デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続



The New Champlain Bridge is a 3 km-long bridge spanning the Saint Lawrence River at the southeastern entrance of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. As one of the busiest bridges in Canada, it plays a crucial economic role for the city, serving as a key route to the United States, located 60 km south.


Replacing the Older Champlain Bridge

The New Champlain Bridge is replacing the existing Champlain Bridge, which was commissioned in June 1962. The older structure began showing signs of corrosion in 1994. After several temporary safety measures were implemented to keep the bridge operational, a replacement project was initiated in 2007. For a time, both bridges will stand side by side until the older structure is fully dismantled, with most of its materials planned for recycling.


A Focus on Corrosion Resistance

The New Champlain Bridge is designed to last at least 125 years and accommodate 50 million vehicle crossings per year. Given the corrosive environment caused by frequent road de-icing, corrosion resistance was a top priority. Duplex stainless steel rebar was installed in critical areas to enhance durability.

For this project, Dextra recommended using Duplex Stainless Steel Rolltec couplers and anchors. This specialized version of our ロールテック® system replaces standard couplers and anchors with an improved duplex steel alternative, offering superior corrosion resistance.

The Rolltec® solution is well-suited to the Canadian market and is approved by the Quebec Ministry of Transport. With a single-operator threading machine and 30-second threading cycles, it provides high productivity, making it ideal for high-labor-cost markets like Canada.

More than 10,000 Stainless Rolltec® couplers were supplied for this project, primarily for bridge spans. These couplers were used to splice large-diameter reinforcement bars, ranging from 35M (#11) to 55M (#18)—the largest size available in our Rolltec® range.

Additionally, about 10,000 Rolltec® stainless steel end anchors were delivered for sizes up to 55M (#18). Rolltec® Headed Bars use the same threading system as the couplers, simplifying production and installation.



Dextra チームは、カスタマー ジャーニーのあらゆる瞬間において、お客様が建設現場でより高い生産性と安全性のレベルを達成できるようにするスマート建設ソリューションの生産に専念します。

Dextra は複数の大陸に物理的な在庫を保有しており、各国の代理店の現地在庫によって補完されています。この拡張されたネットワークにより、Dextra はパートナーがどこにいても、当社の製品が常に手の届くところにあることを保証します。

カスタマイズが必要なソリューションの場合、Dextra は標準納期を超えて、迅速な配送スキームを提供することもできます。詳細については、お問い合わせください。

Dextra は、バンコク (タイ)、広州 (中国)、プネー (インド) にある 3 つの主要な産業拠点から、製造施設とプロセスを完全に所有しています。これにより、業務のタイミングと生成されるソリューションの品質を完全に制御できるようになります。

ISO-IEC17025 の認定を受けた独立認定の材料試験ラボがデクストラのバンコク本社工場にあり、材料と製品の試験が可能です。

Dextra は、最も要求の厳しい国際技術承認を超える製品を供給することを目指しており、クライアントのニーズと指定された要件に準拠することで最大限の顧客満足を生み出すことが私たちの目標です。