デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続


バタシー発電所開発: 英国のランドマークの再生

Battersea Power Station Development:

The Revitalization of a UK Landmark

Battersea Power Station was a decommissioned coal-fired power station, located on the south bank of the River Thames, in Nine Elms, Battersea, in the London Borough of Wandsworth.

The power station was one of the world’s largest brick buildings and one of the last major symbols of London’s industrial past.

After the building remained empty for almost 40 years, a redevelopment plan kicked off with the mission to build a new iconic London landmark.

The 3rd phase consists in the creation of the so-called ‘Electric Boulevard’, which will include a connection to the Northern Line Extension station, more than 1,300 residential units, a 160-room hotel, retail spaces, restaurants and leisure facilities.

Dextra has been supplying several rebar coupler solutions to the site.

More than 100,000 Griptec and Rolltec cast-in-situ couplers were applied in masonry cells to alleviate the problem of rebar congestion due to long lap length.

Moreover, precast concrete panels reinforced by rebars were used in the building, equipped with 30,000 Groutec couplers for onsite connection of continuation bars.

The panels were easily lifted into place at the construction site: coupler cavities were then filled with non-shrink grouting mortar through the injection holes.

Finally, 3,000 Unitec bolted couplers were installed on rebars for repair works. These couplers were used to replace the damaged reinforcements with new ones and to connect to the finished structure.

The mixed-use community is anticipated to be completed in 2020 and to become a new landmark for locals, tourists and residents.



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カスタマイズが必要なソリューションの場合、Dextra は標準納期を超えて、迅速な配送スキームを提供することもできます。詳細については、お問い合わせください。

Dextra は、バンコク (タイ)、広州 (中国)、プネー (インド) にある 3 つの主要な産業拠点から、製造施設とプロセスを完全に所有しています。これにより、業務のタイミングと生成されるソリューションの品質を完全に制御できるようになります。

ISO-IEC17025 の認定を受けた独立認定の材料試験ラボがデクストラのバンコク本社工場にあり、材料と製品の試験が可能です。

Dextra は、最も要求の厳しい国際技術承認を超える製品を供給することを目指しており、クライアントのニーズと指定された要件に準拠することで最大限の顧客満足を生み出すことが私たちの目標です。


