デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


Dextra Joins France Alumni Day 2024 in Thailand


Dextra had an incredible time participating in the France Alumni Day (FAD) 2024 in Thailand! This fantastic event, hosted by the French Embassy in Thailand in partnership with the Alliance Française de Bangkok and the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce, was a wonderful gathering of former students and graduates of French higher education.

The “Study & Job Fair” was a highlight, offering a great opportunity to connect with leading French and Thai companies. We were thrilled to meet so many enthusiastic participants at our booth!

As a company founded by French entrepreneurs, we are proud to continue our partnership with major French associations in Thailand. We’re always on the lookout for talented candidates from France, Thailand, and all around the world to join our dynamic team.

Learn more about Dextra: https://www.dextragroup.com/

Be part of our team: https://www.dextragroup.com/life-at-dextra/

Dextra and Arkema Forge Partnership to Revolutionize Composite Solutions

Arkema, a titan in specialty materials with a robust focus on sustainable innovations, has joined forces with Dextra Group, a pioneer in the construction industry known for its cutting-edge Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) solutions, to unleash groundbreaking composite fiber solutions. This collaboration is set to redefine industry standards, leveraging Arkema’s acclaimed Elium thermoplastic resin and Dextra’s innovative FRP rebar to deliver unique, high-performance materials focused on sustainability and efficiency in construction.

The partnership marks a visionary step towards the future of construction materials, positioning both Arkema and Dextra Group at the forefront of technological acceleration in the composites sector. Through this initiative, they aim to drive the adoption of composite material in construction, emphasizing innovative solutions, sustainability, and the superior qualities of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer, thus setting a new benchmark for quality and innovation in the industry.

Dextra’s innovative FRP rebar, combined with Arkema’s Elium® resin, presented at JEC World 2024, encapsulates the essence of this partnership, highlighting Dextra’s leadership in GFRP innovation for the construction industry.

Overview of Arkema and Dextra Group’s Collaboration

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Arkema, a global leader in specialty chemicals, has joined forces with Dextra Group, a trailblazer in the construction industry. This partnership is set to revolutionize the construction sector with the introduction of innovative composite solutions. Below are the key aspects of this collaboration:

  • Arkema’s Contribution:
    • Leveraging its expertise in specialty materials, Arkema brings to the table its pioneering Elium® thermoplastic resin, known for its exceptional performance in enhancing the strength and durability of composites.
  • Dextra Group’s Role:
    • Operating in over 55 countries, Dextra Group’s expertise in engineered steel and fibre-reinforced polymer construction products sets a solid foundation for this collaboration. The focus on sustainability is evident through Dextra’s introduction of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for their products, showcasing a shared vision for a greener future.

This collaboration not only underscores the commitment of both organizations to pioneering sustainable, high-performance materials but also sets Dextra apart as a leader in GFRP innovation within the construction sector.

Arkema’s Elium Thermoplastic Resin and Dextra’s FRP Rebars

At the heart of the collaboration between Arkema and Dextra Group lies the integration of Arkema’s Elium® thermoplastic resin with Dextra’s innovative FRP rebars, setting a new standard in the construction industry for composite fiber solutions. This partnership leverages the unique properties of Elium® resin, including:

  • Hot Bending on Site: Elium® resin allows for the hot bending of FRP rebars directly on construction sites, offering unparalleled flexibility and cost-efficiency. This feature is a game-changer, simplifying logistics and enabling more complex architectural designs.
  • Sustainable and High Performance: This new generation of resin can be made with up to 92% recycled material. At the end of the products lifetime (120+ Years), it can be broken down to separate the resin and fiber elements. This allows the resin to be recycled and reused while the fiber can be upcycled to be used as reinforcement in asphalt and concrete.

Arkema’s collaboration with Dextra to develop bendable reinforcements using Elium® resin further underscores the innovative spirit of this partnership. This endeavor not only makes reinforcements more flexible but also enhances their resistance properties, longevity, and aesthetic appeal, mirroring natural stone.

Through this collaboration, Dextra Group is positioned as a leader in GFRP innovation, differentiating itself from other producers by harnessing the unique benefits of Arkema’s Elium® resin and its unique manufacturing process.


Fortec+ Hong Kong Buildings Department Approved!

Dextra, the leading provider of construction solutions, has received official approval for Fortec+ from the Buildings Department (BD) of the Government of Hong Kong. This approval marks a significant milestone not only for Dextra but also for the entire construction sector in the region.

The approval granted by the BD signifies the endorsement of Fortec+’s cutting-edge parallel thread mechanical splice system. This innovative solution has been proven to offer unprecedented efficiency, reliability, and safety in structural projects.

As the regulatory authority responsible for overseeing building construction and safety standards in Hong Kong, the BD’s endorsement serves as a testament to the reliability and compliance of Fortec+’s technology with local regulations and industry best practices.

“Bar Break” splicing system

Fortec+ is a complete tensile splice system, ensuring bar-break performance of up to 800MPa under tensile load.


Compliant with Hong Kong standards

Fortec+ meets the Buildings Department’s Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013 and is listed on the Central Data Bank List of Building Materials.


Reliable solution

The Plus (+) entails additional testing of proof load, ensuring the most reliable connections through a single set of thread preparation equipment.


Technical support

Our team in Hong Kong are available to accompany you through each step of the design process using readily available CAD/BIM tools and during onsite installation.

Trusted by Various Iconic Projects Across Hong Kong!

