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FibreCraft Insights Video: Episode 2.2 Now Launched

Dextra is excited to announce the launch of its new FibreCraft Insights video series, featuring Pierre Hofmann, General Manager of Geotec, alongside Bhargav Jog, Business Development Manager. This series aims to provide valuable insights into Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) and its applications.

  • In the first episode, “GFRP Demystified,” viewers are introduced to the basics and benefits of GFRP materials. This episode lays a solid foundation for understanding the material’s potential and how it can be utilized in various industries.
  • The second episode, “Unlocking the Technical Marvel,” delves into the key mechanical properties of GFRP. Pierre Hofmann and Bhargav Jog explore the technical aspects that make GFRP a remarkable material for innovative engineering solutions.

Stay tuned for more episodes of FibreCraft Insights, which will continue to uncover the advantages and applications of GFRP. You can watch the series on our website, YouTube channel, and LinkedIn.

Unveiling Durabar Carpet – The Future of Construction Versatility

Dextra is thrilled to announce the launch of the Durabar Carpet, the latest in our line of cutting-edge construction solutions. Crafted from our patented Durabar GFRP rebar, this innovative product is set to revolutionize the construction industry with its unmatched versatility and efficiency.

A New Era in Construction

The Durabar Carpet stands out not only for its robust design but also for its adaptability across various construction projects.

The real game-changer, however, lies in its ability to be effortlessly cut in any direction, allowing for precise adjustments and minimizing material waste. This feature is particularly beneficial in complex projects where customization is key.

Key Features:

  • Bar Diameter: Available in sizes ranging from Ø 6mm to Ø 16mm.
  • Standard Length: 5.8 meters, perfect for most applications.
  • Custom Lengths: Tailor the product to your needs with lengths available from 2 meters to 5.8 meters.
  • Flexible Spacing: Select spacing from 100mm to 600mm, offering maximum design freedom.

Whether you’re working on a large-scale infrastructure project or a bespoke architectural design, the Durabar Carpet offers the flexibility and performance you need.

Why Choose Durabar Carpet?

The advantages of using Durabar Carpet in construction projects are clear. Not only does it simplify logistics and reduce waste, but it also provides engineers and builders with the freedom to customize their approach to reinforcement. The product’s ability to adapt to various requirements makes it an indispensable tool in modern construction.

As the construction industry continues to evolve, Dextra remains at the forefront, delivering innovative solutions that address the needs of today’s builders. The Durabar Carpet is more than just a product – it’s a testament to Dextra’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in construction.

Experience the future of construction with Durabar Carpet.

For more information, learn more about Durabar or contact us today.

Dextra and Arkema Forge Partnership to Revolutionize Composite Solutions

Arkema, a titan in specialty materials with a robust focus on sustainable innovations, has joined forces with Dextra Group, a pioneer in the construction industry known for its cutting-edge Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) solutions, to unleash groundbreaking composite fiber solutions. This collaboration is set to redefine industry standards, leveraging Arkema’s acclaimed Elium thermoplastic resin and Dextra’s innovative FRP rebar to deliver unique, high-performance materials focused on sustainability and efficiency in construction.

The partnership marks a visionary step towards the future of construction materials, positioning both Arkema and Dextra Group at the forefront of technological acceleration in the composites sector. Through this initiative, they aim to drive the adoption of composite material in construction, emphasizing innovative solutions, sustainability, and the superior qualities of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer, thus setting a new benchmark for quality and innovation in the industry.

Dextra’s innovative FRP rebar, combined with Arkema’s Elium® resin, presented at JEC World 2024, encapsulates the essence of this partnership, highlighting Dextra’s leadership in GFRP innovation for the construction industry.

Overview of Arkema and Dextra Group’s Collaboration

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Arkema, a global leader in specialty chemicals, has joined forces with Dextra Group, a trailblazer in the construction industry. This partnership is set to revolutionize the construction sector with the introduction of innovative composite solutions. Below are the key aspects of this collaboration:

  • Arkema’s Contribution:
    • Leveraging its expertise in specialty materials, Arkema brings to the table its pioneering Elium® thermoplastic resin, known for its exceptional performance in enhancing the strength and durability of composites.
  • Dextra Group’s Role:
    • Operating in over 55 countries, Dextra Group’s expertise in engineered steel and fibre-reinforced polymer construction products sets a solid foundation for this collaboration. The focus on sustainability is evident through Dextra’s introduction of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for their products, showcasing a shared vision for a greener future.

