solutions, and therefore couplers. Here again, we have developed specific solutions, which means that today we have a very diverse range to meet all these expectations.

How does DEXTRA Europe adapt to the challenge of constantly changing performance and application requirements based on new constraints?

The construction world is changing. In recent years, more stringent requirements have emerged in terms of structural fatigue and earthquake resistance. It was necessary to support these developments with additional tests on our couplers and sometimes improve our existing solutions.

In addition, in terms of applications, more and more architects and construction companies are turning to prefabrication and modularization. To meet these new needs, we have developed a system of cement grout couplers to simplify their implementation on site.

How does DEXTRA Europe approach the issue of certifications?

The construction market is very standardized while remaining very specific to each country. Although the Eurocode is a significant step forward in the process of harmonizing standards, there are still national annexes and local certification bodies that complicate the distribution of our products.

For example, in France, any splicing system must be certified by the AFCAB. The proliferation of long and costly certifications in Europe forces us to make choices even if our products meet the required requirements.

It is obviously essential to maintain technical validation of the solutions proposed, but the lack of coordination at European level ultimately represents a brake on the possible uses on each market.

How would you describe the developments in this coupler market?

It is difficult today to draw a precise picture on the growth or not of this market, because the various producers do not share figures on the evolution of their respective markets.

As far as Dextra is concerned, the sales figure has increased sharply in recent years, with more than 15 million couplers distributed worldwide in 2021. This corresponds in our opinion to an increase in market share and a general market growth.

Overall, the importance of each market remains aligned with the size of the construction market, where we find the top three in Europe: the United Kingdom, Germany and France.

What are the values advocated by the DEXTRA group?

Our values are customer satisfaction, integrity and transparency, creativity and flexibility, and accountability.

To achieve this, we are committed to maintaining control of all stages from design to use on site:

  • We remain in control of the quality of our products and our delivery times by producing in our own factories;
  • Our factories are equipped with their own test laboratory to better control our materials and manufacturing;
  • We design and manufacture the equipment required for the preparation of the bars ourselves;
  • Our engineers maintain constant support for our clients and users, first physically through our subsidiaries and our network, but also by constantly developing remote service technologies.
  • In this business, we are the only ones to have developed such a complete value chain.

    Our R&D team constantly reflects on our solutions, to support the developments and technical constraints of our markets, as closely as possible to our customers’ expectations.

    For example, we have invented a bar-end preparation equipment that incorporates an automatic performance monitoring device, which goes as far as to alert us of any slightest non-compliance, anywhere in the world.

    Dextra also carries out an increasingly popular consultancy mission, thanks to the presence in the field of engineers, mostly civil engineers, able to understand drawings and technical issues, in order to provide an expert view to our partners and construction companies.

    (This content was produced with SCRIBEO. The BFMBUSINESS editorial staff did not participate in the production of this content.)

    Read the content in French