Penny’s Bay and Kai Tak Community Isolation Facility

Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel

Trunk Road T2

Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel

Dextra Achieves New Milestone for Hinkley Point C Project

Dextra, in conjunction with our esteemed partners EDF, BYLOR and Express Reinforcements Ltd., is thrilled to announce a significant achievement: the successful provision of an astounding 2.5 million Griptec connections and 3 million headed bars for the monumental Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant project in the UK!

This milestone serves as a testament to Dextra’s dedication to quality, excellence, and the capability to execute large-scale, intricate projects.

The commitment and adaptability of the Dextra team have been pivotal in ensuring the seamless operation of the supply chain, facilitating timely progress at every juncture.

Dextra is privileged to contribute significantly to the advancement of sustainable energy and is honored to play a vital role in shaping the future.

Breaking Ground: GEOTEC Joins Sustainability Drive with EPDs!

We are proud to share the latest addition to our sustainability journey: EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) for GEOTEC are here! Check out our geotechnical products now officially published on the EPD Hub website:

This another accomplishment builds on our commitment to eco-conscious construction, following EPDs for rebar couplers, GFRP rebar, and marine tie bars. Our dedication doesn’t stop there – stay tuned as we work on EPDs for more of our solutions!

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Ground Anchor

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Ground Anchor

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EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Self-Drilling Rock-Bolt

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Self-Drilling Rock-Bolt

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EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Combination Bolt

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Combination Bolt

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Dextra’s New Office in Pune, India

We’re overjoyed to announce the grand inauguration of our brand-new office building at our recently opened Pune factory! This marks a significant milestone in our journey as we expand our services and presence across India.

While our main office continues to thrive in Mumbai, we’re now even closer to our valued customers in Pune with this new addition. Plus, our representatives are readily available in Chennai & Delhi to ensure seamless assistance and support wherever you are.

Big thanks to our dedicated team whose hard work and commitment have made this expansion possible. Once again, here’s to new beginnings, endless opportunities, and continued growth!

持続可能性を推進: 船舶用タイバー向け EPD を導入


私たちは、持続可能性への取り組みへの最新の追加、マリンタイバー用 EPD を発表できることを誇りに思います。

この成果は、鉄筋カプラーおよび GFRP 鉄筋の EPD (環境製品宣言) による環境に配慮した建設における当社の進歩に続くものです。当社の取り組みは引き続き、他のエンジニアリング バー システムや追加のソリューション向けに EPD を導入する準備を進めています。私たちは建設におけるより環境に優しい、より持続可能な未来に向けて道を切り開いていきますので、ご期待ください。


EPD Report for Dextra Marine Tie Bars

Dextra Marine タイバーの EPD レポート

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デキストラ グループが従業員エクスペリエンス アワード タイ 2024 で受賞!

Employee Experience Awards Thai 2024 Gala Dinner の活気に満ちた雰囲気の中で、Dextra Group は尊敬される候補者の中で際立っており、印象的な 4 つの勝利を収めました。 2024 年 3 月 15 日に開催されたこの重要なイベントは、従業員エクスペリエンスの向上に専念する組織を讃え、優れた職場環境の育成に優れた組織を表彰しました。


数か月に及ぶ周到な準備の結果、Dextra Group は卓越性への揺るぎない取り組みを反映し、6 つの多様なカテゴリーで競争するという決定を下しました。パンデミック後の強固な復興戦略の策定から、革新的な認定プログラムによる人材の育成に至るまで、すべての応募作品は、従業員の幸福と専門的な成長を促進するための当社の献身的な姿勢を強調しました。


競争は熾烈を極めました。数例を挙げると、アディダス、モンデリーズ、EY、ジェネラリ、セントラル リテール、レノボなどの業界大手をはじめ、28 社の評判の高い企業が参加し、最高の栄誉を目指して競い合いました。しかし、このような背景にもかかわらず、Dextra Group は勝利を収め、当社の回復力、革新性、卓越性への揺るぎない取り組みを示しました。




最優秀危機管理およびリーダーシップ: 金賞


最優秀社内認定プログラム: 銀賞



これらの栄誉は、当社の業績を評価するだけでなく、HR イノベーションとベストプラクティスの先駆者としての当社の立場を再確認するものでもあります。これらは、情熱と忍耐力が当社の成功に貢献してきた当社の献身的なチームの集合的な努力を反映しています。





最先端の機械を備えた 11,869 平方メートルの最先端の施設は、最高の業界基準を満たすために現在フル稼働しています。当社は最高品質の鉄筋カプラーを 2 倍の容量で生産し、Sonitec チューブを使用しており、GFRP 鉄筋を製造するための新しい施設を導入しています。さらに、社内の試験ラボと現場機器の修理や改修のための作業スペースも備えています。


盛大な祝賀会のハイライトをいくつかご覧になりたいですか?デクストラのこのマイルストーンを記念した楽しい瞬間を YouTube で独占的にご覧いただくには、ビデオ全体をご覧ください。 

デキストラは香港で創立 40 周年を祝います

私たちは、40 年間の成功に向けた私たちの旅に欠かせない存在である香港の素晴らしいパートナーのサポートと協力に感謝しています。この節目を記念して、今回は盛大な感謝の会を開催させていただきました。これらの写真から雰囲気を垣間見てください。

私たちと一緒に働くことに興味がありますか?香港の当社チームにご連絡ください:  香港のデクストラ – オフィス



