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A66 Salzbachtal Bridge, Germany


A66 Salzbachtal Bridge, Germany


The A66 Salzbachtal Bridge, located in Wiesbaden, Hesse, is a 304-meter-long, four-lane motorway bridge on the A66. Originally constructed in the mid-20th century, the bridge has been subject to wear and tear due to increasing traffic loads and aging infrastructure.

Foundation piles are fundamental to the stability and longevity of bridge structures. Ensuring their integrity is crucial to preventing potential structural failures. Création played a pivotal role by supplying approximately 10,000 linear meters of Sonitec CSL (Cross Sonic Logging) tubes.

Sonic tubes are essential components in the CSL testing method, which is widely regarded as one of the most reliable techniques for assessing deep foundation integrity. Sonitec, designed for easy installation within the reinforcement cage, facilitates accurate cross-hole sonic logging, allowing engineers to precisely detect and locate defects within the piles.


(Image credit: PORR Deutschland, Wilhelm Schütz)

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