デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続

London Wall Place, UK

London Wall Place, UK

London Wall Place is a large double-tower office development in London, built close to the historic Roman City Wall.

For this project, Dextra provided a technical solution for the fast installation of precast wall panels to contractor Byrne Bros and main consultant WSP.

The concept involved installing グルーテック couplers in each panel’s reinforcement, at the bottom of the vertical bars, which were previously prepared with the ロールテック thread system, available in the UK through our distributor network.

After bracing the precast panel in its final position, non-shrink grout is injected into the coupler cavity to create the rebar connection. グルーテック is not reliant on a specific type of grout, allowing for the use of different brands, which facilitates local sourcing and helps reduce costs. Once the grout reaches the prescribed strength, the bracing around the panel can be removed.

の用法 グルーテック for precast panels is a time-saving and cost-effective method that maximizes the benefits of precast technology. For a similar application, check out the Plum Condo project page for reference videos.



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