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Tension Rods & PT Bars EPD Verified

Dextra’s tension rods et post-tensioning bars are now EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) verified and officially listed on the EPD Hub website! This recognition highlights our commitment to environmental performance and sustainable solutions.

Our previously approved solutions include:

✅ Coupleurs de barres d'armature

✅ GFRP Rebars

✅ Barres de liaison marines

✅ Steel Ground Anchors

✅ Steel Self-Drilling Rock-Bolts

✅ Steel Combination Bolts

✅ Sonitec

Stay tuned as we work on EPDs for even more of our solutions!

EPD Report for Tension Rods

EPD Report for Tension Rods

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EPD Report for Post-Tensioning Bars

EPD Report for Post-Tensioning Bars

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Sonitec EPD Report Published

Sonitec, a crosshole sonic logging (CSL) tube for concrete structure integrity testing solution from Dextra, now has an EPD (Environmental Product Declarations) report and officially listed on the EPD Hub website!

Our previously approved solutions include:

✅ Coupleurs de barres d'armature

✅ GFRP Rebars

✅ Barres de liaison marines

✅ Steel Ground Anchors

✅ Steel Self-Drilling Rock-Bolts

✅ Steel Combination Bolts

Stay tuned as we work on EPDs for even more of our solutions!

EPD Report for Sonitec

EPD Report for Sonitec

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Breaking Ground: GEOTEC Joins Sustainability Drive with EPDs!

We are proud to share the latest addition to our sustainability journey: EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) for GEOTEC are here! Check out our geotechnical products now officially published on the EPD Hub website:

This another accomplishment builds on our commitment to eco-conscious construction, following EPDs for rebar couplers, GFRP rebar, and marine tie bars. Our dedication doesn’t stop there – stay tuned as we work on EPDs for more of our solutions!

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Ground Anchor

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Ground Anchor

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EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Self-Drilling Rock-Bolt

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Self-Drilling Rock-Bolt

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EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Combination Bolt

EPD Report for GEOTEC Steel Combination Bolt

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Faire avancer le développement durable : présente les EPD pour les barres de liaison marines


Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer le dernier ajout à notre parcours de développement durable : les EPD pour les barres de liaison marines !

Cette réalisation fait suite à nos progrès en matière de construction respectueuse de l'environnement avec les EPD (Déclarations environnementales de produits) pour les coupleurs de barres d'armature et les barres d'armature GFRP. Notre engagement se poursuit alors que nous nous préparons à introduire des EPD pour nos autres systèmes de barres techniques et des solutions supplémentaires. Restez à l’écoute alors que nous continuons à ouvrir la voie à un avenir plus vert et plus durable dans le secteur de la construction !


EPD Report for Dextra Marine Tie Bars

Rapport EPD pour les barres d'attache Dextra Marine

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