デクストラグループ |信頼性の高い接続

アル・ズール LNG 輸入ターミナル

Al-Zour LNG Import Terminal: The World’s Largest LNG Import Facility

The Al-Zour LNG Import Terminal is the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal, located 90 kilometers southeast of Kuwait’s capital.

The project included the construction of:

  • A re-gasification facility
  • Eight LNG storage tanks, each with a capacity of 225,000 m³
  • Marine facilities, including two marine jetties and berthing facilities for loading
  • Other components such as 14 HP pumps, boil-off gas (BOG) and flare facilities

The facility was expected to produce approximately 22 million metric tonnes (MMT) of natural gas per year and have a storage capacity of 1.8 million m³ of LNG. The liquefaction capacity of the terminal was estimated at 30 billion cubic meters per day (bcm/d).

Dextra’s Contribution to the Marine Facilities:
For this project, Dextra supplied:

  • 202 tons of Grade 700 marine tie bars, used as anchors between sheet piles or concrete walls
  • 166 tons of waling beams, essential for reinforcing the marine infrastructure

The Al-Zour LNG Import Terminal was completed in November 2021 and reached full operations in February 2022. The terminal now plays a critical role in Kuwait’s energy infrastructure, providing the country with a stable gas network to support energy diversification and sustainable energy initiatives.




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カスタマイズが必要なソリューションの場合、Dextra は標準納期を超えて、迅速な配送スキームを提供することもできます。詳細については、お問い合わせください。

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ISO-IEC17025 の認定を受けた独立認定の材料試験ラボがデクストラのバンコク本社工場にあり、材料と製品の試験が可能です。

Dextra は、最も要求の厳しい国際技術承認を超える製品を供給することを目指しており、クライアントのニーズと指定された要件に準拠することで最大限の顧客満足を生み出すことが私たちの目標です。