This collaboration not only underscores the commitment of both organizations to pioneering sustainable, high-performance materials but also sets Dextra apart as a leader in GFRP innovation within the construction sector.

Arkema’s Elium Thermoplastic Resin and Dextra’s FRP Rebars

At the heart of the collaboration between Arkema and Dextra Group lies the integration of Arkema’s Elium® thermoplastic resin with Dextra’s innovative FRP rebars, setting a new standard in the construction industry for composite fiber solutions. This partnership leverages the unique properties of Elium® resin, including:

  • Hot Bending on Site: Elium® resin allows for the hot bending of FRP rebars directly on construction sites, offering unparalleled flexibility and cost-efficiency. This feature is a game-changer, simplifying logistics and enabling more complex architectural designs.
  • Sustainable and High Performance: This new generation of resin can be made with up to 92% recycled material. At the end of the products lifetime (120+ Years), it can be broken down to separate the resin and fiber elements. This allows the resin to be recycled and reused while the fiber can be upcycled to be used as reinforcement in asphalt and concrete.

Arkema’s collaboration with Dextra to develop bendable reinforcements using Elium® resin further underscores the innovative spirit of this partnership. This endeavor not only makes reinforcements more flexible but also enhances their resistance properties, longevity, and aesthetic appeal, mirroring natural stone.

Through this collaboration, Dextra Group is positioned as a leader in GFRP innovation, differentiating itself from other producers by harnessing the unique benefits of Arkema’s Elium® resin and its unique manufacturing process.


Reconstruction de la station marégraphique Tai Po Kau, Hong Kong


Reconstruction de la station marégraphique Tai Po Kau, Hong Kong


Dans le paysage côtier dynamique de Tai Po Kau, dans les Nouveaux Territoires de Hong Kong, les projets d'infrastructure exigent des solutions robustes et résilientes. L'un de ces projets, le projet de reconstruction de la station marégraphique de Tai Po Kau, nécessitait des matériaux innovants pour résister aux défis uniques posés par son environnement. Dextra est intervenu pour fournir environ 1 000 mètres de Barre d'armature en polymère renforcé de fibre de verre (GFRP) pour la fondation du quai du ferry, démontrant l'efficacité des matériaux composites avancés dans la construction marine.

Le projet de station marégraphique Tai Po Kau visait à revitaliser l'infrastructure existante, en renforçant sa résilience contre les forces de marée, la corrosion et la dégradation de l'environnement. Conscient des limites du renforcement traditionnel en acier dans les environnements marins, le projet a recherché des alternatives susceptibles d'offrir une durabilité et une longévité supérieures. Dextra Barres d'armature en PRV est apparu comme la solution idéale, offrant une résistance exceptionnelle à la corrosion, à la rouille et à la dégradation chimique généralement associée à l'exposition à l'eau salée.

Barres d'armature en PRV, composé de fibres de verre à haute résistance incorporées dans une matrice polymère, offre des propriétés mécaniques comparables à celles de l'acier mais avec des avantages supplémentaires. Notamment, Barres d'armature en PRV présente une conductivité thermique nettement inférieure, réduisant le risque de ponts thermiques et améliorant l'intégrité structurelle dans des variations extrêmes de température. De plus, ses propriétés non magnétiques éliminent les interférences électromagnétiques, ce qui le rend adapté aux applications sensibles telles que les stations marégraphiques.

L'application de Barres d'armature en PRV Le projet de station de jaugeage de marée Tai Po Kau comprenait à la fois des barres droites et courbées, répondant aux diverses exigences structurelles du quai du ferry. L'expertise de Dextra en matière de fabrication sur mesure a assuré un cintrage et un façonnage précis des barres d'armature pour s'adapter aux géométries complexes de la structure des piles, facilitant ainsi une intégration transparente et minimisant les complexités de construction.


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