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クウェート国際空港拡張: ターミナル II ビル

クウェート国際空港拡張: ターミナル II ビル

Kuwait International Airport is the country’s main airport, located to the south of Kuwait City. The hub currently handles more than 9 million passengers annually and is home to the renowned Kuwait Airways, Jazeera Airways, and Wataniya Airways.


This new infrastructure is part of the airport’s expansion project, aimed at enhancing its status as the State of Kuwait’s gateway. When completed, the Terminal II building will form a triangular shape, symbolizing Kuwait and reflecting the country’s rich culture and civilization.

Scheduled for completion in 2020, this striking five-story terminal building will be capable of handling 25 million passengers annually and will be connected to the first terminal via a tunnel.


For this project, the lead Turkish contractor Limak Holding and its Kuwaiti agent Kharafi National selected Dextra’s ロールテック rebar coupler solution for rebar splicing in all the building’s concrete structures. Thanks to its rolled-parallel threaded system, along with its simple preparation and installation process, this splicing solution helps shorten construction cycle times.

For the terminal’s impressive structure, the contractors also chose Dextra’s high-performance Smooth Post-Tensioning Bar Systems. Featuring smooth carbon steel bars and rolled threads, the high-tensile PT Bar system offers exceptional fatigue and strength performance, as well as high impact resistance.

For more information about our products, including 鉄筋の接合 and engineered bar systems, please contact the ドバイのデクストラチーム.



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