डेक्सट्रा ग्रुप | विश्वसनीय कनेक्शन

Grand Paris Express – Line 16-18, France


Grand Paris Express – Line 16-18, France


Dextra has proudly supplied its high-performance फोर्टेक सरिया कप्लर्स और सोनीटेक crosshole sonic logging (CSL) tubes for the construction of the Grand Paris Express Line 16-18 in France, one of Europe’s most ambitious infrastructure projects. This metro expansion aims to improve connectivity between the suburbs and the city center, providing a more efficient transportation network for millions of commuters.

Dextra’s फोर्टेक couplers were utilized for reliable and durable rebar connections, ensuring the structural integrity of the extensive underground tunnels and stations. In addition, the सोनीटेक CSL tubes were supplied for concrete pile integrity testing, essential for assessing the quality of deep foundations. These innovative solutions have contributed to the project’s success in meeting high safety and performance standards, underscoring Dextra’s commitment to delivering top-quality materials for large-scale infrastructure developments.

With the Grand Paris Express set to transform the city’s transportation landscape, Dextra’s involvement highlights its role in shaping resilient and sustainable urban infrastructure.

Bartec/Fortec Bridging CAD/BIM Tools Available

Bartec/Fortec Bridging Coupler is now available on AutoCAD, Revit, and Tekla for all your construction design and detailing needs!

Ideal for connecting bars that can’t be brought butt-to-butt—perfect for complex prefabricated cages—our Bridging Coupler simplifies rebar connections, helping you streamline your projects.

Start integrating it into your designs today!

📥Download now:

Central Kowloon Route (CKR) – Central Tunnel, Hong Kong


Central Kowloon Route (CKR) – Central Tunnel, Hong Kong


Dextra played a pivotal role in the construction of the Central Kowloon Route (CKR) – Central Tunnel project in Hong Kong by supplying Fortec+ couplers, along with steel rock bolts, expandable friction bolts, umbrella pipes, and post-tensioning bars for tunneling works. These mechanical rebar couplers were integral in ensuring strong and reliable connections within the road tunnel structure, meeting the stringent requirements for safety and durability.

The CKR, a major infrastructure project aimed at improving traffic flow across Kowloon, required advanced construction techniques. Dextra’s Fortec+ couplers, used in locations such as precast panels, tunnel access points, and driveways, contributed significantly to the project’s structural integrity and long-term performance. The Fortec+ system includes a rebar preparation process in which the threaded bar end is proof tested with a tensile load, ensuring non-destructive testing within the elastic zone of the reinforcing bar.


Image credit: Central Kowloon Route – Highways Department

Fortec+ Hong Kong Buildings Department Approved!

Dextra, the leading provider of construction solutions, has received official approval for Fortec+ from the Buildings Department (BD) of the Government of Hong Kong. This approval marks a significant milestone not only for Dextra but also for the entire construction sector in the region.

The approval granted by the BD signifies the endorsement of Fortec+’s cutting-edge parallel thread mechanical splice system. This innovative solution has been proven to offer unprecedented efficiency, reliability, and safety in structural projects.

As the regulatory authority responsible for overseeing building construction and safety standards in Hong Kong, the BD’s endorsement serves as a testament to the reliability and compliance of Fortec+’s technology with local regulations and industry best practices.

“Bar Break” splicing system

Fortec+ is a complete tensile splice system, ensuring bar-break performance of up to 800MPa under tensile load.


Compliant with Hong Kong standards

Fortec+ meets the Buildings Department’s Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013 and is listed on the Central Data Bank List of Building Materials.


Reliable solution

The Plus (+) entails additional testing of proof load, ensuring the most reliable connections through a single set of thread preparation equipment.


Technical support

Our team in Hong Kong are available to accompany you through each step of the design process using readily available CAD/BIM tools and during onsite installation.

Trusted by Various Iconic Projects Across Hong Kong!

