デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


クウェート湾を渡る土手道 (ジャバー土手道)


The Main Causeway across the Kuwait Bay is a 36-km-long project currently being built north of Kuwait City. It will ultimately be connected to Doha Link, another sea link project west of Kuwait City, which will connect the Jaber Causeway sea link, one of the largest civil engineering projects ever built in the Middle East.

The main causeway across Kuwait Bay stretches north of Kuwait City. It is expected that the link will greatly contribute to the development of the northern part of Kuwait. To achieve that, the Causeway will literally cut across Kuwait Bay with a 27-km sea link.


For the visible part of the sea link, Dextra worked with contractor Hyundai to offer high-tensile post-tensioning bar solutions.

デクストラ Smooth PT Bar グレード 835/1050 は、プレキャスト桁を接続するためにシーリンク全体に使用されました。

For part of the sea link, which is topped by a metallic cable-stayed structure. Higher performance bars in Grade 1050/1200 were used to offer a vertical anchoring point between the pylon and the reinforcement of the pile. PT Bars were delivered with a full corrosion protection accessory set by Dextra so that the bars will resist the marine conditions.


For the concrete integrity testing of the onshore and offshore foundation piles, Dextra supplied around 400,000 linear meters of Sonitec tubes, which are easy to set up and reconnect without the need for welding, which significantly increases the productivity of the pile assemblies.




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