デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続

King Power Mahanakhon, Thailand

King Power Mahanakhon, Thailand

King Power Mahanakhon is a 77-storey skyscraper in Bangkok. Standing at 314 meters, it became Thailand’s tallest building upon its completion in 2016. Mahanakhon is located in Silom, Bangkok’s busiest business district, directly above the Chong Nonsi BTS Skytrain station. The project was developed by PACE and built by Bouygues-Thai.


Building foundations in Bangkok is always a challenge. With the city situated on sandy and humid soils, foundations must be deep, and most projects feature thick diaphragm walls (D-Walls) to prevent water infiltration.

For the D-Walls of Mahanakhon, Dextra supplied バーテック rebar couplers that were mounted on hook bars, installed horizontally, and cast in concrete. This application allows for the reconnection of bars to the D-Wall at a later stage when starting slab reinforcement.

Additionally, headed bars were installed in the thick foundation mat. 頭付きバー are a superior alternative to hooked bars in congested areas, offering high-performance anchorage while being easier to install.


The tower is built around a core wall, constructed using slip-formwork, and is surrounded by 12 mega columns. To connect the columns to the core wall, Dextra supplied Bouygues-Thai with its renowned バーテック 解決。 バーテック couplers, installed flush with the formwork and cast in concrete, allow for second-phase bar reconnection, bridging the columns and core wall.

In the mega columns, rebar couplers were also used to perform bar-to-bar vertical connections.


For the rooftop skybar, Dextra supplied Tension Rod Systems. These systems, equipped with fork ends, provide aesthetic and efficient anchorage, making installation simple and effective.



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