Penny’s Bay and Kai Tak Community Isolation Facility

Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel

Trunk Road T2

Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel

Grand Paris Express – Line 14

Grand Paris Express – Line 14

ग्रैंड पेरिस एक्सप्रेस फ्रांसीसी राजधानी के चारों ओर होने वाली एक प्रमुख शहरी परिवहन परियोजना है। परियोजना में 4 नई लाइनें (लाइनें 15, 16, 17 और 18) जोड़ी जाएंगी और दो मौजूदा लाइनें (11 और 14) का विस्तार किया जाएगा।

डेक्सट्रा अपने स्थानीय वितरक भागीदारों के माध्यम से कई स्टेशनों के पैकेजों में शामिल रहा है। विशेष रूप से लाइन 14 पर, डेक्सट्रा ने ऑर्से और पोंट कार्डिनेट के स्टेशनों में फोर्टेक रीबार कप्लर्स की आपूर्ति की।

पेरिस के उत्तर में मेट्रो लाइन 4 और भविष्य की लाइन 15 के क्रॉसिंग पर स्थित बैगनेक्स स्टेशन के लिए, डेक्सट्रा ने अपने एएसटीईसी एक्टिव एंकर की आपूर्ति की।

एएसटीईसी एक्टिव एंकर सबवे स्टेशनों के काम के लिए पसंदीदा समाधान हैं क्योंकि टनल बोरिंग मशीनें और अर्थ-मूविंग उपकरण किसी भी स्तर पर एंकर के एफआरपी टेंडन को आसानी से काट सकते हैं, जिससे एंकर को अविश्वसनीय और महंगा हटाने की आवश्यकता समाप्त हो जाती है। इस परियोजना के लिए परामर्श फर्म सिस्ट्रा द्वारा समाधान को मंजूरी दी गई थी।

मध्य पूर्व में कई सफल परियोजनाओं के बाद, यह पहली बार था जब ASTEC एक्टिव एंकर (एक हालिया डेक्सट्रा नवाचार) यूरोप में स्थापित किया गया था।

Orhideea Towers, Romania

Orhideea Towers, Romania

Orhideea Towers is a double-tower office complex located in the western part of Bucharest. The towers stand 85 meters (17 floors) and 64 meters (13 floors) tall, respectively, and are connected by a sky bridge.

For this project, Dextra supplied its फोर्टेक rebar coupler solution. The फोर्टेक system consists of a standard rebar coupler, used for both standard and positional applications, connected to two rebar ends that have been enlarged and threaded. फोर्टेक is particularly suitable for seismic environments, making it ideal for buildings in the Bucharest area.

Fortec couplers were used for all reinforcement connections in the heavily reinforced foundation mat (1.5 meters thick). Their compact design eliminates the need for overlapping rebar in congested areas, simplifying installation.

Additionally, फोर्टेक couplers facilitated temporary openings, allowing workers and equipment to move through the reinforcement. Before casting, continuation bars were simply connected to the couplers, closing the temporary openings.

Trinity Tower La Défense, France

ट्रिनिटी टॉवर ला डिफेंस

The Trinity Tower, located in the business district of La Défense, west of Paris, is a new 33-floor, 140-meter-high office tower that will feature over 52,000 square meters of office space.

The project aims to create both social and environmental impact by adding large outdoor public spaces that reconnect areas previously separated by roads. It will also feature green spaces, a rooftop area, and open facades, and it will achieve LEED certification.

For this project, Dextra supplied over 18,000 फोर्टेक rebar connections through its French distributor, SNAAM Vernon.

Rebar couplers help accelerate construction by providing a fast and safe way to connect rebars—whether one bar at a time, in bundles, or as preassembled cages. Bundles and cages can be assembled off-site and simply reconnected using couplers upon arrival at their final location.

फ़्रांस में सरिया स्प्लिसिंग समाधान की उपलब्धता के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया हमसे संपर्क करें पेरिस कार्यालय.